#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter Epilogue


“Are you serious? Are. You. Serious!” Nova shrieked, bouncing up and down, “I’m going to be an Auntie again?”

Shhhh! I don’t want them to hear it yet!” I shushed her.

Ahhhh!” Annie whisper-yelled as she hugged me.

“I’m going to go get the kids so you can tell them.” Matti said, running out of the room before I could even respond.

“I’m so excited!” Kori was jumping up and down.

“Woah, chill girl, you’re going to pop out my future Gamma.” I said, putting my hands on Kori’s hand and forcing her to stop jumping.

She was a month away from giving birth to her and Waylon’s first baby, a boy who would be this pack’s future Gamma. Annie and Cam had two boys already, while Ambrose and Matti had a daughter and another one on the way. Callie and Deale were hard at work as she was pregnant with baby number five, Sammy and my brother-in-law Wade had twin girls, and my sister-in-law Nova and her mate Alaska had twin boys.

I was the last one in our group to get pregnant. It’s been five years since I first met my triplet mates and became their Luna and their wife. I graduated with a degree in child psychology and opened up my own practice in D.C. in collaboration with Emerald Inc. I wanted to wait until my practice was off the ground until I allowed my very eager mates to ditch their raincoats. After being on birth control for more than a decade, it was a struggle for me to regulate my hormones and it took us almost two years to get pregnant. I started to get discouraged but my mates never lost hope.

We already had a 21-year-old, a 15-year-old, and a 9-year-old who kept us busy and so in love with our life. I couldn’t wait to tell them that they were about to have a new baby brother or sister. After much deliberation, and after talking thoroughly with the kids, it was agreed upon that our first son would be the heir to the pack. It was actually Tulley who said that she wanted the next Alpha to come from the old Emerald Alpha bloodline and Canyon, even at nine years old, agreed.

“What’s going on, Mom?” Tulley looked confused as she walked into the room with Matti.

“Come here, my babies.” I opened my arms and the three kiddos who made me a mommy came running over to me.

I picked Canyon up and sat him on my lap while Tulley and Maggie sat beside me. It was crazy to think that Maggie was almost the same age that Tulley was when we first brought them into our home.

“Mom has something to tell you all and you have to keep it a secret because daddies don’t know, yet.” I said,

“What is it?” Maggie asked with wide eyes.

“What have Mom, Dad, Papa, and Daddy been trying to do for a while now?” I asked and Tulley started grinning uncontrollably,

“Are you pregnant?” She whispered. I nodded and her and Maggie started to squeal.

“What?” Canyon had huge eyes.

“I’m pregnant with your baby brother or sister.” I explained, putting my hand on my stomach.

“I’m going to finally be a big brother?” Canyon asked with huge blue eyes staring up at me.


Canyon squealed and wrapped his hands around my neck.

“When are you going to tell daddies?” Canyon asked.

“How should we tell them, do you think?” I asked, looking around at my kids.

“Oh, we should make a shirt that says big brother for Canyon.” Maggie suggested.

“I love that idea!” Annie cried from behind us, “I know someone in the pack who can make that today.” And off she went.

“Should we make daddies favorite meals and dress up the backyard for dinner tonight?” I asked.

“I’ll go tell Amanda right now.” Tulley hopped up and was out the door.

I laughed and grabbed Canyon and Maggie’s hands as we followed after her. Luckily, Godric, Gabe, and Griffin were in the city today checking in on their many businesses so we had plenty of time to set up the surprise of their lives.

Tulley, Maggie, and Canyon helped Amanda make each of their Dad’s favorite meals. Spaghetti for Gabe, steak and potatoes for Godric, and chicken parmesan for Griffin. I barely did anything, the kids dressed up the picnic table outside and even draped the trees in string lights so it would remind the brothers of our wedding and my Luna ceremony reception.

Annie showed up just in time with a shirt for Canyon that read, Big Brother in bold, block letters so the brothers cannot possibly miss it. I zipped a sweatshirt up over Canyon’s shirt and they all sat around the table, waiting for their daddies’ arrival.

After what seemed like forever, Godric, Gabe, and Griffin finally arrived back home and were led out to the backyard by my scent. I quickly learned that I could never hide from them so I liked to make it fun by never telling them where I was. It was like a scavenger hunt every single day where they got me at the end of it, so I’d say they make out pretty good every time.

“What’s going on, my love?” Gabriel said, his eyes pinching together.

“Your kiddos wanted to make you all your favorite dinner.” I smiled, giving him a quick kiss before motioning towards the table.

“Wow! What is this?” Godric, who has seriously turned into the biggest lush for his kids, ran towards the table and plopped down in front of his favorite dish, “You made me my favorite!”

“Duh.” Maggie gave him her usual attitude and we all laughed.

“What did we do to deserve this?” Griffin said, kissing my temple as he walked past me and sat at the table.

“You’re just the best daddies and husbands.” I said, taking Gabriel’s hand and guided him down to the table.

I was afraid that the kids would blurt out the secret but now I was more worried about myself. I was giddy with anticipation and my husbands seemed to be eating even slower than normal. Once they were finally finished, it was time for the real surprise.

“Canyon got a new shirt today that he wants to show you.” I said, motioning for Canyon to stand up.

He grinned proudly and pushed the plates out of the way, jumping up to stand on top of the table. I laughed at how eager and proud he was. He unzipped his jacket and fanned it out dramatically.

“Oh, that’s so cool, bu….” Gabe opened his mouth to say something positive, because of course he was going to compliment Canyon’s shirt no matter what, but his words caught in his throat as he read it.

“Big brother?” Godric read it with a puzzled expression.

“Holy shit.” Griffin said, looking at me with huge eyes. I glared at him for cursing in front of the kids.

“Mom’s pregnant!” Maggie finally shouted, no longer able to contain herself.

Her words seemed to finally unlock my mates. They all stood up and literally lifted me from the table, swinging me around in their arms. Once they set me down, all three of their hands wrapped around my stomach.

“You make us happier and happier with each day, my angel.” Griffin sang, ducking down to kiss me sweetly.

“You are everything, just everything.” Godric purred, kissing me in his usual fiery and passionate fashion.

Gabriel cupped my face in his hands and placed one hot kiss on my lips,

“I love you so much.”

And he dropped to his knees, peppering my stomach with kisses.

“And I love you.”

Then he stood and opened his arms for his kids,

“And I love all of you.” He said as they ran in for a hug.

Godric and Griff wrapped their arms around me and pulled me towards Gabe and the kids.

And just like that we were made whole.

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