#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 11


“Not again.” I groaned, rolling over and stretching out my sore muscles. I recognized the fuzzy feeling in my fingers and toes, and the fog in my head; those bastards had sedated me again.

I looked around and wasn’t at all surprised to see that my blanket rope had been confiscated. Honestly, I was shocked I was still allowed any blankets at all. I jumped out of bed and tried my luck at the front door. It was locked. I walked over to the french doors of the balcony and noticed that the handles were missing. Upon further exploration of the room, I located the broken handles in the trash can. I wasn’t even going to bother asking about that.

“I have to pee.” I said to myself, stomping into the bathroom.

I found a fresh toothbrush in one of the drawers of the vanity and decided that I mindswell freshen myself up. I wasn’t about to risk taking a shower and having those triplet menaces walk in on me while in such a compromising position, so I just settled for washing my hair under the faucet. I tied my damp hair into a bun and went into the closet to change into my own clothing which, again, were stolen from my home, just in case you forgot.

I wasn’t even surprised to see Annie and Kori waiting for me when I exited the closet. I’m not sure what it was about these two girls in particular that made them think I could relate to them or let my guard down, but they kept on coming back.

“How are you feeling, Harlow? We heard you took a tumble last night.” Annie said, looking at me with a judgemental expression. I just shrugged like I didn’t know what she was talking about.

“We have breakfast.” Kori said once she realized I wasn’t going to respond, “And I suggest you eat because the triplets will be coming up shortly to speak with you.”

“What?” I snapped, whipping around to face the girls. Kori gave me an I told you so look,

“We had convinced them to wait until you were ready to speak with them, but after your stunt last night, that’s out the window.” She actually looked mad at me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Was I just supposed to sit here and await my fate?” I bit, glaring harshly at her.

“Jumping down 4 stories might’ve been a little dramatic.” Annie sighed.

“Oh, do you think? How do I know that waiting around here is the better alternative? For all I know, falling to my death is the better option!” I shouted.

“That’s enough.” A stern voice shook me to my core.

Annie and Kori spun around to face the intruder. I recognized him as one of the men who had stalked me to my apartment. He was wearing a dark green v-neck t-shirt and jeans.

“Annie and Kori, you can go now.” He said and the girls seemed to look nervously between us.

“No! Don’t leave me in a room alone with him, please.” I begged, suddenly shaking with fear.

The man’s eyes softened and his plump lips turned down in a frown.

“I won’t….” He started to say something but shook his head and changed his mind, “Come out here to the living room, then.” He motioned towards the door.

Kori and Annie walked out first and I followed after them. I hesitantly moved past the man, afraid to be too close to him. He grabbed my arm before I could make it out the door and ducked his head so his gaze met mine,

“Don’t even think about running.” He said in a low, husky voice.

I felt my cheeks heat up at our closeness and a strange tingling feeling was coming from the spot where his hand was touching my bare skin. I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. He released my arm and let me pass. I noticed that the other two men, one wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and the other in a red sweatshirt, were waiting in the living room as well. Kori and Annie were long gone.

“First, let us introduce ourselves.” The one in blue said, motioning towards the couch. I assumed he wanted me to sit so I did. “I’m Griffin.” He offered me a smile and sat on the armrest at the opposite end of the sofa.

The one in red sat on one of the overstuffed chairs to the side of the couch and introduced himself,

“I’m Godric.” His voice was gruff and deeper than the others.

“And that’s Gabriel.” Griffin introduced the one in green who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Okay.” I replied plainly.

“What you did last night was very dangerous and stupid.” Godric said, not pulling his punches. I glared at him,

“Kidnapping someone could be seen as very dangerous and stupid, as well.” I sassed him. Godric’s eyes darkened to the point of nearly being black.

“You aren’t in any danger, Harlow.” Griffin sighed, looking at me sympathetically.

“The point is, you’re here now and you’re not leaving.” Gabriel said,

He seemed to be a straight to the point kind of guy which was good because I would rather not beat around the bush.

“Gabriel.” Griffin sounded like he was growling as he looked at his brother.

“No, please, a little honesty helps to curve my expectations.” I said in a sarcastic tone.

“And I suggest you behave better with Annie, Kori, and the other girls or you’ll have to deal with us.” Gabriel continued to speak with little emotion and refused to make eye contact with me.

