#13 The Dragon King and his Werewolf Princess

Chapter 31 Calix

Early the next morning, there was a knock on the cabin door, startling me from my sleep. I looked around the room anxiously until my eyes settled on the sleeping beauty in my lap. I instantly relaxed as I realized where I was. I ran my hands through her hair and gently moved her off my lap, laying her down on one of the couch pillows, before dragging myself across the room adn opening the front door. Grier was standing on the other side.

“What?” I grumbled in annoyance.

“Sorry to bother you, but Mag linked me and said there was an issue at the castle.” Grier frowned.

“An issue he can’t deal with on his own?” I asked.

“It’s uhm….well, yes.” Grier looked uncomfortable.

“Just spit it out, Grier.” I snapped.

“It’s Revena.” He forced out of his tense jaw, practically yelling at me.

I blinked in shock, momentarily stunned by his confession.

“Excuse me?” I must’ve heard him wrong.

“Revena is at the castle, she’s demanding to see you.” Grier sighed.

Well that just can’t be right, Revena was exiled. She wouldn’t be stupid enough to return.

“She was exiled.” I stated plainly.

“Yes, I remember, I was there.” Grier nodded.

“She was exiled here, to the Snow Cap region. She’s not in the Royal City.” I was in denial.

“According to Magnor, she is.” Grier said,

“Why?” I grunted.

“I don’t know. She’s refusing to tell Magnor anything, she’s just demanding to speak with you.”

“Put her in the Tower,” I ordered, then thought better of it, “With proper conditions.” I added.

“That’s more than she deserves.” Grier grumbled.

“I know, but I don’t want….” I glanced over my shoulder at my sleeping mate and Grier nodded in understanding,

“She’ll be cared for, but locked up.” Grier confirmed and I nodded once,

“We’ll leave later today, when River is ready.” I wasn’t about to inconvenience my mate over that woman.

“We’ll be ready when you both are,” Grier said, half turned he added, “Nice mark by the way.” He smirked.

I touched my neck and winced at the tender area under my ear. I hadn’t even had a chance to look at it. I just rolled my eyes at Grier and shut the door in his face before walking into the bathroom. I craned my neck to examine my new mark in the mirror. It was a wolf with a small heart tattooed on its hindleg and a crown hovering over its head, just like my mark on River’s neck. I wore a wolf and she wore a dragon, perfectly fitting for our bond.

Since I was already in the bathroom, I turned on the shower and stripped out of my boxers. Once the water was warm, I stepped under the waterfall shower head and closed my eyes, letting the hot water sooth my muscles. I had just finished rinsing off the soap when I heard noise coming from outside the bathroom.

“Calix?” River’s sweet voice entered the room as she cracked the bathroom door.

“In the shower, love.” I called out.

“Oh, sorry.” She mumbled.

I peeked my head out from the shower curtain and grinned at her,

“I told you before, mon p’tit bout, don’t ever apologize for being where I am.”

River’s cheeks turned red with an adorable blush,

“Care to join?” I chuckled as her blush deepened, “River?”

She gnawed on her bottom lip, eyeing the shower and seeming to be having an eternal struggle with herself. Finally, she sighed and shuffled inside, shutting the door behind me. She had a blanket wrapped around her body, pulling it from her shoulders and setting it gently on the counter. The smile immediately fell from my face and my gaze darkened as I took in her naked body.

Mine.” I growled, wrapping my hand around her waist and yanking her into the shower.

She giggled at my roughness and put her hands on my chest to steady herself. I nuzzled my face into her neck and placed an open mouth kiss on her mark, causing her to shutter against my body.

“I love you so much, my Queen.” I whispered against her skin.

“I love you, too, my King.” She whispered back in a haze and I felt myself immediately being turned on at the sound of her sexy voice.

“You kill my resolve, mon p’tit bout. I used to have so much more self control than this.” I groaned into her neck.

She laughed and it was music to my ears. I pulled away from her neck and placed a steamy kiss on her lips, pushing her back against the shower wall and letting the water shower over us both. She ran her hands down my chest, following the curves of my stomach and my hips until her petite fingers were brushing against my member.

I growled low in my chest, gripping her hips and keeping her pressed against my body.

