#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 5


“That can’t be good for your health.” Garrick pointed out as I continuously banged my forehead onto the top of my desk.

“Have you heard anything from Mateo?” I asked, leaving my head on the desk with my eyes closed against the pounding headache I was currently giving myself.

“Clementine checked herself out of the hospital and is driving back here with her brother.” My head snapped up at Garrick’s response.

“She just had surgery.”

“Yes, I’m aware.” Garrick nodded.

“And Dr. Moreson discharged her?”

“Not exactly. She signed out against medical advice. She ran into Mateo and nearly bit his head off.” Garrick snorted.

“Mateo is supposed to be invisible.” I said with a warning growl.

“She had no idea who he was. It was just an accidental run in, no big deal.” Garrick shrugged.

“I can’t believe she was shot in the first place.” I let out a frustrated snarl.

“She is an FBI agent.”

“Yes and I can’t believe that one, either.” I grumbled.

The whole staying out of my mate’s life plan wasn’t going so great, admittedly. Over the last seven years, I’ve managed to get away with not speaking to Clementine or otherwise interfering in her life. Mateo has kept a constant supply of guards at her side, successfully maintaining invisibility and switching up the guards so she didn’t start recognizing anyone. I tried to stay away from her and her care as much as I could, being anywhere near her was far too difficult for me.

But, occasionally, throughout the years, I’ve slipped up. When she graduated high school and then college, when she completed the police academy, and several times throughout her more dangerous cases working with the FBI. The closer to danger she got, the more restless my wolf was and I was forced to visit her more often. Which wasn’t easy, considering she hasn’t been home since she graduated high school.

“You’re the one who let her walk away without marking her.” Garrick scoffed.

“I’m not going over this again, Garrick.” I snapped at him.

Nobody was very thrilled about my decision to leave my mate alone.

“She’s not a little girl anymore, Lukas, she’s a grown woman and she’s coming back home.” Garrick leaned over my desk with a stubborn expression.

“That doesn’t change anything.” I argued.

“Why the hell not? You said you let her go because she was 17 and had her whole life ahead of her. I still think that was stupid but I understood your reasoning. Now, she’s 25 and on a well established career path so you’re not ruining anything.” Garrick said.

“She’s still a human who knows nothing about us.” I stated. Garrick slammed his hand onto the top of my desk and looked pissed off,

“And whose fault is that?” He growled at me. I sighed and stood up, pushing my chair away and walking around the desk.

“How can I take what’s left of her innocence away?” I said in a soft voice with my back to Garrick.

“What are you talking about?” Garrick mumbled.

“She’s had so much bad stuff in her life already. All she has left is the life that she knows. I would shatter her vision of the world by telling her about the supernatural. How can I take away that belief when it’s all she has left?” I spoke directly from my heart. I heard Garrick sigh behind me and then his hand was on my shoulder,

“You might take away her belief in the world, but you’ll be giving her so much more. She’s incredibly strong. If anyone can survive it, it’s your mate.” He said. I turned around to face him,

“But, how can I force her to have to survive something else? I’m her mate and I’m supposed to keep her safe. Right now, that means staying away from her.” I shook off Garrick’s hand and walked out of the office.

I decided to go for a run, shifting into Bastian and taking off through the Emerald forest. After a while, I found myself on the edge of our packland and shifted back. I grabbed a bag I had stuffed in the trunk of a tree, and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I sat down on the ground with my back against that tree, the same tree where I first met Clementine. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, thinking about lavender and daisies.

It was almost like I could smell them again, the same way they smelt on Clementine when she was sitting right here. Her scent was getting stronger and stronger, and something inside me began to stir. Bastian, who has barely spoken to me in the last seven years, was purring. I was getting lost in the memory of my mate when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I opened my eyes and jumped up, my instincts on high alert.

That’s when I realized that her scent wasn’t a memory at all, it was real.

“Uhm, hello?” Her voice radiated through me like the aftershocks of an earthquake.

There she was. My mate, standing just a few feet in front of me, the closest she’s been since that night I said goodbye to her in the hospital. Garrick was right, she wasn’t a little girl anymore. Everything about her had filled out and matured. Her enchanting eyes were bluer, her fair skin was softer looking, her chestnut curls were fuller and cascading down her back, her red lips were much more plump, and her body had delicious curves that made my knees weak.

“Hello?” She said again and Bastian perked up.

“Say something, idiot.” Bastian snarled.

“Hi, hello, hey.” I stammered.

“Genius.” Bastian barked sarcastically.

Clementine cocked her head to the side adorably, her ponytail swaying with each motion. She was wearing a tight v-neck t-shirt that was the same color as her eyes and short jean shorts. It was the middle of summer and today it was particularly hot, so there were beads of sweat dripping down her chest and I couldn’t help but notice as they trailed down her shirt.

