#13 The Dragon King and his Werewolf Princess

Chapter 8 River

I mumbled something in my sleep and it woke me up, startling me from a dream I couldn’t remember. I groaned and rolled my head across the pillow, blinking as I looked around the room. My eyes landed on a pair of piercing blue orbs.

“I hope I didn’t wake you.” The dark man, King Calix, mumbled in a gruff voice from his chair.

Calix leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped together between his legs.

“No.” I shook my head, wincing at my hoarse throat.

Calix reached across and grabbed an ice chip from the table, dropping it in my hand.

“Thanks.” I croaked.

“How are you feeling?” Calix asked, cocking his head to the side.

I stretched out my body, wiggling my toes and fingers to test out my muscles. I swallowed hard and licked my lips.

“Better, I think.” I said, proud that I could string a real sentence together.

“Good, that’s good,” Calix nodded, “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to have Dr. Monroe come in to take a look at your injuries. She can bring another saline and vitamin IV bag.” He said,

I glanced up and noticed that the two bags that were hanging on the IV pole were wrinkled and dry.

“Okay,” I agreed, “Lavender will heal me.” I replied in a strained voice.

“Yes, but I’d like to have some reassurances until then.” Calix said and I nodded.

He stood and opened the door, seconds later the doctor strolled in. I swear, the man didn’t have to speak an audible word in order to command his people. I wondered if they had mindlink like werewolves.

“Hello, Miss…..” Dr. Monroe’s voice trailed off.

“Storm.” I mumbled.

“Miss. Storm. Or, do you prefer Princess?” She asked.

“River.” I corrected her.

She glanced towards Calix who nodded once.

“Very well, River. Would you like to put a gown on so I can inspect your injuries?” She asked.

“I’ll excuse myself.” Calix said,

I started to panic, scooching up on the bed and moving to the complete other side in order to get away from Dr. Monroe’s approaching hands.

Erm….your highness….” Dr. Monroe froze and looked sideways at Calix.

He turned back around and noticed my fear.

“Do you want me to get Vix? She can sit in with you.” Calix offered.

I shook my head, pulling the quilt up to my chin.

“Uhm,” Calix looked out of his element, “I can stay.”

I locked eyes with his and, for whatever reason, felt myself relax. Lavender started purring in my head, but she wouldn’t tell me why. I nodded. Calix looked around the room like he was trying to find the answers to a complex problem, before wiping his hands on his dress pants and sitting back down.

“Miss. Storm?” Dr. Monroe looked at me expectantly.

I moved back across the bed and pulled down the blanket, nodding at the doctor. Dr. Monroe crouched down so she was eye level with me and inspected my face. She pulled out a penlight and shined it in both my eyes, gingerly touching the side of my face with her gloved hand. I winced as her finger glazed across my black and blue eye. Hearing a low growl from behind Dr. Monroe, I glanced towards Calix to see that his eyes were glowing red.

Dr. Monroe’s fingers continued to probe my swollen cheek, down to my split lip. I flinched back and Calix’s growls increased.

“Your cheekbone is definitely bruised, possibly broken. Your eye socket and nose seem to be alright. Your lip is bruised and split. I can clean this cut and put some antibiotic ointment on it.” Dr. Monroe said as she pulled out a cotton swab and some sort of paste.

I studied Calix’s face closely, trying to figure out what had him so pissed off. The orange and red eyes were interesting, intriguing, even. Maybe they should have been terrifying, but they weren’t. I guessed it was his dragon coming forward, although I had no idea why.

Dr. Monroe gently rolled the damp swab across my lip, cleaning away the dried blood, before dabbing some of the thick white paste on the swab and applying it to my wound. I winced and whimpered, closing my eyes against the pain.

“Your highness!” Dr. Monroe’s high pitched voice caused my eyes to snap open.

Calix had a hold of Dr. Monroe, her back pressed against the wall and as far away from me as possible.

“You’re hurting her!” Calix growled.

“I’m just trying to….” Her voice trembled, but Calix cut her off,


“Calix!” Vix entered the room loudly, glaring at her brother, “You need to get in control.”

Calix continued to glare and snarl at the doctor.

“Calix! Look at her!” Vix shouted, pointing at me.

I blinked in shock, shrinking away from her gesture. Calix’s cool glare moved away from Dr. Monroe and towards me. I flinched again, hating myself for feeling so weak and afraid of the dark man scowling at me.

Then, his face softened. His eyes returned to blue. He released the doctor and she scurried away from him.

“Continue with your exam, Dr. Monroe.” Vix said, moving closer to Calix.

Magnor entered the room then, hovering in the doorway like a shadow. Dr. Monroe sighed and straightened her outfit, like she was used to Calix’s displays of violence. She came back towards me and smiled politely,

“May I?” She asked and I relaxed again, allowing Dr. Monroe to move closer, “Where does it hurt?”

“My side.” I said, motioning towards my ribs.

Dr. Monroe carefully lifted my shirt so she could examine my left side, and then my right. I was covered in deep purple bruises. I heard Calix growl again, but one hard look from Vix cut off the dangerous sound. Dr. Monroe didn’t even flinch.

“Definitely some broken ribs. I can apply some tape to help with the healing process.” Dr. Monroe said,

“My wolf….she’ll heal me.” I gasped as she touched my tender side.

“Until then.” Dr. Monroe said, pulling out some blue tape.

She looked at me expectantly and I finally nodded, giving her permission.

“You need to tell her.” I heard Vix mumble.

“Tell me what?” I demanded, looking around Dr. Monroe to glare at the two whispering siblings.

Vix looked at me with wide eyes,

“Add heightened hearing to the list.” She laughed.

“Is your wolf starting to come back?” Calix asked, his eyes pinching together in curiosity.

“Slowly.” I said,

Calix studied me for a minute and then looked around the room,

“Everyone out.” He ordered.

The others bowed their heads and left silently.

“Tell me what?” I repeated.

“Forgive me, I’m not trying to be aloof, I was just hoping your wolf would wake and be able to tell you herself.” Calix sighed, sitting down in the chair again.

“Why did you get so angry….” I swallowed hard, “With the doctor?”

“She was causing you harm, even if she didn’t mean to.” Calix answered.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. That didn’t really answer my question.

“I can’t stand to see you in pain. I can’t stand to see you harmed. I am destroyed by rage and disgusted that I put you in this condition, that you’ve been harmed in my care, in my own castle. I’m outraged with myself.” Calix went on to say, his eyes flashing red again.

“Your eyes?” I asked.

Calix closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, then opened his clear, icy blue pools.

“My dragon comes forward whenever I get emotional. It’s even more alive around you.” Calix said,

“Why?” I snapped, my tone growing irritated.

Calix released another heavy sigh,

“River,” He paused when he said my name, looking about half surprised at the sound of it, “You’re….”

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