100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 691 Clearing the Misunderstanding

Chapter 691 Clearing the Misunderstanding

Day Seventy-Four…


As the tears subsided and his cries softened into quiet sniffles, Ethan buried his face against Jane's chest. He didn't know how he would face Nathan. The young boy still believed that he was not Nathan's biological son.

"Son, you made us worried sick. Don't run away from us ever again," Nathan said in his firm yet gentle voice.

"I-I'm sorry… D-Dad," Ethan apologized as he sniffled.

Nathan stroked the young boy's head, comforting him. "We need to talk, son."

Ethan could only bob his head in obedience. Jane guided him to stand up. "Let's go home first. We have a lot of things to discuss in order to clear the misunderstandings," Jane mumbled meaningfully.

Nathan and Jane held Ethan's hands, side by side as they proceeded to the parking area. Jane could no longer wait to fix things between the father and son duo.

The young boy sat down on the back passenger seat, still hugging his small backpack. Jane and Nathan exchanged glances with one another, feeling relieved. They were glad that they found Ethan right away. They wondered where the child slept last night.

"Have you eaten?" Nathan asked his son, taking a peek using the rearview mirror.

Ethan simply shook his head. "I don't have an appetite, Dad."

"I'll call Butler Li to prepare your favorites," Jane butted in, dialing Butler Li's number.

"Hello, who's this?" Butler Li answered.

"This is Jane," Jane replied.

Butler Li's eyes widened when he recognized Jane's voice. He wondered how she got his personal number. He only gave this certain phone number to Abigail.

"What can I do for you, Miss Jane?" Butler Li asked her, still puzzled.

"We found Ethan. We are on our way to Sparks Mansion. Prepare Ethan's favorites." Jane requested him.

"Oh. Thank God! Young Master is back." Butler Li blurted out excitedly. He felt relieved. He almost lost his job for not ensuring Ethan's safety. "Got it, Ma'am. I'll prepare everything."

Jane was about to end the call when Butler Li raised another question. "Miss Jane, how did you get this number?"

Jane was taken aback for a moment. 'Oh Shoot! I remember. Butler Li gave me this number when my soul was still in Abigail's body.' "I got it from Nathan…" Jane lied.

Butler Li frowned when he heard that. Nathan didn't know this contact number at all. He was using an official phone number provided to all Staff and helpers of the Sparks Family.

But Butler Li didn't ask her further. He could only tell that Jane just lied to him.

*Twenty minutes later…*

Jane, Nathan, and Ethan arrived at Sparks Mansion. She held Ethan's hand, not leaving his side. Butler Li welcomed them along with the maids.

Jane and the little boy headed to Ethan's room while Nathan stayed behind to talk to Butler Li. He wanted to follow up with Butler Li regarding the DNA Test he asked him to do.

Jane guided Ethan and they settled down on his bed. She faced the young boy, still holding his hands.

"Dear, if you are not ready to talk to your father, I'm here, willing to listen. Just looking into your eyes, I can tell that you are troubled by something. My heart is being squeezed, especially when I see you like this. Who made my baby cry?" Jane reached out, caressing his cheeks. "Tell me what's on your mind. Why did you suddenly run away from home?" She added, convincing Ethan to share his feelings.

Ethan bit his lower lip, his eyes becoming watery while trying to hold back her tears. "M-Mom…" he sniffed, his voice trembling. "The real reason why I left home is because… I don't have the courage to face my Dad. I am afraid that he will hate me. I am afraid that bad people would try to take advantage of him by using me." Jane frowned in confusion upon hearing Ethan's sentiments. She didn't know where he was coming from.

"Why? Why are you saying this, my angel?" Jane probed, wanting to dig deeper into what he was going through at this moment.

Ethan glanced at her with a sullen look on his face. Since he fully trusts Jane, Ethan is willing to confide everything with her.

"Mom, please don't get shocked. The truth is… I found out that I'm not my father's biological son." Ethan pursed his lips after saying that, trying his best not to cry in front of Jane. But deep inside, he was already hurting.

"No, Ethan. This is just a misunderstanding. Your father didn't mean those words. He was just being deceived by Helena." Jane was not aware that Monica already approached Ethan and introduced herself as his biological mother.

"I am certain that you are your father's son. Nathan is your father!" Jane said with conviction.

But Ethan shook his head. "Mom… I've conducted a DNA Test. Uncle Vincent's DNA and mine were matched. I know the truth… my biological mother is alive… and my father is Vincent… They want me back."

Jane was stunned at first. But seconds later, her expression turned grim and cold, clenching her fists while gritting her teeth. Now, she found out the reason why Monica approached Ethan. It turned out they already revealed the truth to Ethan about her existence. The worst scenario was that Monica also planted lies in the young boy's mind, deceiving him. "Ethan, listen to me. Even if your DNA and Vincent's DNA matched, it doesn't mean you have a father-and-son connection. I got proof that Vincent is not your biological father. He could be your Uncle… but not your father." Jane picked up the document and showed it to Ethan.

"I can guarantee that this result is not tampered with. Will you trust me, Ethan?" Jane wanted to reassure Ethan. Although she was fuming with rage because of what Monica did, she was trying her best to maintain her cool because she was making Ethan understand the whole truth.

"Mom? Is this true? Uncle Vincent is not my biological father?" Ethan asked her again for another confirmation. He was surprised to see the result of the DNA test. It was different from the percentage of the DNA test result he acquired from Butler Li.

"Yes. I will bet my life on it. He is not your father. They are just trying to ruin your father-and-son relationship. Nathan is your father. That's the only truth you have to believe in… my son." Jane embraced the young boy. She felt sorry for him. The boy got confused and suffered emotionally because of Monica's malicious scheme. contemporary romance

'I'll never forgive them. How dare they use Ethan for their evil scheme? I will teach them a lesson. A lesson they will never forget!' Jane swore to herself with a clenched jaw.

Meanwhile, if Ethan had to believe one thing… then he would choose Jane's words.

"Mom!" He pounced on Jane, embracing her tightly. "I'm so happy. Your words already comforted me. I believe you. I feel like something heavy was lifted off my chest. Thanks, Mom."

Jane's expression softened because of Ethan. She hugged him back and stroked his hair. "Blood-related or not, you are his son and Nathan loves you so much. Just like… how you love me… even though I'm not your biological mother."

Ethan bobbed his head.

"Don't do this again, Ethan. Don't run away from home. Promise me." "I promise, Mom. I'm sorry for causing trouble." Ethan felt guilty.

"Don't ever keep a secret from us. If those two will approach you again… tell us. They are great manipulators. Don't believe their lies." Jane reminded him.

"Yes, Mom. I will."


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