#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 3


I hated these guys. I was excited about spending the night at the gentleman’s club because it had been a while since I was able to take on the city, but these bastards from Harvest Moon were really killing my mood.

Although I enjoyed the company of other women and looking at the forbidden fruit the human world offered, I would never consider taking a mistress once my Luna was found. I couldn’t imagine the damage and pain that has caused Alpha King’s mate. Just the thought of hurting my mate that way made me feel sick.

I was thinking about siding with Gabe and Griff, and just ditching this joint when the music in the club began to change. I was interested in the dancer called Honey based on the reviews Kingsley was giving her. The room seemed to be buzzing with anticipation of her arrival and that had me curious as well.

My wolf, Quill, started howling and pacing in my head which immediately set me on edge.

“What’s going on?” I asked him, my head on a swivel.

“Mate! Mate! Mate! I can feel her, she’s here!” He howled.

“What? Here?” I had a dreadful thought and my stomach started to churn.

That’s when the scent of warm apple pie filled my senses. I jumped up, nearly flipping the table as I shoved it out of my way. Pushing past my brothers, I freed myself from the booth and started frantically searching.

“Do you sense her, too?” Gabe asked, his eyes black and his nose in the air, “She smells like hot chocolate.” Gabe sighed.

“It’s vanilla cupcakes for me. Mmmmm.” Griffin purred, his eyes going closed.

“Where is she?” I snarled, struggling to keep Quill under control.

“I don’t know.” Griff and Gabe replied in unison.

“Please welcome to the stage, your favorite and ours, Honey!” A deep voice introduced the dancer and everyone began to cheer.

It was like someone lit a match inside my chest and suddenly I was on fire. I ran towards the railing of the loft and looked down over the club. Coming out of the back, escorted by two of the bouncers, was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her long, thick blonde hair was falling down her bare back and shoulders in golden waves. From here I could see her pronounced hazel eyes which swirled between a caramel brown and a forest green. She was short but her curves were delicious.

She was wearing a sparkly blue bikini that left nothing to the imagination. Her plump ass cheeks were strangling the string of her thong and her bountiful breasts were not at all contained by the triangles of fabric that made up the bikini top. I couldn’t stop the dangerous growl that ripped through my chest and neither could my brothers.

The room went quiet and suddenly the wolves from Harvest Moon were in our faces as they tried to restrain the three of us.

“Get out of our way!” Griff snarled, punching Barren in the face.

“This place is packed with humans, you can’t do this here.” King’s voice was low and rushed.

“I don’t care.” I said between clenched teeth, shoving against him.

“Just wait. We’ll get the owner to pull Honey down and take you all to her.” King said and I noticed Gabe stopped fighting.

“He’s right.” Gabe said and I turned my fury on him.

“Mate!” I growled out so loudly that it shook the club.

Gabe stood in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders,

“I know, Ric, but we need to do this right. Everyone here is human, she’s human.” Gabe tried to reason with me. Griffin appeared at my side,

“We can’t scare her.” He muttered and Gabe nodded in agreement. Finally, I calmed down and indicated that I was in control.

“Go. Get her off that stage.” I ordered King, and he took off immediately.

“Let’s go.” Griff said, leading the way down the steps.

By the time we reached the club floor, everyone had already forgotten about the scene we caused and a new girl was on stage. Our mate’s scent was becoming faint so I knew she was no longer in the public eye, which I was grateful for.

“If he doesn’t hurry up I’m going to tear this place apart.” I warned the others. Griff nodded and Gabe put his hand on my shoulder again.

It was my most prominent instinct to keep my mate safe and secure. I was the warrior and protector among the three of us, and that duty extended to our mate and Luna. She was the most important person in the world and her safety was the only thing that mattered now. All I wanted to do at the moment was throw her over my shoulder and take her back to our packhouse where I knew she’d be protected.

“How do we do this with a human?” Griff asked.

“Mother was human, remember how Dad gained her trust?” Gabe said,

“We can gain her trust after she’s in the pack. I don’t care about anything else.” I said, clenching and unclenching my fists.

“She’s not just going to come willingly.” Griff pointed out.

