100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 656 Her Date in the Engagement Party

Chapter 656 Her Date in the Engagement Party

Day Seventy-Two… contemporary romance


[ At Hiroshi's Villa… ]

Jane was engrossed in her work, her fingers flying across the laptop keyboard as she concentrated on her tasks. The living room served as the backdrop for their busy preparations for the forthcoming engagement party, which was rapidly approaching.

The three women had gathered in the living room to assist Abigail with the party preparations. Hanabi had taken on the task of printing the invitation cards, each one meticulously crafted with care.

Abigail, on the other hand, was poring over a fashion magazine sent by Madam Priyanshi, her brow furrowed in indecision as she flipped through the pages, searching for the perfect dress to wear to the engagement party. The array of stunning dresses made her decision all the more challenging.

"Sis, I just can't choose. Every single dress is so beautiful!" Abigail admitted with a sigh, her arms wrapping around Jane's as she sought her sister's guidance. "Can you help me choose one?"

Jane, who had momentarily paused her work on the laptop, readily shifted her focus to the magazine at hand. Her eyes roved over the magazine's pages.

"You can choose any of these, and you'll undoubtedly look absolutely gorgeous," she reassured Abigail, her words carrying the confidence of a sister's unwavering support. Yet, deep down, Jane knew that selecting the perfect dress wasn't her area of expertise either.

"Hmm. Okay. I think I should ask Dave later," she mused, her 15:48

shoulders relaxing as she closed the fashion magazine, setting it aside. She finally gave up. She would let her fiancé choose for her.

"By the way, where is Cherry?" Abigail asked, her gaze scanning the room in search of their missing friend.

Jane responded promptly, her voice steady, "She went out for some errands." It was a succinct response, concealing the true reason behind Cherry's absence. The errand she was referring to was related to Monica. Jane was still pissed off since Monica approached Ethan.

After all these years, that woman came back to bring chaos to Ethan's peaceful world. Jane harbored a deep-seated mistrust of Monica, a sentiment born from her uncertainty about the woman's true intentions.

Jane couldn't fathom how a mother could abandon her own child, all in pursuit of her ulterior motives and schemes. The very thought of it filled Jane with a mix of anger and disbelief.

Monica's actions had left a lasting mark on Ethan, and Jane was determined to protect him from any further harm, no matter what it took.

"Sis, just a heads up, Tatsumi is going to be discharged today. Please, don't fall for his antics when he starts pestering you," Hanabi chimed in, bringing a new topic into their conversation.

Abigail, ever curious, inquired further, seeking clarification. "Tatsumi? He's Uncle Kazuki's son, right?"

Hanabi confirmed her suspicion, nodding vigorously. "Yes, that's him. But don't be fooled by his seemingly good-guy appearance. He's shameless and a bit of a troublemaker!" Hanabi warned, ensuring Abigail and Jane were well-prepared for Tatsumi's return.

Jane couldn't help but chuckle at Hanabi's words. The dynamic between Hanabi and Tatsumi was akin to that of a cat and a dog, with their constant bickering and disagreements providing endless amusement for those around them.

Abigail's teasing smile was impossible to miss as she directed her next question at Jane, a playful glint dancing in her eyes. "Sis, is he the one you're planning to bring as your date to my engagement party?"

Hanabi couldn't help but pout her lips when Abigail raised the subject. Her concerns were evident, and she wasn't keen on the idea of Jane tolerating Tatsumi's unpredictable antics.

"Bringing him as your date is a bad idea," Hanabi interjected, her voice tinged with genuine concern. She wanted to protect Jane from any potential trouble. "He'll only become more shameless if you indulge him," she cautioned, voicing her reservations about Tatsumi's behavior and the impact it might have on Jane.

Jane offered Hanabi a comforting tap on the back, a reassuring gesture meant to console her concerns. "Tatsumi is a good friend of ours, Hanabi. Don't be so harsh on him," Jane urged, her tone gentle and understanding. "He can come to the engagement party but I have a different date," she added.

Abigail's eyes sparkled with anticipation at Jane's next statement, and she couldn't contain her excitement. "Who's your date?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Meanwhile, Hanabi couldn't shake a nagging feeling that lingered within her. Both women eagerly turned their attention back to Jane, intrigued and curious to know who her chosen date for the engagement party would be.

A hint of reluctance tugged at Jane's smile as she turned to Abigail. Her concern for her sister's comfort and happiness was evident in her eyes, and she wanted to make sure that her decision wouldn't cause any discomfort for Abigail and Dave.

