#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 30


6 months later and my life couldn’t be better. Clementine officially moved in with me a few days after her big confession and, as they say, the rest is history. It took some time, but Caleb and her were able to work out an arrangement so they could still do the job they loved and be with the people they love. They would continue to consult on cases like they’ve been doing, be formally sworn into the Stafford police department, and handle any nearby cases that fell under the BAU’s jurisdiction.

I was over the moon with all things Clementine. She brought more into my life than I ever thought a mate could, and I started off with some pretty high expectations. From the moment I met her, I knew she would change my life, but I never thought we’d actually have the chance to see what that life would be like.

Caleb was the true shocker. He and Mateo were marked and mated less than a month after they met. During the next full moon he was officially welcomed to our pack and even got the unique gift of being able to mindlink with us, something humans weren’t often blessed with by the Moon Goddess. She must’ve really liked him.

In the end, I was very grateful for Caleb’s presence. He gave Clem a connection to her old life and a safety net here when she needed some human moments. Two months ago she decided to reach out to her three longest friends, Beau, Elle, and Tara, and confessed everything to them. I was beyond on board considering all they did for her after that monster’s assault.

Speaking of him. Clementine asked, no, she ordered me to leave him alone. I wanted to rip his tongue out and feed it to him, but she said that was being a bit dramatic. Instead, she had the full weight of the FBI and the Stafford police department come raining down on him. He ended up confessing to everything and is currently rotting in a federal prison awaiting trial. That was enough for Clem, apparently, so I was learning to be okay with that.

Clem was happy so I was happy. Scratch that, I was stupidly, ridiculously thrilled.

And today, it would all become official. Today was the Luna ceremony where Clementine would officially be named Luna of the Emerald Forest pack and become a member. She wanted to wait until everything was settled and she felt truly at home here before having the ceremony.

And, since she made me wait this long to mate and mark her, I asked for one condition. That’s how I talked her into marrying me tonight, as well.

So, here I was, standing in the center of the packhouse at the end of a makeshift aisle in a tux awaiting my mate. Lily, Elle, Tara, Beau, and Caleb were solely in charge of the wedding. Besides picking out the dress, Clem wanted nothing to do with it. She said she only cared about getting to me at the end of the aisle.

They had really out done themselves, I must say. There were twinkly lights everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. They were those giant Einstein bulbs or whatever you called them, glowing a warm yellow light over the grounds. It was dusk, a beautiful sunset casting orange and pink light over the guests. The entire pack showed up along with Clem’s team from the FBI. After they started tracking Clem and Caleb’s phone, thinking they were kidnapped when they said they wanted to stay here, her team had to be clued in on the truth.

The guests were sitting in white chairs that were set up in rows on either side of an aisle made of grass and flower petals; lavender and daisies, of course. I was underneath an altar made of lights and the same flowers. Next to me was Caleb, one of my groomsmen. On the other side of the altar, near where Clem would soon stand, were Lily, Elle, and Tara dressed in light purple dresses. Beau was also there in a very dramatic purple suit.

Missing from the guest list today was Daniel, Clem’s brother. One thing she realized after coming clean about her assault and making peace with it, was how wrong her brother’s reaction was. He wasn’t ready to give her the apology she deserved, so she wasn’t ready to forgive him. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to, but my heart hurt for Clementine who was losing the last of her blood family.

No matter, tonight she would join a family that was so much more than blood.

The quintet began to play and the doors to our house swung open. First, was Callie in a puffy purple dress made almost completely of tulle. She was grinning from ear to ear while tossing flowers from a white basket. She started off slow, but when she saw her mother, she started running down the aisle and everyone laughed. Then, the music changed and I started to sweat.

“You ready, man?” Caleb clapped me on the back, but I hardly heard him, my heart was pounding in my ears.

Garrick and Mateo stepped out first, clad in the same black suit as me with matching purple bow ties. They stood off to either side of the steps and held out their hands, waiting. In the next second, my heart stopped and my breath caught in my throat.

