#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 18


The next morning I was surprised to find the brothers waiting for me outside the bedroom. We all walked down to breakfast together like it was the most normal thing in the world. I had to say, my attitude had much improved after my sleepover with the girls. I decided to give them a fair chance and found that we all got along really well.

I was actually looking forward to touring the grounds with them today, that is, if the mighty three actually kept their word and let me go. I still had my doubts.

We ate breakfast and then it was the moment of truth. Turns out I had nothing to worry about because Annie and the girls weren’t taking no for an answer.

It was decided that Annie, Kori, Nova, Matti, Callie, and Wayon would accompany me on the tour while Ambrose, Cambridge, Godric, Gabriel, and Griffin were heading off to their offices to get some work done.

The brothers walked me to the front door and I could tell that they were trying hard not to seem too skeptical or hesitant about letting me out of the house.

“You remember where our offices are?” Griffin asked and I nodded,

“I remember.”

“You can come find us anytime and, if you need anything, just have Waylon mindlink us.” He said, seeming to be panicking but only slightly.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I said with a small smile, trying to sound convincing, “Worried I’m going to run away?” I was only half joking, but it was a pretty poor attempt at trying to lighten the mood.

“No, not at all.” Gabriel jumped in with an almost threatening tone, “The packgrounds are well guarded.”

I narrowed her eyes on him, taking some offense to that comment even though I knew it was well warranted. Gabriel was definitely the most skeptical of the three and I could tell he would be the hardest to fool if I was going to make another run for it.

Wait, when did it become if?

Griffin nudged him in the ribs with a bruising force but Gabriel didn’t even seem to notice, his eyes were trained on me.

“I’m sure we have nothing to worry about.” Godric said, shooting a glare towards Gabriel that clearly said shut up.

“Alright, enough you three.” Nova rolled her eyes at her brothers and looped her arm with mine, pulling me away from them and out the front door.

I had to admit, the girls were actually very kind and easy to get along with. Nova was a wildcard, Matti was super opinionated and loud, Annie was as crazy as her hair color suggested, Callie oozed confidence, and Kori was like a tiny little mouse. Waylon followed behind so silently it was like he wasn’t even there.

We walked down the stone roads which weaved throughout the territory. There were small houses, cottages, and cabins littered all over the place; some were hidden in the treeline, others were out in the open, and they varied in style. In the center of the territory, not too far from the packhouse, was the hub of the pack, or at least, that’s what the girls all said. There was a hospital, school house, and a large community center.

“Do you want to go into the CC and meet some of the pack members?” Annie asked me, but I got the feeling that it wasn’t really a question.

“Oh, I don’t…” I started to argue but it fell on deaf ears.

Annie and Kori linked their arms with mine while Matti gently pushed me from behind, forcing me up the steps.

The community center, or the CC as the girls kept calling it, was bustling with activity. There were people all over the place, some sort of action movie playing in the living room, and I could hear laughter coming from somewhere downstairs. There was a strong aroma coming from the front of the house that pulled us in. Inside the large dining room, lunch was in full swing.

“The CC provides three meals a day for the entire pack.” Kori explained. Several of the members greeted the girls and eyed me curiously. No one asked questions and my group didn’t provide any details, which I was grateful for.

“Let’s go downstairs. It’s always a good time there.” Nova grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a set of steps.

She was right. The basement was complete chaos with people shooting pool, throwing darts, screaming at some sort of video game, and arguing over the rules of a few boardgames. I couldn’t help myself, I laughed as I took in the scene. It felt like a real family here, even though it was filled with dozens of different bloodlines.

“Is it always like this?” I asked.

“Pretty much.” Nova chuckled as we weaved through the crowd.

“Hey, Annie!” A younger looking woman came bouncing up to us.

“Hey, Tulley! How’s it going?” Annie smiled at the girl who looked to be still in high school.

“Good! Oh, who’s this?” She asked, looking me over with curiosity.

“This is Harlie, she’s new here.” Annie answered simply.

“Oh, hi!” Tulley waved before skipping away.

“She’s energetic.” I laughed.

“Yeah, that’s typical for a teenage wolf.” Annie shrugged.

“Don’t they have school here?” I asked, remembering the school house she pointed out earlier.

“Yes, but it’s a little different than a human school. Our school goes year round, but only four days a week for six hours. Training is coordinated with the school schedule as well from the time pups turn 13,

“Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday they have school for six hours, a break, and then training in the late afternoon. Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday they are off school. Wednesday they have training all morning and afternoon, they have two hours of downtime at lunch which is why it’s so busy right now. Saturday and Sunday they only have morning training.” Matti explained and I soaked in all the information.

“And when they turn 18?” I wondered.

