#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 26


Lily dragged me to the shopping epicenter of Stafford which consisted of a few strip malls and a large outlet store. It was nearly 11:00 AM on a Thursday, so the stores weren’t very busy which meant Lily could torture me for as long as she wanted without having to worry about nosey busy bodies. She pulled me into multiple stores and literally grabbed every single thing that I touched, whether I wanted it or not.

I had summer dresses, jean shorts, dressy shorts, blouses, tank tops, t-shirts, leggings, and everything else that you could think of stuffed into the back of a blacked out SUV or carried by the poor guardsmen. We were just walking out of a fancier shop with the guys carrying several garment bags protecting evening gowns that Lily insisted I would need for pack events. When two out of the four guards went to return the dresses to the car, Lily pulled me towards a Victoria’s Secret.

“Now, Lily…” I started to protest but she wasn’t having any of it, “I don’t need measured.” I argued when she tried to pull over one of the workers.

“Look at you.” Lily grinned.

“I do own lingerie, Lily, I’m not a prude.” I snapped and she threw her head back laughing.

“Oh, I’m so glad to hear that. So many human girls are such nuns. That means we can get freaky with it.” She winked before heading back towards the BDSM looking shit.

“No, no that is not what that means.” I argued feverishly, glancing back to make sure that the guards were all waiting outside the store.

In all reality, I was in need of some more underwear and bras since I left most of them back at home. I selected quite a few matching sets of lacy items, thongs, and some comfy cotton sets as well as sports bras and spandex. I hadn’t seen Lily the entire time I was elbow deep in the mix and match section. I was immediately suspicious when she walked back with her arms full of pink bags.

“Those better be for you.” I threatened but she just shook her head with a huge grin on her painted pink lips.

“Not a chance, sweety. I want to be an Auntie!” She whistled for the boys to take her bags and guided me towards the check out.

“Lily!” I shrieked and she just kept on laughing.

“Oh come on, think of it as a revenge plan. You can strut your stuff wearing all that goodness I picked out for you but not give him any. It’ll drive him wild and it’ll be fucking funny to watch.” Lily said as she swiped Lukas’ credit card for the thousandth time.

“You realize that you’re planning out your brother being cock blocked, right?” I raised an eyebrow and she just shrugged,

“I’ve been waiting years for him to be tortured like he tortured me.”

“What does that mean?” I was almost afraid to ask.

“Garrick knew he was my mate years before I turned 18 and found out, and Lukas kept him from me. Then, he made up all these rules about us dating because Garrick was his “Beta” and so he was allowed to rule over his sex life. It was hell for an entire year. Hence why it took us so long to have Callie.” Lily explained as we walked back through the store.

I wondered what she meant about being so long until they had their daughter. I knew she was four or five, and Lily couldn’t have been that much older than me. Wasn’t that a pretty reasonable timeline for having children?

I was still lost in thought when we exited the store and handed off more bags to the guards. Once again, two walked off towards the car while the other two remained. The next thing I knew, Lily was growling, the two remaining guards were flanking me, and a repulsive familiar figure was clouding my vision.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Clementine Reign.” The man sneered.

I stumbled backwards, in a complete daze. The man in front of me was the one and only Bennett Freed and, standing behind him, was Gianna, his wife. I blinked at them both, unable to respond. Bennett was laughing but Gia looked uncomfortable from where she stood a few feet away.

“I thought you were too good to ever come back here?” He asked.

Lily, Josh, and Jake all flinched at my side, ready to attack.

“Hello, Bennett.” I said his name between clenched teeth, trying to defuse the situation.

“Who do we have here? Boyfriends? Girlfriend?” Bennett winked at Lily who continued to growl.

“Did you want something?” I refused to let him bait me.

“I haven’t seen you in so long, kitten.” I snapped at his use of my old pet name.

“Don’t call me that.” I felt the anger and rage begin to tear out of me.

“Oh, kitty has claws now?” He mocked me and stepped forward.

The second he grabbed my arms, I was blinded by fear, rage, and pure instincts. Before any of the werewolves around me could act, I had Bennett slammed against the nearest wall with one arm arched painfully behind his back and the other pinned to his side.