“I’m sorry, is this affecting your self control?” She asked in a teasing voice, her sparkling eyes glued to mine.

I shook my head at her,

“You’re dangerous.” I said before wrapping my arms around her waist and hoisting her up.

She shrieked and instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist as I pressed her back against the wall again. She wrapped her arms around my waist and tangled her fingers in my hair, dropping her head down on my shoulder and kissing my wet skin. I had my face buried in her breasts as I adjusted myself at her entrance. Her nails dug into my skin painfully and I knew she wanted me as badly as I wanted her.

She released a moan as I pushed myself inside her, pounding into her as we both chased our highs together. She cried out my name and shuttered against me, her core clutching around my member and pushing me right over the edge. I started sucking on her mark and she climaxed alongside me.

She collapsed against my chest in exhaustion and I chuckled, kissing her cheek as I shut off the water and carried her out of the shower. I wrapped the blanket around her again and laid her back on the couch, feeding the fire and then leaving to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of lounge pants and a loose fitting V-neck before returning to my mate in the living room.

She rolled over on the sofa and smiled up at me, stretching her arms out above her head. I bent down to kiss her forehead before lifting up her legs and sitting on the couch, placing her legs across my lap.

“How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“How do you think?” She smirked at me.

“I want to hear you say it, mon p’tit bout.” I purred and she rolled her eyes at me,

“Someone’s looking for an ego boost.” She teased, kicking me in the stomach gently with her heel.

I started tickling her feet and she glared at me, not so much as cracking a smile,

“I’m not ticklish.” She grumbled.

“Oh, really?” I cocked an eyebrow before leaning over her body, stuffing my face in her neck, and gently blowing against her mark.

She shivered and goosebumps jumped up all over her body before she shoved me away.

“Okay, fine, you win,” She pouted, “I feel amazing.” She finally answered.

I kissed her nose before sitting up again,

“I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life to have you in my arms and I’m finally at peace.” I declared and she grinned at me,

“You’re so cheesy.” She laughed, but she was blushing.

“But, you love me anyway?” I asked, batting my eyes at her like a puppy dog,

“Obviously.” She huffed, rolling her eyes in false annoyance.

“Good, because I have to tell you something and you’re not going to like it.” I sighed.

Her false announced turned to real concern as she straightened the blanket over herself and eyed me cautiously,

“What?” She asked hesitantly.

“Grier came over this morning to let me know he’d gotten a message from Magnor. We have to go back to the castle today to deal with an issue.” I said,

“An issue?” She cocked her eyebrow.

“Revena, my ex-mate, is there.” I confessed.

River’s eyes narrowed on me and I could practically feel the rage bubbling out of her.

“I thought she was exiled?” River asked, trying to hide her anger.

“She was, she is. I exiled her here, to this region. I don’t know why she’s at the castle, it’s treason for her to be there. I had her put in the Tower, but she won’t answer to Magnor.” I explained in a hurry.

“She wants to talk to you?” A small growl escaped her throat.

“She does, but I don’t care what she wants, River. I swear, she means nothing to me. She means less than nothing.” I picked up her hand and squeezed it in mine.

“What does she want?” She demanded.

“I don’t know, really.” I replied.

River just glared at me.

“If you want to be there when I speak with her, I’m completely okay with that. As my mate and Queen, it’s your right.” I quickly offered.

She took a deep breath and released it, finally nodding,

“I would like that.” She said,

“Then it’s done. River,” I caught her attention, “I love you.”

She sighed again and offered me a small smile,

“I love you.” She said,

“So, we’ll leave whenever you’re ready.” I grabbed her other hand and pulled her up towards me so I could tuck her against my chest.

“I guess I need to get dressed, then.” She mumbled against my shirt.

“I don’t know, you could stand to stay naked a little longer.” I argued, squeezing her tightly.

“We don’t want Grier seeing me naked now do we?” She teased, fighting dirty.

I growled and pulled her away to cup her face,

Mine!” I growled harshly and she chuckled at me, touching my face gently with the palm of her hand,

“Always.” She whispered and my entire world melted away so it was only her.

My River, my Queen, my werewolf princess.

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