#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 18


Lukas couldn’t stop laughing at my comment about the silver bullets as we made our way through his home.

“So, you live here?” I asked, looking around the home.

Lukas smiled and looked sideways at me. We were walking so close that his shoulder was brushing against my arm causing a thrill of tingles to travel up and down my skin.

“Yes, this is the Alpha family’s house. You were staying in my room, actually.” He smirked.

“You are in need of an interior decorator.” I mumbled and he laughed,

“It’s all yours whenever you’re ready.” He shrugged casually and I felt my feet stumbled over nothing.

“What?” We stopped in what appeared to be a living room and Lukas’ hands were on my arms, shifting himself to stand in front of me.

“Our future, Clem. I hope you’ll choose to spend it here, with me.” His smile was so genuine, his eyes sparkling with honesty, and I felt my own heart begin to flutter.

“I…I don’t….” I stammered.

“I can hear and smell how I make you feel.” He whispered, leaning down so close to my ear that his lips lightly brushed against it. I felt myself involuntarily shiver.

“Lukas.” I whispered.

I meant for it to sound like a warning but instead, it came out as a moan and elicited a low growl from Lukas’ chest. I felt him lean down even further so his face was shoved into my neck, he inhaled deeply.

“I can’t help myself, sweet mate, the way you say my name and your scent is ravishing.” His voice was low and husky. When he pulled back, his eyes were pitch black.

“Lukas….” I said again but he growled again and shook his head,

“My name is Bastian, little mate.” Lukas’, or rather, Bastian’s, hand gripped my face and his thumb drew slow circles on my cheek.

“B…Bastian.” I stuttered.

“I’ve been waiting to speak to you in person for so long. Goddess, you are so perfect, your skin is like velvet.” He purred.

“I don’t understand…..” My head felt dizzy and my hands were dangling numbly at my side.

“You will, mate, once you open yourself up to Lukas and I; only then will you feel the full effects of our bond.” Bastian promised, leaning close to me and breathing in deeply.

“Why do you both keep sniffing me?” I laughed nervously.

“Your scent calms us and, since we can’t have you in the way we want to, yet, it’s helping with our desires.” Bastian explained.

“I’m trying to make this all sound normal in my head but it’s not going well….” I mumbled to myself. Bastian chuckled low in his chest and I felt something twist and turn inside my stomach.

“It’s not normal for you, little mate, and that’s okay, it doesn’t have to be. We’ll make our own new normal, I promise.” Bastian’s fingers trailed through my long ponytail before he growled again.

“I’m sorry about that, Clem.” Lukas’ voice returned to normal as he sighed and pulled back from my neck.

“Lukas?” I cocked my head to the side and studied his now green eyes.

“It’s me, love.” He smiled at me and took my hand, “Bastian got a little impatient and pushed through to speak with you.”

“Will he do that a lot?” I asked nervously.

“No, he just took me by surprise since I’m not used to being here so strongly and, with it being the first time he’s had the chance to speak with you in person, he was temporarily stronger than me.”

“Oh.” I muttered.

“I don’t mean to overwhelm you and I also didn’t mean to freak you out when I talked about moving in with me. I meant it when I said we’d move at your pace.”

The sound of a door opening and closing followed by a loud screech made me jump. Lukas didn’t seem phased, instead he rolled his eyes and groaned.

“What….” I started but was quickly interrupted when a set of arms yanked me away from Lukas.

“I can’t believe it’s really you!” A woman’s voice yelled in my ear.

From over a very tall, pointy shoulder, I looked at Lukas in question.

“Lily, let her go.” Lukas said in a threatening tone. The woman sighed and released me, “Clem, this is my sister, Lily.”

Lily was the opposite of Lukas with golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes. However, they shared the same chocolate colored skin, strong facial features, long limbs, and muscular statute. She smiled hugely at me and her bony fingers continued to squeeze mine,

“I’m so freaking happy to finally meet you!” She yelled again, “When Garrick told me you were here, I knew I had to come before Lukas hid you away again.”

“I….uhm….” I wasn’t usually speechless, but my brain cells were firing faster than I could use them.

“Lily, chill out and give her back to me.” Lukas sounded irritated as he gently removed me from Lily.

A man I recognized as Garrick walked through the house then and smiled at me, he held out his hand and I shook it,

“It’s nice to officially meet you, Clementine, I’m Garrick, Lily’s mate and Lukas’ Beta.”

