#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 25


“What’s going on?” I yelped as the car came to a screeching halt.

“The pack is under attack. Gabe wants us to stop and stay here until the threat is over.” Nova explained, her eyes dark.

The two SUVs that held our crew zipped into the parking lot of a service station and parked in the back, side by side. The five guard wolves that Gabe sent along piled out of the second SUV and surrounded us, two of them disappeared into the treeline beside the lot and I figured they were shifting and hiding out there.

“Stay in here.” Callie instructed as she climbed out of the car along with Waylon who both stood guard outside of my window.

“What kind of attack?” I asked Nova, Annie, Kori, and Matti who remained in the car with me.

“Rogues.” Matti said and I felt my eyebrow arch upwards.

“Wolves who aren’t a member of any pack.” Kori clarified, sensing my question, “Although, we haven’t had issues with them since the attacks that took Luna Clementine’s parents.”

“What?” I gasped.

“That’s when Alpha Lukas and Luna Clementine met, during the last big rogue attack. The rogues killed a bunch of humans, including Luna Clementine’s parents. Her life was threatened and Alpha Lukas saved her.” Matti explained. Nova nodded, confirming her parents’ story.

“Before that, the last rogue attack killed my grandparents, Dad’s parents, and nearly wiped out the entire pack. Since then, Dad made sure that the pack was trained to handle any and all attacks and my brothers continued that tradition.” Nova said,

“So, why are they attacking now?” I asked and the girls shook their heads.

“No idea.” Annie said, “But, I’m sure everyone will be fine. The pack is well prepared.” She smiled at me encouragingly but I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Harlie, tell us if you feel anything, okay?” Nova said, her eyes snapping in my direction.

“What do you mean?”

“Even though you four haven’t completed the mating process yet, you’ll still be able to feel if anything happens to them.” Nova explained, her eyes pinched together in concern.

“Wait, really?” I was in shock.

“Yes.” Nova nodded quickly, “So, please tell me if you feel anything wrong with my brothers.”

Silence fell over the car for what seemed like hours. It felt like an icy hand was gripping my heart as we waited for news. I realized that I was terrified about feeling something that would indicate the brothers were in danger and it took me by surprise to know that I had any feelings at all about their safety.

Finally, there was news. Nova’s eyes glazed over and then she was smiling.

“The attack is over. We lost no one and the Alphas are fine.” She grinned and the girls cheered.

I felt a wave of relief rush over me and it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Waylon opened the car door and delivered the same news.

“We’re heading back to the pack now. Luna, the Alphas need you.” Waylon said as he hopped back into the driver’s seat.

I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek. I was afraid to say anything, afraid of what would come out of my mouth as my throat thickened. Kori reached across the car and grabbed my hand,

“The Alphas are okay, Harlie, all of our mates are okay.” She smiled, rubbing her thumb across my knuckles.

“I don’t understand.” I gasped, my breath catching in my throat.

“It’s the matebond. We’re all feeling it right now. Not being with our mates when they are possibly in danger is the worst feeling in the world. This feeling of helplessness, of not being able to protect them, it takes your breath away.” Matti explained, her eyes flashing black.

“Even for us,” Kori said, “Annie and I feel it, too.” Annie nodded in agreement,

“It feels like I can’t breathe until I see Cam again.”

“But, I don’t….” I started to say that I wasn’t feeling the matebond, that I didn’t have any feelings for them at all, but the words wouldn’t come out.

Annie, Kori, Matti, and Nova looked at me with sympathetic smiles.

“Just go with it, Harlie, don’t overthink it.” Matti encouraged me.

I looked up and caught Waylon’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He smiled at me kindly,

“The Alphas will be glad to know that you’re so worried about them.” He said, “They’re definitely worried about you.”

“But why? I wasn’t even there.” I asked. The girls started laughing at me.

“You really don’t get how this works, yet, do you?” Matti smirked.

“The idea that you were somewhere they couldn’t get to you quickly was probably killing them.” Nova said,

“But, the fact that you weren’t on the packgrounds when it was being attacked probably felt like a blessing, as well.” Annie added.

“This is confusing.” I grumbled and the girls continued to smirk at me.

A little while later, we pulled through the front gate of the packgrounds and I looked out the window. There were what looked like bonfires burning throughout the grounds with black smoke pouring out the top.

“Those are burn pits for the rogue’s bodies.” Nova said, following my curious gaze.

I gulped and looked away quickly. We pulled in front of the packhouse and I saw the brothers’ parents were waiting outside. The doors to the two SUVs were all thrown open and we filed out. Clementine rushed over to me and pulled me against her for a tight hug,

“I’m so glad you’re okay, dear.” She smiled, releasing me and grabbing her daughter for a hug, next.

“Me? You were the ones here.” I said as I watched her fuss over Nova. Lukas walked up to me with a kind smile,

“As the Luna, you’ll always be fussed over.” Lukas said,

“Is everyone okay?” I asked, looking around.

“Yes, the pack suffered no loss and the boys are just fine.” He gave me a knowing smirk.

“Harlow!” A familiar voice called out and I felt an overwhelming feeling of relief.

I turned around to see Gabriel, Griffin, and Godric rushing towards me. Godric reached me first, putting his hands on either side of my arms and holding me at arm’s length, like he was inspecting me for injuries.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine. I wasn’t even here.” I repeated.

“We were so worried.” Griffin grabbed me from Godric and crushed me to his chest. I felt his face bury itself into my neck.

There was a low growl and then I was plucked from Griffin’s arms and tucked securely into Gabriel’s. His nose tickled my neck as he nuzzled me closely.

“You’re not leaving ever again.” He growled and I fidgeted in his arms, feeling like I was back to being a prisoner.

“He doesn’t mean that. We just panicked when there was a threat and we didn’t know where you were.” Griffin spoke quickly.

I chose to trust him and relaxed into Gabriel. He pulled me back slightly to look me over like Godric had before.

“Are you three okay?” I asked, examining them.

“Were you worried about us, angel?” Griffin asked with a cocky grin.

“Let her be.” Gabriel growled at Griffin’s mocking tone and he clamped his mouth shut. I looked at Gabriel in surprise, “We’re okay, little mate.” He assured me.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you then. Can I just hold you for a minute?” He asked, his eyes pleading. I sighed and nodded, consenting to being his wolf’s emotional support human.

He tucked me back into his chest and I felt secure in his strong arms. I even felt myself relaxing, my eyes fluttering closed as I gave into what my body wanted. My heart and mind were confused as shit, but my body seemed to be all in on the brothers.

“Let’s go inside, little mate.” Gabriel’s deep voice rumbled inside his chest as he pulled me just far enough away so we could walk.

We went up the steps into the house with Godric and Griffin following closely behind. He led me to the elevator and up to our floor. When the doors opened, I yelped as Gabriel scooped me up bridal style and carried me to the closest couch. He sat down and cradled me in his lap, burying his face into my hair.

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