"Actually," Jane began, her voice gentle and tentative, "I wanted to ask for your consent first, sis. I want to know if you'll be okay with it." She paused, her gaze shifting between Abigail and Hanabi, before finally revealing her plan.

"I'm thinking of bringing Nathan as my date to your engagement party." Jane's words hung in the air, waiting for Abigail's response, knowing that her sister's feelings mattered most in this decision.

On the other hand, the mention of Nathan's name left both Hanabi and Abigail momentarily taken aback. The unexpected proposition had caught them off guard, and they exchanged glances, processing the surprising turn of events.

Hanabi's feelings toward Nathan were still colored by her past resentment, stemming from the enmity between him and Jane. However, out of respect for Jane's choices and their friendship, she had been making an effort to understand and accept Jane's decision to forge a connection with Nathan.

Abigail, while not harboring the same level of animosity as Hanabi, couldn't help but express her concern. "Sis, you have nothing to worry about me… but I am more worried about Nathan," Abigail began, her tone thoughtful.

"You can bring him. But are you sure he'll be comfortable attending my engagement party? I don't want him to feel uneasy or out of place." Her consideration of Nathan's feelings was evident, and she wanted to ensure that everyone felt at ease during the celebration.

She leaned in closer, her voice soft and reassuring as she addressed her sister's worries. "He's absolutely fine with it," Jane affirmed, her eyes reflecting her confidence in Nathan's willingness to attend the event with her.

With a gentle nod, she continued, "And don't worry, we won't be mingling with the other guests. We'll be in the shadows, silently celebrating with you."

Jane emphasized her intention to stay in the background, ensuring that the focus of the party remained on Abigail and Dave.

She held Abigail's hand and squeezed it gently, her voice barely above a whisper as she reminded her of their initial plan. "Remember, I don't want the other guests to know about my existence or my connection to you, the Hiroshi and the Yan Family. I'll keep a low profile." Jane's words held a note of determination, reaffirming her commitment to maintaining their secrecy during the event.

"Okay, Sis. I understand," Abigail replied, feeling relieved and at ease.

Their conversation, however, was interrupted when Mr. Hiroshi made his entrance into the living room, accompanied by two men who followed closely behind him. His announcement drew the attention of his daughters and Hanabi.

"Ladies, you have two handsome visitors," Mr. Hiroshi declared, his tone carrying a hint of amusement as he presented the unexpected guests to his daughters.

The sight of Nathan and Dave together left the three women in the room pleasantly surprised. They exchanged glances, a mix of curiosity in their eyes. The simultaneous arrival of the two men had certainly piqued their interest, and they couldn't help but wonder if the two gentlemen arrive at the same time. And what was the reason behind it?

"I'll leave them in your care," Mr. Hiroshi added with a meaningful glance directed at Jane and Abigail.

Jane was the first to step forward, setting her laptop aside as she approached Nathan. "Why are you here?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on him. Her eyes sparkled with delight, and she made an effort to contain the wide smile that was on the verge of breaking free from the corners of her lips.

Jane couldn't deny the overwhelming joy that surged through her heart upon seeing Nathan today. His unexpected presence had stirred a sense of longing within her, and she couldn't help but admit to herself that she had missed him deeply.

Meanwhile, Nathan wasted no time in getting to the point. "I've come to pick you up. Ethan wants to have lunch with you to celebrate his hospital discharge," he explained, his tone conveying the straightforward nature of his visit.

Nathan's gaze remained fixed on Jane, his eyes filled with a deep intensity that mirrored his own yearning and desire to see her on that day.

While the two of them locked eyes in a moment of unspoken connection, Dave, Abigail, and Hanabi couldn't help but observe the unfolding scene with a mixture of amusement and surprise.

It was as if Nathan and Jane had created their own world, completely ignoring the presence of the others in the room. They felt like the three of them had become invisible in Nathan's and Jane's eyes.

Dave approached Abigail, his voice hushed as he whispered gently, "Shall we go, my love? It seems like Nathan and Jane could use some privacy right now. Besides, you and I have a special date planned today. Are you all set?"

Abigail's eyes lit up with anticipation, and she nodded eagerly. "I'm absolutely ready!" Her excitement was evident as she looked forward to the romantic date they had planned together.

As the only one without a partner, Hanabi could only heave a sigh of defeat. She quietly made her exit, leaving Jane and Nathan alone in the living room.


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