100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 684 What Have You Done?

684 What Have You Done?

Day Seventy-Three...


"Mom, what's wrong with my Dad?" Ethan's innocent inquiry cut through the air, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and hurt. The pang of rejection lingered as Nathan had sidestepped his attempt at a hug. A rift, previously unnoticed, had crept into the father-son connection.

Jane's heart ached at the sadness in Ethan's voice. Her features softened, and she leaned closer, leveling her gaze with Ethan's eye level. She also pondered why Nathan reacted that way. She wanted to blame Monica for Nathan's mood swings.

"He might be tired. Don't take his action to the heart, Sweety," Jane softly said. She wrapped him in her arms, consoling the young boy. "Let's prepare a dinner for your Dad. I'm sure he is tired and hungry." Jane held Ethan's hand and guided him inside the house. She already made a mental note to ask Nathan about his distant behavior toward Ethan.

The surge of protective instincts rippled through Jane's thoughts. 'I feel the urge to reprimand him. He shouldn't be transferring his irritation to the innocent child just because of his grievances with Monica,' she reflected inwardly, the concern for the father and son duo tugging at her heartstrings.

Jane decided to spend time with Ethan, making him feel happy despite his father's cold and distant behavior. Nathan, on the other hand, just stayed in his study room, sulking at his desk. He didn't know how he would face Ethan, thinking he was a product of Monica's evil scheme.

Though he didn't hate the young boy since he knew Ethan was innocent, he couldn't bring himself to face him with a smile. Monica's words had deeply unsettled him. For years, he'd held an unwavering belief that Ethan was his own flesh and blood. The revelation of falsified DNA results rocked the very foundation of his reality, leaving him reeling in disbelief.

Nathan tugged his hair tightly. He didn't know what to believe in anymore, questioning everything he had once held as truth. Rubbing the space between his eyebrows, Nathan's weariness and the weight of emotional distress etched lines on his face. The fatigue and strain were starkly evident.

With a heavy sigh, he reached for the crystal tumbler beside the decanter, the clink of ice cubes echoing softly. Pouring a generous amount of whiskey, he observed the liquid swirling in the glass. Nathan decided to wash his troubles away by drinking whiskey. The scent of oak and aged spirits floated through the room as he raised the glass to his lips, taking a deliberate sip. The warmth of the whiskey slid down his throat, a bittersweet solace offering temporary respite from the turmoil within.contemporary romance

With each sip, the sharp edges of reality seemed to soften, blurring the lines of his troubles, if only for a fleeting moment. As the amber liquid warmed his insides, Nathan closed his eyes, attempting to drown out the chaos of his thoughts only for a while.

After half an hour, a soft knock could be heard from the outside. "Dad, it's me. The dinner is ready. Let's eat." Ethan made his presence known to his father.

Nathan tossed a look at the closed door, complicated emotion resurfaced in his eyes. Part of him wanted to believe that Ethan was his biological son. But thinking about the past, the seed of doubt started to grow in his heart.

Monica didn't truly love him. She only used him. Besides, they only slept once. There was a big possibility that Vincent was Ethan's biological father.

"I need to be certain, once and for all. If it means undergoing another DNA test, then so be it," Nathan resolved silently, a steely determination firming his resolve.

Summoning his scattered emotions, Nathan rose from his seat and traced his steps toward the door. The moment he opened the door, Ethan's radiant smile greeted his sight.

"Dad, let's go. I know you are tired. Mom and I prepared a delicious dinner for you," Ethan's enthusiasm cut through the heavy atmosphere, his words a gentle invitation.

Nathan paused for a moment, reflecting on his rude and cold behavior toward his son a while ago. Nathan's heart constricted with guilt.

Without hesitation, he lowered himself and enveloped Ethan in a tight embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of their connection. "I'm sorry, son. I'm truly sorry," Nathan's voice quivered with remorse as he expressed his heartfelt apology to Ethan.

Ethan, displaying a maturity beyond his years, returned the embrace, his tender smile speaking volumes. "It's alright, Dad. There's no need to apologize," he reassured, his hand patting Nathan's back in a comforting gesture.

Unseen by Nathan and Ethan, a silent observer lingered in the shadows. Butler Li, with his discreet presence, stood in his spot, admiring the heartwarming scene before his eyes. He was

interrupted when his phone vibrated. He checked his phone and his demeanor changed upon reading the message. He cast one last look at the father and son duo before he left silently.


[ In Vincent's Villa...]

The mansion vibrated with an uneasy tension as Monica, consumed by an indignant fury, marched through the hallway. Her steps echoed sharply against the polished marble floors, an indication of her agitated state. Upon reaching Vincent's study room, with a swift, forceful motion, she flung the door open, the hinges creaking in protest.


The door swung wide, slamming against the wall with a resounding thud. Monica's entrance disrupted the serenity of the surroundings as she barged into Vincent's study room, her breaths ragged, and her face contorted with frustration.

Vincent, startled by the sudden intrusion, looked up from his desk, a mix of surprise and concern etched across his features. "What happened to you?"

Vincent stood up and abruptly approached Monica. He reached out, lifting her chin. He saw the red mark on her cheek, the impact of Jane's hard slap.

"This was done of that Bitch! Phantomflake assaulted me once again!" Monica complained to Vincent. Monica's simmering anger erupted.

Vincent didn't know what to say. He knew that no words could appease Monica's anger. He just caressed her cheeks before wrapping her in his arms. He could only console her like this.

Meanwhile, Monica's mood changed when Vincent showed her his sweet sides. Despite her bad encounter with Jane, something good happened today. She couldn't wait to share the piece of good news with Vincent.

"Darling, I did it. Our plan! It worked," Monica announced, a triumphant glint in her eyes.

Vincent's brow furrowed in confusion at her proclamation. "What plan?" His voice held a note of perplexity as he leaned back slightly, casting a probing glance at Monica, searching for clarity in her cryptic declaration.

The air crackled with an unspoken tension as Monica hesitated for a moment, the weight of her words hanging in the space between them.

"I indirectly informed Nathan that Ethan is not his biological son. We can now easily get Ethan back. If Nathan hates him, he will no longer fight for Ethan's custody. He might be willing to give Ethan to us."

The phone call was part of her plan. She was not talking to Vincent at that time. She just made it look like she was talking to him while letting Nathan hear everything.

"What have you done, Monica?! You didn't consult me about this!" Vincent was enraged when he learned about her actions. He promised Ethan that he wouldn't tell Nathan about their relationship for the time being.


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