Clementine’s dress was breathtaking. It was long and flowing freely, like so many of the summer dresses she often wore. It was a deep V, my favorite cut on her, leaving her breasts deliciously exposed. The straps were thick but a see through lace type material and the V continued down her back. A delicate but strong and intricate lace pattern covered the dress, reminding me of Clem’s personality. Her hair was knotted up in an elegant bun with a few loose strands curling beside her face. A vail streamed out from her bun, cascading behind her and seeming to go for miles.

Her face let up when she saw me and our eyes locked, staring longingly at each other. Garrick and Mateo’s eyes widened as Clem picked up the pace and was nearly dragging them down the aisle. Everyone began to laugh and I chuckled at my eager mate. The boys handed her off to me and joined Caleb at my side. I clung to her hands and bent down before I was slapped on the back of the head by the officiant,

“Not yet, ya manwhore.” The elder snapped and everyone burst out laughing.

Honestly, I have no idea what the man said. All I remember is when Clem’s lips started moving and formed the words,

“I do.” I started paying attention then so I didn’t miss my cue.

“Hell ya I do.” I said and everyone laughed again, the officiant hit me again, and Clem rolled her eyes at me, again.

“I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Lukas Emerald!” The officiant shouted and everyone cheered. I looked at him expectantly, “Goddess, you can kiss her now.” He huffed and I crashed her lips to mine.

After not nearly enough time, the elder cleared his throat and tapped me on the shoulder like he was annoyed.

“Shall we proceed with the Luna ceremony?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow as if accusing me of forgetting about that part.

Again, the elder droned on and on and, again, I ignored him in favor of admiring my amazingly sexy bride. She kept looking at me sideways and nodding her head towards the officiant as if to say, pay attention! Currently, she was giving me a smug smirk and I couldn’t figure out why. That is, until the elder was hitting me again and yelling at me to do my part.

“Do you, Clementine Emerald,” I drew out her new last name and the crowd whistled, “promise to honor, love, cherish, and protect this pack for as long as you shall live?”

“I do.” She said, smiling,

“Emerald Forest, do you promise to honor, cherish, love, and protect your Luna until the day you die?” I turned towards the back.

“I do!” A chorus of shouts answered back.

I reached out for her hand and she gave it to me, bracing herself for the part that came next. Gently, I drew a knife across her palm and repeated the process with my own hand. I clasped our hands together and squeezed the dripping blood into a chalice. When there was enough blood, I pulled our hands apart and rubbed circles near her wound, willing away the discomfort.

“I, Alpha Lukas Emerald of the Emerald Forest pack, accept Clementine Emerald as my mate and Luna.” I declared before drinking from the chalice.

Everyone hit their knees, silence falling over the pack as they bowed to their Luna. Clementine tensed up and then began to shake beside me. I pulled her close to my chest, whispering into her ear,

“It’s okay, it’s just the mindlink and the power of the pack. Let it in, open yourself up to it like you opened yourself up to me. It’ll pass.” I said soothingly, rubbing circles on her back until she stopped shaking.

I shifted her in my arms so I could see her and she was smiling now, the pain gone from her eyes. She turned towards the pack and her smile widened,

“I am honored to be your Luna.” She said softly and the entire pack jumped up, cheering for their Luna.

“And I’m honored to be your wife.” Her voice sang in my head.

I jumped ten feet off the ground, shocked to hear her in my mind. She doubled over laughing, unable to contain herself. I snickered at her and picked her up, tossing her over my shoulder and running back down the aisle.

“Lukas! The reception!” She cried out. I waved to everyone,

“Thanks for coming! Enjoy the free food and booze!” I said goodbye for both of us and slammed the house door shut, locking it behind me.

“Woman, you’ve made me wait six months, I’m not waiting a second more.” I said when she continued to complain.

I took the steps two at a time and burst through our bedroom door, tossing her lightly onto the bed. She looked up at me with big blue doe eyes, nibbling at her bottom lip as the smell of her arousal filled my senses. I growled and Bastian howled in my head. At this point, we were holding it together by a ridiculously thin thread.

“Say you want me, Clementine.” I demanded in a low voice, placing my knee between her legs to spread them apart.

“I want you, Lukas.” Her voice came out in a whisper.

