#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 10


I was angrily shoving things into my leather duffle bag when I sensed Zale behind me.

“What?” I snapped without turning around.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

I whipped around to glare at him, but my attitude changed the second my eyes landed on his body. Zale was leaning against the door jam of my bedroom, his arms crossed over his broad chest and his head cocked to the side. His chiseled face and stern eyes were glued on me, his eyebrows arched as he stared me down curiously.

Hot damn.

“Adira?” His soft voice cut through my staring.

“I’m fine.” I mumbled, turning back towards my bag.

“What are you doing?” Zale’s footsteps echoed off the hardwood floor as he approached me.

“Packing,” I grumbled, “What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Your brother….” Zale began, but I shot him a look and he snapped his mouth shut,

“I know what my brother is doing. He’s an ass, but he’s an ass that means well.” I said,

“And you’re packing for…..” His voice trailed off and I rolled my eyes.

“Am I supposed to invite myself back to your pod?” I cocked an eyebrow at him and he smirked.

“Absolutely not,” He stepped up to me and took my hand, moving me away from the edge of my bed to face him, “Adira Sparrow, would you please accompany me back to the House of Ohlson?”

Well, that was one hell of an invitation.

I squirmed under his heated gaze, flinching as his intense eyes looked deep into mine. His fingers pressed into my back as he wrapped his arm around my body. With the weight of his gaze and his hand against my back, I felt myself beginning to swoon.

“I guess I have no choice now that my brother kicked me out.” I covered up my reaction with an attitude.

Zale’s face turned up into a crooked smirk that made his eyes twinkle.

“Oh, I don’t know, I’m sure a woman like you has many choices.” Zale winked at me, leaning down so our eyes were nearly level.

“Do you want me to say no?” I whispered and Zale chuckled, pulling back slightly,

“I’ll beg if you want me to.” He offered and I felt my face growing red at the idea of Zale Ohlson on his knees.

“I expect to have my own room.” I said, changing to topic.

I wiggled free of Zale’s grip and he let me, allowing me to turn back around to face the bed so I could continue to pack. I felt him against my back, heat pouring from his body and I resisted the urge to push myself back into his chest.

“Whatever you need, Kyrre,” He purred, “Although, you don’t really need to pack anything.”

“What?” I looked at him from over my shoulder.

“I’ll get you whatever you need. You don’t need to pack any clothes.” He said, shrugging.

“What if I like my clothes?” I argued, but really I was just daydreaming about not wearing any clothes around Zale.

I felt Zale lean down and then his breath was blowing against my ear,

“Whatever you need, Kyrre.” He whispered again.

I froze for a second until Zale’s low chuckle vibrated through my core and he moved away from me.

“Do you need help?” He asked casually.

I shoved down my desire and covered it up with irritation. Zipping up the leather bag, I threw it over my shoulder and reached for my bow.

“Let me help.” Zale said as he reached down to grab my bow.

“How can you do that?” I snatched the bow from his hand possessively and looked at him accusingly.

“Do what?” He looked puzzled.

“My bow and arrows are enchanted, so when I’m not using them, no one can see them. You shouldn’t be able to see it. Not here and not during the battle when you retrieved them from that flower pot.” I said,

Zale shrugged and looked pointedly at the bow,

“Well, I can see it and the arrows,” He nodded towards the quiver still laying on the bed, “Maybe it’s a mate thing.”

“No, it’s not.” I shook my head.

“A dragon thing, then?” He suggested again, “Does it worry you?”

I studied him for a minute before sighing loudly and tossing the leather bag right into his chest. He huffed and wrapped his arm around the bloated bag.

“Just take the bag and let’s go.” I grumbled, slinging the bow and quiver over my shoulder and stomping out of the room.

I nearly plowed right into Balin in my haste to make it down the hallway.

Oof!” He gasped dramatically, grabbing a hold of my forearms to steady me, “Watch where you’re going there, princess.”

I glared harshly at him,

“Don’t call me that.” I snapped.

I heard Zale come up behind me chuckling, but I ignored him. Balin grinned widely at me,

“As you wish, my Lady.” He released my arms and bowed deeply before me.

I rammed my shoulder into his side, causing him to lose his balance and nearly fall down the steps. Zale started laughing harder as I jogged down the stairs.

“Addie?” Silver was startled by my quick descent of the stairs, blinking up at me from where she had just entered the packhouse’s front door.

“Hey, Silver. This is Chieftain Zale and his Guardian, Balin.” I quickly introduced the two dragons behind me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chieftain.” Silver bowed her head in respect, but Zale shook his head and offered her his hand instead,

“The pleasure is all mine. Please, call me Zale.”

“I’m Slyvia Banks.” Silver introduced herself.

“A friend of Adira’s?” Zale questioned, cocking an eyebrow as he looked between us.

“Her best friend.” Silver smiled proudly.

“Silver’s Dad was the Beta to my parents so we were all raised together. We lost him in the first rogue attack as well.” I explained.

Zale frowned and his eyes turned sad as he looked back at Silver,

“I’m so sorry for your loss.” He said genuinely.

“Thank you.” Silver nodded her head softly.

“You said your name was Slyvia?” Zale looked between the two of us again.

Silver laughed,

“Addie couldn’t say Slyvia as a child, it always came out as Silver and the nickname just stuck.” She smiled fondly at me and I returned it.

“Well, any friend of Adria’s is a friend of the pod, so you’re welcome anytime.” Zale said,

Silver looked between us with a sly smirk.

“And why is that?” She teased me in a sing-song voice.

I sighed loudly at her,

“Don’t act like Aidian hasn’t already filled you in on the gossip.” I scoffed.