“Your sister and your best friend are together?” I cocked an eyebrow at Lukas who just sighed again and shook his head,

“You’re telling me.” He huffed in frustration. I turned back towards Garrick and Lily when they started laughing.

“He likes to be dramatic, but, really he couldn’t be happier for us because we brought him his little angel.” Lily commented, rolling her eyes. I felt something twitch inside of me and my stomach clenched with some emotion I couldn’t name, “Our daughter, Callie, that is.” Lily added, eyeing me with a knowing smirk.

“Okay, you two aren’t helping here.” Lukas’ arm was around my waist and he clutched me close to his side. I glanced up at him and eyed his face curiously.

“I hate to break it to you, bud, but she’s looking at you like you’re not helping yourself, either.” Garrick laughed. Lukas looked down at me with wide eyes.


Someone else came bursting into the house before he could finish. Lukas’ eyes flashed black for a quick second and I could almost feel the anger rolling off of him in waves.

“We have a problem.” Mateo’s voice was serious as he joined the group.

“What now?” Garrick sighed.

“There’s someone at the gate asking for the Luna.” Mateo replied. There’s that word again, Luna.

Lukas tensed up at my side and turned me to face him. He cupped my face again and his eyes were stern.

“Stay here, Clementine.” He said seriously.

“Why? What’s going on?” I snapped, not all enjoying the idea of being grounded.

“I just need to see who’s at the gate. No one should know who you are or that you’re here. You’re safe, I promise.” Lukas smiled but it didn’t quite meet his eyes.

“I can take care of myself. Maybe it’s Daniel.” I said,

“It’s not your brother, we know what he looks and smells like. He thinks you’re in Quantico.” Mateo said from behind me but I didn’t bother to look at him.

“Just wait here, please, and let me go check it out.” Lukas sighed, dropping his hands from my face.

“Mateo,” I whipped around and turned my glare on my captive. Mateo’s eyes went wide at being addressed and he stumbled backwards like I had just hit him, “What’s the person’s name?” I asked.

Mateo glanced between me and Lukas behind me.

“Don’t look at him.” I snapped, irritated as I crossed my arms over my chest, “I’m already itching to kill you.”

“Just answer her, Mateo.” Lukas huffed.

“He said his name is Caleb Grant.” Mateo replied.

“Caleb?” I said in an excited tone. Lukas growled and was suddenly in front of me.

“Who is he?” He asked between clenched teeth, his jaw twitching.

“He’s my partner.” I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Why is he here?”

“Let him in and I’ll ask him.” I shrugged and Lukas growled again, “Stop growling at me!” I shouted, slapping him hard on the chest.

He looked at me in shock. Honestly, I was a little shocked too at how hard his chest was. I was momentarily distracted as I thought about what he would look like shirtless and kicking myself for not looking closer when he was standing naked in front of me.

“Garrick, Mateo, bring him to the house.” Lukas ordered without looking away from my face. I heard the two of them silently slip away, “Lily, you can go.”

“You don’t have to be so rude.” I chastised.

“I don’t appreciate another man coming here looking for you.” His face was hard and his eyes dark.

“I don’t appreciate you acting like a wild animal.” I snapped back.

“I am a wild animal, Clementine! I have primal instincts and it’s taking everything in me not to claim you right now.”

Lukas’ voice was low which was almost worse than if he was yelling. I looked down and saw that his hands were clenched into fists that were shaking violently.

“Caleb and I are just partners, family, really. Nothing romantic, ever.” I explained, but I wasn’t sure why I was defending myself in the first place.

“Just watching your lips say his name makes me want to murder him.” Lukas forced out of his tense jaw.

“That’s ridiculous.” I scoffed. Lukas laughed darkly,

“Not to werewolves with unmarked mates.”

“You keep saying that. What the hell does that even mean?” I grumbled in frustration.

“It doesn’t matter right now. Let’s just get through this.” Lukas said,

“Oh, and how are we going to get through this, exactly? Because you’re not about to start telling me who I can and cannot spend my time with.” I warned him.

“I would never do that….” Lukas’ face dropped and he looked offended.

“No?” I asked in a cocky tone of voice. Lukas frowned instead of responding.

Suddenly, his face went rigid and his eyes black. His entire body froze like he was having a silent conversation with himself.

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