“Will you let me have you?” I purred and she nodded, “Say the words, my love.”

“Take me, Lukas.”

Welp, that was it. Bye bye thread.

A passionate and lustful growl escaped my chest and her eyes widened. It was the roughest growl she’s heard yet. I ripped off my clothes in a hurry, shredding them to pieces.

“How much do you like this dress?” I asked, scrunching up the fabric around her hips.

“There are pictures.” She shrugged, her eyes clouded with desire.

“My Goddess.” I groaned before ripping her dress and tossing what remained on the floor.

I moaned, my hands freezing as I realized what awaited me under her gown. It was a white set of lingerie. For the past few months, this woman has been teasing me with a never ending collection of sexy underwear and lingerie, tempting me with her body but not allowing me to enjoy her completely. Tonight, that changed.

“MINE!” I growled possessively, ducking my head and burying myself in her bountiful breasts.

“All yours.” She gasped, throwing her head back on the pillow and gripping my hair roughly.

My hands devoured her body, touching, pinching, and squeezing everything I could. As much as I loved the skimpy, lacey, piece of lingerie, it was in the way at this point. That too was destroyed and discarded so I could explore my mate’s perfectly naked skin. I kissed every freaking inch, watching as her face blushed deliciously and growling when she tried to cover herself.

“Don’t hide what’s mine, Goddess, you’ll be punished for that.” I warned her and her eyes went wide, her arousal becoming even thicker.

I groaned, tossing my head back and traveling down her body. My hands gripped her breasts and I settled myself between her legs. I felt her body freeze and I glanced up at her.

“You are the most beautiful, mouthwatering, sexy woman in the entire world. Let me care for you and pleasure you like the Goddess that you are.” I begged. She bit her lip and nodded.

I moved my hands away from her breasts so I could settle her legs on my shoulder. I glanced up at her one last time, looking for approval. When she nodded eagerly, I dove in. She moaned instantly and I groaned against her wetness. I reached back up and grabbed her mounds, tugging and twisting her nipples as they pebbled with desire. She clenched her legs, capturing my face right where she wanted me, and came undone. She trembled and shook against my face and tried to pull away, but I wouldn’t let her. I made her ride her high right into another one.

When I was satisfied with the amount of attention I gave her, I crawled on top of her gorgeous body and began kissing her. I sucked and bit her bottom lip, demanding entrance. When she conceded the battle to me, I explored her mouth with my tongue. I ran my hand down her body and positioned my member at her entrance. I pulled back and locked eyes with her.

“I love you so much, my sweet mate, my Luna, my wife, and my entire world. May I have you all tonight?” I begged seductively. When she nodded, I growled and she responded with an adorable giggled,

“Yes, Alpha.” She replied in a sexy voice and I almost lost myself right then.

I slid inside her in one swift movement. She gasped and I froze, allowing her to adjust to my size. When her gasps turned to moans of pleasure, I began to move again, thrusting in and out of her with increasing speed. I thought I wasn’t going to be a minuteman but, tonight, I sure as hell was.

“I want to mark you, mate.” I growled, burying my face in her breasts and breathing in deeply.

“Then mark me.” She demanded in between moans and screams of pleasure.

Bastian was screaming at me, telling me not to fuck up this opportunity. He pushed through and I felt one of my eyes turn dark while the other remained normal. Together, Bastian and I shared our mate. His canines extended and I buried my face in her neck, sinking his teeth into her smooth skin and claiming her as ours forever. Bastian licked the wound clean and howled in pleasure just as Clem and I finished together.

We both collapsed back on the bed, Clem weak from being marked and me weak from finally having my mate all to myself. I rolled onto my side and pulled Clem against me. She snuggled into my chest.

“I love you so much.” I kissed the top of her head.

“I love you.” She barely got the words out before she drifted off to sleep.



“Are you serious?” I asked Dr. Moreson.

“Yes, Luna.”

Are you serious?” I asked again and he chuckled this time,

“I am completely serious, Luna, look, right there.” He pointed to the blurbs on the screen.

“Three? As in, one, two, three.” I held up three fingers.