“Her willingness is not a requirement.” I said and noticed how Griff and Gabe enhanced a concerned glance.

“We have to think about this. I’m not saying a human cannot be a good Luna because our mother was, but our mother also had the skills necessary to lead and protect herself. I’m not so sure that the same can be said about her.” Gabe spoke carefully.

“She doesn’t need to be able to protect herself, that’s what I’m for.” I argued.

“Okay, but she does need to be a proper Luna.” Gabe looked irritated.

I realized then that Griff had disappeared. I looked around for him and followed after his scent. Weaving through the club, we ended up in the back rooms which contained the dancers’ dressing rooms and some offices. My mate’s scent was stronger back here.

“Where is she?” I heard Griff growl from somewhere down the hall.

Gabe and I hurried after the sound of his voice. He had a man cornered in what looked like an office. King was standing by the door looking startled.

“I….I….” The human man stammered.

“She’s gone, Alpha Griffin. The bouncers thought she was in danger so they escorted her to her car and she left.” King said,

“What did you just say?” I stormed the office and grabbed King around his throat, lifting him off the ground. He made a choking, gurgling sound and I heard Gabe sigh from behind me.

“Put him down, Ric.” He sounded bored.

“You said you would get her.” I continued to squeeze King’s neck.

“I can give you her file.” The manager said, sounding like he was about ready to piss himself.

“You dare give up the location of one of your dancers? I thought you were supposed to be protecting them!” Griffin shouted.

I threw King to the side and charged towards the manager’s desk. I slammed my fist into the top of it and it cracked in half,

“Where is her file?” I roared.

The manager pointed towards a metal filing cabinet. I pulled open the top drawer and saw that the files were labeled with their stage names. I pulled out the one labeled Honey.

“You are a pathetic excuse for a human. You will resign and ensure that someone who is better equipped to protect the identity of the dancers is hired.” Griff left no room for arguments as he slammed the human against the wall before releasing him.

“What’s her name?” Gabe asked, coming to stand beside me. In seconds, Griff was there, too.

“Harlow Nyx.” I purred her name and I saw my brothers’ eyes turn black.

“Where is she?” Griff snarled and I read off her address.

“Wait,” Gabe grabbed my arm and I growled at him. I would fight my own brother if I had to, to get to my mate, “We need to talk about this.”

“What is there to talk about?” I growled.

“No, he’s right. Ric, you’re going to scare our mate by acting like that and I will not condone your plan of taking her back to the packhouse against her will.” Griff’s eyes narrowed on me.

“I agree that you need to calm down, Ric, however I think we are going to have to bring her back sedated.” Gabe said,

What?” Griff looked pissed.

“She’s our mate and Luna, she must be with us in the packhouse immediately and she will not come willingly. We cannot wait to win her trust as father did.” Gabe’s voice was emotionless but his eyes were as black as night.

“And why not?” Griff’s face hardened.

“Because I’m not as strong as him. Are you? Either of you?” Gabe challenged us both.

“You know my answer.” I grunted.

“We can’t treat her like a prisoner!” Griff argued.

“And we won’t. We’ll sedate her and safely bring her back to the pack. We’ll set her up in her own suite on our floor and work on her trust then.” Gabe reasoned.

“She’ll hate us.” Griff wasn’t backing down.

“Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” I agreed with Gabe.

“But, you need to calm your shit so she knows she’s not in any danger.” Gabe jabbed a finger into my chest.

“Fine, fine.” I held my hands up in surrender.

Griff looked between us and then threw his head back, letting out a horrific growl.

“This is a stupid idea and will blow up in our faces.” He declared but he didn’t argue anymore.

As always, majority rules. That’s the only way three Alpha personalities got anything done.

“Let’s go get our mate.” Gabe said and led the charge out of the club and back to the parking lot.

Our Betas were waiting for us there, confused but ready to help. When we told them it was time to go get their Luna, they were more than on board and jumped into action. As the only female, we asked Griff’s Beta, Callie, to help us approach our mate for the first time. She was about as thrilled with the kidnapping plot as Griffin was, but there was no backing down now.

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