“Yes, well, the real question is, why didn’t you tell me?” She crossed her arms and looked at me accusingly.

“I’ve been a little busy, if you haven’t noticed.” I grumbled.

“You’re going to his pod?” She asked, completely ignoring my sarcasm.

“I am.” I replied simply.

“I’m going to miss you.” Silver said, shuffling towards me.

I had been ignoring this moment the entire day. Honestly, I figured that I would be able to put off moving to the pod and saying my goodbyes for a few days at least. I hadn’t expected my brother to practically kick me out of the pack.

“I’m just down the street, Silver.” I acted like she was making a fuss over nothing, but in reality, I was just as upset as she was.

Silver rolled her eyes at me and pulled me in for a tight hug.

“I know and it’s closer than you’ve been in years. Just promise you won’t be a stranger, okay?” She whispered and I nodded, fighting back the tears that pricked my eyes.

“I promise,” I mumbled, “Anyway, I’m sure Marcy is going to need some more pep talks in the near future.” I joked and Silver’s shoulders shook as she laughed.

She pulled away and grinned at me,

“That’s true.”

“And you’ll keep my brother safe, yeah?” I said, more seriously.

“Of course, it’s my sworn duty.” She nodded sternly.

“You’re the Beta now?” Zale interrupted our moment and Silver nodded, looking at him from over my shoulder.

“I am.”

“Slyvia!” A voice wailed through the packhouse.

Silver grumbled loudly and rolled her eyes, stepping around me as she prepared to welcome the intruder. Screeching down the hallway came an identical version of Silver, only shorter and younger.

Hollie Banks, Silver’s 24 year-old sister. The two sisters couldn’t’ve been more different. Where Silver was a badass warrior, a fighter, and a Beta, Hollie was a quiet, studious, teacher who adored her job and children.

“You okay, Hollie?” Silver sighed, her sister was ever the drama queen.

“Yes, but Mom…..” Her voice caught in her throat as a low growl shuttered the packhouse.

Zale’s arms snaked around my middle as he physically lifted me from the ground and moved me behind his body. I glared at his back and shifted so I could see around him. Balin’s eyes were bright red, his expression on high alert and his body was on the defensive. But, that wasn’t what alarmed me. No, what worried me was the fact that everything about him was focused solely on Hollie.

The low rumble in his chest turned into a loud, dangerous growl. Hollie jumped and made a tiny squeaking sound that set Balin off. His entire body relaxed and he was in front of Hollie in a second, scanning her body for injuries.

“Get away from her.” Silver wrapped her hand around Hollie’s arm, ready to snatch her away as she spoke in warning to Balin.

He snarled at her and that’s when Zale jumped in.

“Balin, calm down, get your beast under control,” He spoke calmly, but sternly to his Guardian, placing a hand on his shoulder, “It’s alright, he won’t hurt you. Hollie, was it?” Zale spoke softly to Hollie.

She nodded.

“She’s my sister.” Silver spoke defensively.

“She’s also Balin’s mate.” Zale stated, confirming everyone’s suspicions.

“I don’t care if he’s the damn King, he needs to get himself under control if he wants to be around my sister.” Silver snapped.

Balin’s eyes snapped towards Silver and he looked murderous.

“You won’t keep me from my mate.” Balin spoke in a low, gravelly tone.

“P…please.” Hollie’s voice came out as a pathetic little whisper, immediately gaining Balin’s attention.

His face softened as he looked upon his mate and he smiled at her,

“I won’t hurt you, sweetheart, I promise. I would never dream of it. I just want to keep you safe now that I’ve found you.” He spoke warmly to her.

“Hollie?” I moved around Zale who kept his eyes locked on me the entire time, “You’re okay.”

I gave Balin the side eye as I moved to Hollie’s side and took her hand. Balin wouldn’t dare to move against me, so he stayed frozen in his spot, watching us carefully.

“I…I don’t know, Addie.” She whispered.

“Zale’s my mate, the Chieftain,” I said, looking at Zale from over my shoulder, “And Balin in his Guardian. He won’t hurt you, I can promise you that.” I said,

“B..Balin?” She muttered his name and I saw Balin’s entire face light up.

“Yes, sweetheart, that’s my name.” Balin purred.

“I was just getting ready to leave with Zale and Balin to go back to their pod. Would you like to come with us?” I asked, earning a glare from Silver.

“I don’t know….” Silver started to argue.

“You’ll be there?” Hollie interrupted her sister.

“Of course.” I smiled encouragingly.

Hollie looked at Balin who was lingering behind me for a long moment before her eyes found Silver.

“He’s my mate, I want to go.” Hollie said, pushing her chin out stubbornly.

Silver looked irritated, but one glare from me had her sighing in defeat.

“Fine, but you stay by Addie and don’t do anything stupid,” Silver snapped, “And you keep my sister safe as I keep your brother safe.” She jabbed her finger at me.

“I swear.” I nodded.

Silver forcefully hugged Hollie, glaring at Balin from over her shoulder, before releasing Hollie and stomping away.

“You go pack, we’ll wait for you.” I told Hollie.

“Would you like some help?” Balin asked.

Hollie looked at Balin and then at me.

“It’s up to you.” I shrugged.

Finally, she nodded at Balin and showed him the way to her room on the second floor of the packhouse.

“I see why you and Sylvia are friends.” Zale chuckled at me and I turned around to face him.

“What does that mean?” I nearly snapped.

“Just that her reactions are the same as yours,” He shrugged, stepping up to me, “I’m glad that you’re coming home.” His voice changed as he gently caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

“Just don’t forget our deal.” I warned him in the strongest voice that I could manage.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it, Kyrre.” His crooked smile was back and it sent butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

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