“They can decide if they want to go to college, straight into the human workforce, or work for the pack. The pack offers assistance to members who want to go to college. Within the pack there’s several jobs that are always hiring like the kitchen and cleaning staff, grounds keepers, teachers, we have an orphanage that needs staffed, we have an entire open air market with vendors who always need help, there’s a garden and orchard, and then there’s duties like warriors and guards.” Callie said, seeming excited that I was curious about the pack.

I just nodded in response, a little too overwhelmed to come up with a response. Annie suggested we go back upstairs and explore more of the CC. The girls took me through a fancy looking parlor room and then out the backdoor. There was a huge wrap around porch that had massive rocking chairs and porch swings all over the place.

Large steps led from the porch to the big backyard which was absolutely covered in children’s toys including playhouses, swing sets, slides, battery powered cars, teeter totters, balls, a soccer goal, a basketball net with a small concrete pad, jump ropes, a big sandbox, something that looked like a covered pool, and a big treehouse hidden in a grove of trees with a fun looking rope ladder swinging down from it’s little porch.

For the grown ups, there was a big patio with an outdoor fireplace and lots of furniture. Honestly, it looked like a really fun space and I was increasingly impressed with the packgrounds. I was also unnerved by how easily I was saying the word packgrounds.

“And you all just live here without needing anything from any outside cities?” I asked, looking around.

“Come on, we’ll show you the open air market, the garden, and the orchard so you can see it for yourself.” Matti smiled, hopping back up the steps.

It was a short walk to the open air market which was a mess of colorful tents that housed individual vendors selling everything from produce, seafood, poultry, pastries, all natural soaps, boutique style clothing, handmade candles, and everything in between. It was like the world’s most random shopping mall but it was all handcrafted, which was pretty amazing, actually.

The market was just as busy as the CC. Apparently they opened up at noon and the early afternoon was the business time, while the kids were in school or contained in the CC. We browsed the vendors and I was surprised by how friendly everyone was. I ended up with a basket full of free samples of jams, jellies, soaps, candles, pastries, and God only knows what else.

“Everyone is so nice here and they don’t even know who I am.” I said as we walked out the other side of the market.

“They would be nice to you no matter who you are, but you smell like the Alphas and they can sense your aura.” Callie explained.

“I what now?” I stumbled to a stop and instinctively sniffed myself. The girls busted up laughing,

“Wolves identify each other through smell so everyone has a unique smell, especially ranked members. The Alphas’ scent is very distinctive and it’s all over you from staying on their floor.” Matti said, leaning towards me and taking a whiff.

“I thought only mates had unique smells?” I was so confused.

“The smell of a mate is totally different. It’s stronger, sweeter, and much more unique. The smell of your mate is nameable, like how Cambridge smells like chocolate cake to me. I can’t name what you smell like, you just smell like you and the Alphas.” Annie shrugged like she was making simple sense.

“So, they don’t even question who I am, they just smell that I’m with the Alphas and that’s that?” I was a bit disturbed by their blind obedience.

“They’ve pledged their lives to the pack, the Alphas, and their Luna, even before they met her. They trust the Alphas to care for them and they trust that they’ll bring them a worthy Luna; which, of course, anyone mated to the Alphas by the Moon Goddess is worthy.” Kori said and I just nodded in response. I didn’t have enough words to properly respond to that.

The next place they took me to was a huge garden and orchard filled with fruit trees. They really were self-sustaining.

The garden was immaculate and definitely productive. It was overflowing with lettuces, different kinds of tomato plants, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, watermelon, strawberries, berry bushes, and so much more. The orchard had trees producing apples, peaches, oranges, cherries, and pears.

I had no idea how they had all of these foods growing so well at the same time in the month of April, but I wasn’t about to question it.

“You really don’t have to ever leave here.” I mumbled.

That was probably a comforting thought to others, but it was a terrifying idea for me. So terrifying that I actually felt my heart beginning to race and my breathing shallow.

“Wow, wow, Harlie, chill out.” Annie was in front of me, her hands on my shoulders as she tried to encourage me to breathe.

“What’s wrong?” Nova asked from over Annie’s shoulder.

“Harlie?” Waylon’s voice sounded far away but it was low and calm.

I shifted away from Annie and looked towards him. He was in my face, gently rubbing my arm.

“You’re not trapped here. You will be able to leave once you and the Alphas have settled into a good relationship.” He said calmly.

“They won’t ever let me leave. Why would they? Everything is here.” I was gasping for breath, practically hyperventilating at this point.

“That’s not true. They leave all the time. They have businesses in D.C. You will be able to leave again and go back to college. Harlie, I swear to you, on my life, I won’t let them keep you captive here.” His expression was so serious.

“Why would you promise me that?” I gasped.

“Because you’re my Luna and protecting you is my job, even if that means protecting you against any harm from the Alphas.” He said, squeezing my arms tightly.

“Get your hands off of her!” A dangerous voice snarled from behind me.

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