#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 24


I didn’t realize how tired I was until Lukas showed me to my room and my eyes landed on the bed. It was only 5:00 in the evening, but this day had me exhausted. I decided to investigate the adjoining bathroom and take a shower.

The bathroom was large and extravagant with textured, non-slip tile flooring that ran the whole way through the large shower. The shower had a glass door and two shower heads with a complex control system. There was also a white porcelain soaker tub with brass knobs and faucet. The large vanity had a matching brass bowl sink, knobs, and faucet as well. The top of the vanity was a shiny green tile with white cabinets surrounding it. Inside a separate sort of closet was the toilet.

Next to the vanity was a floor to ceiling cabinet with other, smaller cabinets surrounding it. I opened the tall rectangular door and dug through the bath products inside. I was surprised to see it fully stocked and wondered who stayed here often enough to require so much stuff. That got my stomach churning unpleasantly and I immediately stuffed the idea into the back of my mind.

Deciding on a mint smelling shampoo and bodywash set, a green washcloth, and a matching towel, I shut the door and shuffled back to the shower. I hung up the large, fluffy towel on a hook beside the shower and sat the products on the shower ledge. Stripping out of my clothes, I folded them on the counter top and began fiddling with the controls. It took me a while to figure out how to set the temperature and water pressure, but I eventually got it sorted and stepped inside.

I took a long, hot shower and scrubbed vigorously at my skin and hair. I had a pretty strict shower routine that I hadn’t been able to do for several days now and it was starting to make me feel gross. When the water started to run cold, I shut it off and stepped out. Wrapping the heavy towel around my now wet body, I stepped out of the bathroom with a cloud of hot steam blowing around me.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Luna!” Someone jumped and bowed their head.

I was startled to find that I wasn’t alone in the room. Lily was sitting on the edge of my bed with her hands covering her face as if she was trying to give me some privacy.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” I mumbled, tugging the towel tightly around my chest, “Lily, right?” I double checked.

“Mhm. I knocked but it was unlocked so I thought I would wait for you. I brought dinner.” She motioned towards a tray sitting on top of the small desk in the corner.

“Just let me get dressed quick.” I said, shuffling towards my bag on the bed.

I dug out a pair of loose fitting sweat pants, a short T-shirt that stopped just above the waistline of my pants, and a set of bra and underwear before disappearing back into the bathroom to change. I got dressed in a hurry and tied my wet hair up into a messy bun. Lily was standing now, leaning against one of the bedroom walls.

“Lukas asked me to check on you just to make sure you were settling in okay, and I thought maybe you were hungry.” Lily shrugged.

“Thank you, I appreciate that. And, please, call me Clem.” I said, remembering how she addressed me as Luna earlier. Lily smiled,

“How are you doing, Clem?” She asked in a sweet voice.

I walked over to the desk and examined the food. It was a simple house salad in a chilled bowl with a plate of steak and potatoes. I sat down at the chair in front of the desk, but turned it so I was facing Lily.

“I’m okay, really.” I said,

“If you ever want to talk about anything or just get out of the house, I’m here, okay? I know my brother’s an idiot so I’ll always be on your side.” She teased with a wink. I couldn’t help but laugh,

“Thanks, Lily.”

“Is this all you brought with you?” Lily looked towards my single suitcase on the bed.

“Mhm.” I nodded as I began to cut up the steak.

My stomach growled and I realized that I was actually hungry after hardly eating my lunch earlier at the diner. I was too nervous to eat then, but I couldn’t ignore my stomach any longer.

“That just won’t do. Let’s go shopping tomorrow!” Lily pushed herself off the wall and danced towards me.

“I don’t really….” I started to argue but Lily’s frown stopped me in my tracks.

Please.” She begged, bouncing up and down in place. I sighed and offered her a little smile,

“I’m not a big shopper so I can’t promise not to complain the entire time.” I said and she started smiling again,

“Deal!” She agreed, “I’ll tell Lukas and get his credit card.” She winked.

“Oh, I don’t need that.” I argued.

“I know you don’t need it, but, trust me, Lukas will go goo-goo over being able to provide something for you. It’s a good way to let him in.” She was quite convincing. I just sighed dramatically and turned back to my food.

“Did you need anything while I’m here?” She asked and I spun around, shaking my head,

“No, I’m okay, thanks, Lily.”

“Will you be at breakfast tomorrow?” Lily asked.

“Lukas mentioned it.”

“Good! I’ll see you then and we can discuss when we’re going shopping. I’m sure Lukas has some work to do to keep him busy.” She waved her hand around dismissively as she walked back towards the door,

“Just leave your tray sitting outside your door, someone will be by to collect it. I’m sure Lukas is working on getting your own staff set up anyway.” Lily added. Before I could protest she was gone.

I finished my dinner but I couldn’t bring myself to leave it sitting on the floor. I pulled open the door and looked around, listening for Lukas. I carried the tray down the hallway and paused at his bedroom door. I couldn’t hear anything from the other side so I decided to make my way down the steps alone.