“Yep. One, two, three.” He counted the blurbs.

“What the fuck!” I yelled and Dr. Moreson looked taken aback.

“Forgive the Luna, she’s in a state of shock.” Lily laughed, standing up from her chair beside me, “Give us a minute, would you, Doc?” She asked and the old man nodded before leaving the room.

“You okay, Clem?”

“It’s only been four months since the wedding. Four! How does this happen?” I shrieked. Lily’s eyes were glistening and I could tell she was holding back a fit of laughter,

“How much sex have you two had in those four months?” She cocked an eyebrow and I sunk back into the bed.

“Three of them, Lily!” I cried and she lost control of her laughter. I slapped her hard in the stomach and she raised her hands in surrender,

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. You have got to tell Luke, he’s going to be over the moon!” Lily said,

“Oh sure, he’s not the one who’s going to be carrying Alpha triplets around in his tiny human uterus.” I grumbled under my breath, looking back at the ultrasound.

Lily fiddled with the machine like she knew what she was doing and printed out some black and white pictures. I hopped down from the bed carefully and got dressed, taking the pictures in my hand. Lily walked out of the exam room, but before I followed her, I placed my hand over my stomach and looked down.

“We got this, babies.” I said to all four of us.

I now had a family of five. Like, what the hell?

I knew Lukas was training with Garrick and Mateo, so I hurried through the grounds to find him. When he saw me, he immediately ran from the field and was standing in front of me.

“What’s wrong? What are you doing here? Are you okay?” He was tossing questions at me left and right.

I put my hands flat against his bare chest, which was glistening with sweat and throbbing with muscles, and he instantly calmed down. He wrapped his bulging biceps around me and I suddenly forgot why I was here.

“Clem?” He smirked my name with that cocky ass tone of his. I groaned and looked up at him, rolling my eyes, “Need a cold shower? Better yet, how about we both go take a shower?” He suggested with a wink.

“That’s what got us into this mess!” I shouted, remembering why I was here, and whacked him on the arm.

“Ouch!” He pouted, rubbing his arm.

“Oh that didn’t fucking hurt!” I yelled and his eyes narrowed on me.

“What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

I whipped out the ribbon of pictures and waved them in his face. He wrapped his hand around my wrist, steadying my hand so he could focus on the images. I knew the moment he realized what they were.

A million and one emotions flashed in his eyes. First, there was recognition, then happiness, then fear, then what the fuck, and then excitement.

“You’re….pregnant?” He whispered, glancing down at my stomach.

“Do you see all those letters?” I asked, pointing to the little A, B, and C on the three pictures.

“That’s the fucking alaphabet, Lukas. The first three letters of the fucking alphabet.” I said plainly and he looked at me like I was insane.

Then, it dawned on him.


“Three! Lukas, you put three werewolves babies inside of me!” I screamed and the entire training grounds froze.

“Luna’s pregnant?” Someone said,

“The Luna’s pregnant!” Someone else cheered.

That’s when all hell broke loose. Everyone was hooping and hollering. But, Lukas and I were still frozen in our little bubble.

“You’re having my babies? We’re going to be parents?” He whispered. His sweet, pathetic, broken little voice brought me out of my rage.

“Yes, Lukas, you’re going to be a daddy and I’m going to be a mommy.” I agreed, smiling so big I thought my face was going to break.

That’s when Lukas hit his knees, wrapped his arms around me, and started covering my stomach in feather light kisses. He stood up once he had enough and claimed my lips with his, much more passionately then with my stomach.

“I love you so much, Clementine Emerald.”

“You better, because I’m not going to be loving you when I’m pushing these three out of a teeny tiny hole.” I grumbled but I was still smiling like an idiot.

Once Upon a Time, I thought solving my parents murder was my lifetime goal. Doing that would mean that I had succeeded in life. I had no idea how empty that life really was until I met a white wolf. That white wolf saved me then and he continued to save me each night when he visited me in my dreams. Then, that white wolf became a man and that man saved me all over again when we met in the Emerald Forest. The Emerald Forest was always the place of nightmares, until it brought me to my Happily Ever After.

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