“What the hell?” Bennett cried out. Jake and Josh moved swiftly to my side, but I didn’t need their help. This was my fight.

“You have assaulted a federal agent. Bennett Freed, you’re under arrest.” I seethed.

“What?” Bennett was shaking with rage.

I pulled a set of handcuffs that I always carried with me from my belt and snapped them around his wrist. I yanked him away from the wall and turned him to face me. I pulled out my credentials, purposely flashing him my gun,

“I guess you don’t read the paper.”

“You bitch!” Bennett shouted.

“That’s Special Agent Reign to you.” I replied smugly and heard Lily chuckle behind me.

I called the police department using their private line, identified myself, and asked them to send officers to pick up Bennett. They happily obliged. Apparently this wasn’t the first time Bennet has gotten himself in trouble with the law. Shocker.

“Do you really have to do this, Clementine? Seems a little petty.” Gia sighed, crossing her arms over her, obviously fake, chest.

“Go home, Gia. This is going to take a while.” I said, not even bothering to look in her direction.

I didn’t take my eyes off of Bennett the entire time he was with us. When the police finally got there, I showed them my credentials and filled out some paperwork for the chain of custody. I watched as they hauled him through the parking lot and shoved him into the police car, keeping my eyes on the car until it was out of sight, sirens and all.

I turned back towards Lily and sighed.

“You talked to him, right?” It wasn’t really a question. Lily nodded, looking a bit guilty.

“I did.”

“Well, is he on his way? I’m surprised he’s not here yet.” I realized I had an attitude and maybe it wasn’t fair, but I was so over all of this werewolf bullshit right now.

“No, I convinced him to stay at home and to give us some space.” Lily surprised me.

“You’ll have to teach me how to do that.” I muttered and she laughed.

“All you have to do is ask, no convincing required. He’ll give you anything.” Lily spoke sincerely.

“I’m sure you’re wondering what all that was about.” I mumbled and Lily looked at me with concern written all over her face,

“I was curious, yes. But, more than anything else, I’m worried about you.” She replied.

“I’m okay.” I lied.

“You don’t seem okay.” Lily stepped up to me and I stumbled back until my back made contact with the store’s outside wall. I leaned against it and tried to catch my breath.

“Clem, breathe.” Lily put her hand on my arm, “Focus on the feeling of my hand on your skin. You’re having a panic attack, just breathe.”

I took several deep breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth, until the world stopped spinning and Lily was in focus again.

“I just don’t talk about it.” I said quietly.

“To anyone? Or to yourself?” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“Never, not since it happened.” I shook my head.

“I’m not saying you have to talk to me, but this isn’t good for you. I can tell that whatever this is, is bad and it’s eating you up inside. Lukas….” She started but I was already shaking my head, panic settling back in my chest,

“I can’t tell him.” I said fiercely. Lily looked sympathetic,

“It must seem scary to talk to him about it, but he’s your mate and you cannot even begin to imagine how incredible the healing power of your mate is. Just by talking to him you’ll feel comforted.”

“And you can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to be dealing with all of this as a human.” I countered and she nodded sadly,

“You’re right. But, I know the matebond and I know that it will heal anything that’s broken.” She said, laying her hand on my chest right over top of my racing heart.

“I can’t tell him.” I refused.

“Okay, then tell me. I’m your sister, Clem, now and always. You can talk to me about anything and my loyalties are with you. You tell me not to tell anyone, and I won’t, not even him.” She swore.

“Really? He’s your Alpha.” I stated.

“Did he tell you what it means to be the Luna?” She asked and I nodded, “Then, you know that you come before him as does my loyalty for you.” She replied sternly.

“He wouldn’t understand and neither will you.” I dropped my chin to my chest, my body suddenly feeling heavy with defeat.

“Maybe we won’t, but we’ll be there for you and do whatever you need.” Lily replied, rubbing my arms soothingly.

Something in me snapped at the pity in her voice and my head shot up to make eye contact with her. I felt my face harden and my voice came out cold and detached.

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