From the small tour Lukas gave me of the house earlier, I knew where the kitchen was. For the most part, Lukas’ house was just like any other normal house with two floors and a finished basement. But, there were some things that stood out, the kitchen being one of them. There was a small, normal looking kitchen with a few upper and lower cabinets, an island with three barstools, a set of appliances, and a sink. This kitchen was open to the comfortable and cozy family room.

A door stood on the back wall of the kitchen that appeared to go to a pantry, instead, it led to another, much larger, gourmet kitchen. Inside the kitchen were industrial styled appliances and stainless steel counters along with a huge, restaurant style pantry. This was where the kitchen staff prepared private meals for the Alpha, his family, and any of their personal guests. It was installed by Lukas’ grandmother because she, apparently, wasn’t such a good cook.

Another room led off of the gourmet kitchen and it was the size of a large office. This was the homebase for the house’s staff. Inside this room were desks, computers for the staff to use, and a closet with cleaning and office supplies. Besides the kitchen staff, Lukas’ house also hosted cleaning ladies and nannies when children were present.

I carefully pushed open the industrial kitchen door and was surprised to see it empty. I heard noise coming from the staff lounge and decided not to be a bother. I took the tray to the huge, two sided sink and began to wash off the dishes.

“Luna!” Someone gasped and I whipped around, feeling like I had been caught doing something wrong.

“Oh, hello. I’m sorry if I’m bothering anyone, I just wanted to clean up my dinner dishes.” I apologized. The woman, who didn’t look much older than me, rushed over to me.

“You shouldn’t be doing that!” She took the sponge from my hand and shooed me away.

“Kennedy? What’s going on?” A vaguely familiar older woman entered the kitchen, “Luna?” She gasped.

“I was just….”

“You don’t need to do any of this, Luna. You only need to let your things sit out or even leave them in your room and we’ll collect everything and take care of it.” The woman said.

“You’re from the diner, aren’t you?” I asked, basically ignoring everything else that she just said. She smiled,

“Yes, Luna. My name is Betty.” She bowed her head.

“Please, stop calling me that.” I sighed, “I would prefer it if you all just called me Clem or Clementine.” I addressed the room which now had even more staff members pouring in.

“Whatever you’d like.” Betty nodded and motioned towards the first girl who had stolen my sponge, “This is Kennedy, she’s one of the cleaning ladies. Sam and Corey are a part of my kitchen staff, and I’m the head chief.” She also introduced two twenty-something year old men behind her.

“It’s nice to meet all of you. I’m sorry, but I’m not really used to letting other people do my chores. I like to take care of my own things, even cook sometimes, if that’s not too much of an overstep.” I said, not wanting to step on any toes. Betty gently touched my arm,

“This is your house, Clementine, you can do whatever you want. We’re just here to help.” She reminded me of Valerie, which got me thinking….

“I met another woman while I was here, Valerie?” I asked.

“Oh, yes, Valerie is our head of staff. She’s usually here during the day but I can call her over.” Betty replied but I quickly shook my head,

“No, there’s no need for that, I was just wondering.” I smiled.

“Please, let us do your dishes.” Kennedy begged, actually looking offended. I sighed and nodded,

“Okay, okay, I can do that. But, I’m not just going to leave them sitting in the hallway. I’ll bring them down to you.” I argued and Kennedy frowned but nodded in agreement.

“You’re a unique and very kind Luna indeed, Miss. Clementine.” Kennedy said,

“Clem?” Lukas’ voice sent chills running up and down my spine.

Everyone in the kitchen stiffened up and bowed their heads when I felt Lukas step up behind me. His hands immediately came to my waist, resting on my hips which were poking out from underneath my shirt. I stifled a gasp as his thumb grazed across my bare skin.

“What are you doing down here?” His voice was low and came out as a whisper right next to my ear.

“Bringing down my dishes.” I mumbled in response.

“We were just telling the Luna that she didn’t need to worry about that.” Betty added and I narrowed my eyes on her.

“I was just telling them that I was capable of doing my own chores.” I argued. Lukas chuckled against my skin and turned me around to face him.

“You’re arguing with the staff now?” He smirked and I just shrugged, “Are you finished?” He cocked his eyebrow at me.

“Yes.” I replied smugly. Lukas looked over my head,

“Thank you everyone, how about you all take the evening off.” He said and everyone thanked him profusely.

Hand in hand, Lukas removed me from the kitchen and we walked back upstairs. Standing outside my room, he leaned in and knelt down so we were eye to eye.

“What do you think you’re doing walking around wearing that?” He mumbled in a deep, husky voice.

“Wh…what?” I stammered.

“Your body is for my eyes only.” He growled, his hand pressed flat against my exposed skin.

“Oh, is it?” I knew I was riling him up and I was enjoying it.

“You’re a little temptress.” His eyes were growing darker by the second. I smiled and stepped back inside my room,

“Goodnight, Lukas.” I winked and shut the door in his face. I heard his low, lustful growl from the hallway and felt satisfied with myself.

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