100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 650 Her Maternal Instinct Kicked In

Chapter 650  Her Maternal Instinct Kicked In

Day Seventy-One…


After some time, Nathan and Jane discreetly retrieved their clothing scattered on the floor, slipping back into their respective garments. They maintained an air of composure as if the passionate moment between them had never occurred.

Once dressed, they found themselves side by side, sitting in a comfortable silence that carried no hint of awkwardness. Nathan took it upon himself to serve the meal and chilled beverages he had ordered for them earlier.

As they dined together, the atmosphere between them was a blend of shared moments and unspoken sentiments. Nathan and Jane found themselves in a contemplative state, their thoughts entwined with questions about the true nature of their relationship.

Each bite of food seemed to symbolize the layers of complexity that surrounded them, leaving room for lingering questions and uncharted emotions. They silently pondered the uncharted territory they had entered, both wondering if the intimate encounter had changed the dynamics between them. contemporary romance

Their eyes met briefly, and in that exchange, they saw a reflection of their shared uncertainty. What was the real score between them now?

Jane's curiosity won over her and she could no longer resist the urge to break the silence that had settled between them. Her voice, soft yet filled with a searching intensity, finally pierced the stillness.

"Nate," she began, her eyes locked onto his, "are you planning to use me as a rebound, especially since my sister is marrying Dave?" Her question lingered in the air, a weighty inquiry that demanded Nathan's unfiltered honesty and insight into their complex situation.

Nathan didn't rush to respond, instead, he took a moment to carefully examine his own emotions. He knew that he needed to be honest with himself and with Jane about where he stood. Uncertainty swirled within him, as he grappled with the complexity of his feelings.

In the quiet pause that followed, he considered the undeniable connection they had just shared, a connection that had left a lasting mark on him. He couldn't deny that he didn't regret their intimate encounter earlier. It had been a passionate and genuine moment– most importantly, it had nothing to do with Abigail or any jealousy he had for Dave.

With a contemplative gaze fixed on Jane, he spoke softly but earnestly, "Jane, I want you to know that what happened between us wasn't driven by any intention to use you as a rebound. My feelings for you are separate from anything involving Abigail. I can't explain the feelings I have for you, but I am certain that it is not a replacement for someone else."

Jane found herself momentarily speechless, her thoughts swirling as she absorbed Nathan's initial response. It was a lot to take in, and she appreciated his candidness. As she struggled to find words, Nathan pressed on, determined to convey the depths of his feelings and thoughts.

"I don't know exactly when it started… but lately…" Nathan paused, seemingly hesitant to reveal his next words.

"What?" Jane prompted, her curiosity piqued, her eyes locked onto his with a mixture of anticipation and concern. She wanted to understand what was running in his mind right now, urging him to confide in her.

Nathan, however, scratched his face, a nervous habit, and shifted his gaze away. He sucked his teeth, clearly embarrassed by the admission he was about to make. His vulnerability was evident, making it all the more important for him to find the right words to convey what he was feeling.

"C'mon, Nate! Don't leave me hanging," Jane complained. She could no longer contain her curiosity, and she playfully nudged Nathan's shoulder, coaxing him to share what he had been hesitating to say.

Nathan heaved a sigh of defeat before he admitted, "What I was trying to say is that... lately, I've found myself struggling with jealousy. It happens whenever I see you with another man, especially Stephen and Vincent."

The weight of his confession hung in the air, and he met Jane's surprised gaze, his eyes revealing the depth of his emotions. It was a revelation that laid bare the complexities of their relationship, and Nathan's admission left them both in a moment of contemplative silence as they coped with the newfound awareness of their feelings.

They were in the midst of their contemplative conversation when the ringtone of Nathan's phone disrupted the moment. Nathan quickly excused himself, recognizing the call as coming from the Sparks Mansion, and stepped aside to answer it.

With a tone of cautious concern, he picked up the phone and inquired, "Hello, what is it?"

Butler Li, his loyal and dedicated household manager, urgently relayed the distressing news from the other end of the line. "Master! Young Master Ethan is not feeling well! He's in excruciating pain. I'm calling to inform you that we're rushing him to the hospital."

Worry etched across Nathan's face as he took in the gravity of the situation. His voice carried a sense of urgency as he responded, "Tell me the hospital. I'm on my way there." The concern for his son, Ethan, was evident in every word he spoke, and he was prepared to leave and fly to his current location.

Noticing the sudden shift in Nathan's expression and demeanor, Jane sprang to her feet and gently grasped his arm. Her eyes were filled with concern, mirroring the worry etched across Nathan's face.

"What happened? Who is in the hospital?" Jane inquired urgently, her voice laced with apprehension. She had overheard Nathan's mention of the hospital during his conversation on the phone, and her immediate instinct was to offer her support and assistance in whatever way she could.

Nathan's voice quivered with concern as he shared the distressing news with Jane. "Ethan... he's not well. Butler Li is rushing him to the hospital," he informed her, his words heavy with anxiety.

Upon hearing Ethan's name, Jane's heart sank, a deep sense of worry and maternal protectiveness taking hold of her. Without hesitation, she took a firm hold of Nathan's arm, her determination evident in her grip as she urged, "Let's go! I need to see Ethan." Her maternal instinct had kicked in, and she was determined to be by the young boy's side in his time of need.


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