“Okay, listen,” Griffin pulled my attention back towards him, “It’s not that bad.” He shot an annoyed look towards Gabriel who just shrugged.

“You’re safer here, inside the house, that’s why we brought you here.” Godric said and I turned to look at him.

His face and body language were as stiff as Gabriel’s but something about his eyes led me to believe that he wasn’t as cold.

“I wasn’t in any danger.” I argued.

“We don’t know that. You weren’t living in a particularly safe apartment.” Godric pointed out.

“So you kidnapped me because I wasn’t living in a nice part of town?” I cocked a confused eyebrow. Godric sighed,

“No, and we didn’t kidnap you.” He said, but, seeing that I was about ready to argue, kept talking, “Okay, we need you here.”

You need me here?” That made less sense than his other explanation.

“We’ll explain everything in time.” Griffin said and I turned back around to face him.

“Just explain it now.” I demanded and heard Gabriel laugh. I shot a glare at him from across the room.

“Just ignore him,” Griffin said, “It’s too much to explain right now. I don’t want to overwhelm or scare you.”

Griffin’s voice was the kindest, his body language was relaxed and his expression was very calm. Something about him just made me want to trust him instantly.

“Can you at least stop sedating me?” I decided to try my luck at bargaining.

“Can you stop running away?” Godric asked and I just looked at him, refusing to answer, “Then, I guess that’s our answer, too.” He replied to my silence.

“What about the wolves?” I tried again.

“The wolves?” Griffin’s eyebrow shot up.

“There were three wolves last night in the woods and I dreamt about those same three wolves when you first brought me here. Is it some kind of hallucination you’re giving me?” I asked.

The brothers looked way more confused than I thought they would, looking at each other with wide eyes.

“You dreamt about the wolves you saw last night?” Griffin repeated me.

“That’s what I said.” I muttered.

“What else was in your dream?” Gabriel asked and I turned my attention back towards him. I felt like I was on trial under his gaze.

“Uhm, a field, some flowers, and a lady.” I rattled off.

“A lady?”

“Sure, she looked like an angel and said she was a goddess named Selene.” I didn’t understand why they were asking me so many questions.

Gabriel’s eyes went huge.

“The Moon Goddess?”

“Yeah, she said something like that.” I nodded.

“What did she say, exactly?” Gabriel’s arms dropped from his chest and he stumbled a few steps towards me. I sat up straighter and felt myself going on the defensive.

“Harlow,” Griffin’s calming voice tugged my eyes towards him, “What did she say?” Somehow when he asked me it wasn’t as terrifying. Gabriel really needed to work on his tone.

“She said that I was safe here, which is what everyone else keeps telling me, and that the wolves….” I paused, thinking about her words for a minute, “That the wolves were a part of the Emerald triplets. That’s you three, right?”

Griffin nodded but said nothing in response, instead the three of them started staring at each other intently. I swear, their eyes turned black and their faces kind of glazed over like they were in a sort of trance. Was this some kind of weird triplet telepathy thing?

“Okay, we’re going to tell you a part of the reason why you’re here.” Griffin finally said, his face returning to normal.

“Okay?” I felt my hands start to shake as I suddenly became very nervous.

“The wolves from last night were us.” Godric said, just throwing it all right on out there, earning another glare from Griffin.

“Way to be delicate about it.” Griffin grumbled.

“Like they were your pets?” I asked, confused.

Gabriel started laughing which surprised me because I thought a face like that couldn’t produce a real laugh. I was shocked when I turned and saw his ear splitting smile, it actually took my breath away. Get it together, Harlie.

“No, like we turn into those wolves.” Gabriel said, his eyes locking with mine for the first time since we came out here.

“You turn….” I let my voice trail off.

“Into wolves, yes.” Griffin finished the sentence for me.

Right.” I was in real trouble here. I was being held captive by three nutcases. This was definitely a cult.

“She doesn’t believe us.” Godric said, clearly not talking to me.

“Well, we could show her, but she’d probably just try and run away, again.” Gabriel said, still speaking as if I wasn’t right there.

Suddenly, the door banged open and a beautiful but furious looking woman stood in its place. The three brothers jumped up and turned towards her, actually looking a little bit frightened.

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