“Are you okay?” Her voice shook me out of my trance.

That’s when I noticed the bandage sticking out from the edge of her shirt. It was wrapped around her shoulder and collarbone. I was immediately pissed off all over again.

“Sorry, yes, why?” I was still stuttering.

“You’re standing in the middle of the woods looking perplexed.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“No, I was just out for a walk.” I said, shivering as her eyes raked up and down my body. I’m sure she was just cautiously judging me, but I couldn’t help and feel smug from her attention.

“Oh, me, too.” She shrugged.

“I haven’t seen you around and I walk here everyday.” I smirked as listened to her heart rate begin to pick up.

“Yes, well, I haven’t been home in a few years. Sorry if I’m invading your turf.” She started blushing and it was the best freaking thing ever.

“It’s a big forest.” I assured her, “Are you from here?” I asked even though I knew the answer, I just wanted to keep the conversation going.

“All my life.” She admits, watching me closely as I started pacing between us.

“Me too. I live on the reservation.” I clarified at her confused expression.

The reservation was what we called our packlands. It was an easy way to explain where and how we lived to the humans.

“I left home when I was 18 and haven’t been back since.” She said and then her eyes pinched together like she wasn’t sure why she just told me that.

“Where did you go?” I asked, slowly moving closer to her.

“College, then the police academy, and now Quantico.” She answered quickly.

“Quantico? The FBI?” I really was impressed with what my mate has accomplished in such a short time, even if I didn’t love the idea of her putting herself in danger.

“That’s me.” She answered in an adorably innocent voice with a little bounce.

“Were you hurt?” I motioned towards her right shoulder and she glanced down at it. She touched the bandage subconsciously.

“I was shot a few days ago. That’s why I’m home.” She confessed.

I knew she had been shot, but the color still drained from my face and I felt a dark, empty pit forming in my stomach and anger rising from my chest.

“Are you okay?” I tried not to sound too upset or overly concerned. She cocked her head to the side again, clearly sensing my emotions.

“I’m fine. It really isn’t that bad but the bureau’s policy says that I have to take some time off after a shooting.” She said, still looking sideways at her injury.

“I’m Lukas, by the way.” I closed the space between us quickly and reached out my hand.

I needed an excuse to touch her again. She brought her attention back to me and smiled. It was a polite smile, but it was still enough to light up my entire world. When our hands touched, a rainbow of sparks ignited between us and I hadn’t realized how much I was craving those sparks until that very moment. Her eyes widened slightly, almost like she felt them, too, which would be absolutely amazing if she could. My hand on hers tightened and I felt my face breaking out into a grin.

“Clementine.” She replied in a breathy voice. Like something shocked her, she pulled her hand from mine and jumped away.

“Why do you come all the way out here for a walk, anyway? Isn’t the reservation miles away?” She asked, laughing nervously.

“It’s quieter here.” I shrugged, “Why are you here?”

She frowned and glanced at the tree behind me.

“I was here when the serial killer attacked.” She said in a low voice.

“The Willow serial killer?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

“Don’t give them names, it only emboldens them.” She snapped at me and I held up my hands in surrender,

“Yes, special agent.” I said in a stiff tone and she laughed, her facial expression relaxing.

“Sorry, it’s hard to turn it off sometimes.” She chuckled nervously.

“You remember where you were on that day?” I asked carefully. The smile fell from her face,

“I remember where I was when my parents were killed, yes.” She said in a furious voice and then shook herself out of it, “I’m sorry. I’m not sure why I’m telling you all this.” She blushed again.

“I have one of those faces.” I tried to make light of it, “And I’m sorry about your parents. A lot of good people lost their lives that day.”

“That’s why I joined the FBI, to catch the killer.” She told me, “Anyway, I’m sorry to disturb your walk. I don’t usually spill my life story to total strangers.” She chuckled.

“We’re not strangers, we’re your soulmates.” Bastian whined in my head.

“You can disturb my walks anytime and tell me anything that you want.” I said instead. Her eyes went wide and she watched me carefully before responding,

“I’m sure you won’t see me out here again.”

She started to walk away and I wanted more than anything to stop her, but I didn’t know how without sounding like a stalker.

“Do you need a ride?” I shouted at her suddenly and then kicked myself. I ran here.

“Did you park your car inside the forest?” She laughed, looking around.

“Yeah, no, I don’t know why I said that. What I meant was, can I walk you home?” I took a few long strides to catch up with her.

“I can manage.” She said with a stubborn expression.

“Okay, so, you caught me. I just don’t want to say goodbye, yet.” I lowered my voice and my gaze so our eyes locked.

Her blush deepened to a bright shade of red and she looked down at her feet, tugging nervously on her ponytail.

“I still live in Willow.” She muttered.

“Lead on.” I waved my hand in front of her, gesturing her forward.

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