100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 648 Undeniable Paternal Love

Day Seventy-One…


Ethan's eyes widened in sheer disbelief. The weight of Vincent's revelation bore down on him, rendering him momentarily speechless. This man, a stranger, was asserting his claim as Ethan's father, and the woman beside him was being presented as his biological mother. It was a staggering revelation, one that stretched the limits of Ethan's comprehension. How could such a truth suddenly emerge from the shadows?

Yet, despite the shock, Ethan couldn't entirely silence the nagging doubts that swirled within him. His trust in Vincent remained far from absolute, and he found it challenging to fully embrace the idea that Nathan, the man he had known as his father, might not be his biological parent after all. 

The conflicting emotions and unanswered questions churned within him, leaving him in a state of deep uncertainty and turmoil.

Meanwhile, Vincent, who sensed the doubt clouding Ethan's eyes, was determined to solidify his credibility by offering additional evidence to strengthen his claims. He came truly well-prepared for this moment, understanding the necessity of convincing the young boy of the authenticity of his words. 

With a subtle gesture, he signaled to Monica, who promptly retrieved a photo album resting on a nearby table and handed it to Vincent.

"I understand how difficult it is for you to accept this truth, Ethan," Vincent began, his voice laced with empathy. "But please, allow me to provide you with more tangible evidence of our connection." The album lay open before them, ready to unveil a visual narrative that would further enlighten Ethan about their connections.

Ethan's gaze shifted from Vincent to the open photo album resting before them. The two of them scanned through the pages, revealing a compilation of tender moments. The album displayed cherished moments of Ethan's baby photos, each page capturing the bonds shared among Vincent, Monica, and Helena.

However, the majority of the photos showcased the unwavering care and devotion that Vincent had showered upon Ethan. These snapshots documented his journey from birth until the age of three, painting a vivid picture of a loving and nurturing relationship.

As Ethan delved further into the images, he found it increasingly difficult to deny the undeniable paternal love that radiated from Vincent's eyes in each photograph, an emotional connection that transcended words and left a memorable mark on his heart.

'Is this man truly my biological father?' Ethan's eyes became misty, tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. He hated the possibility that Nathan was not his biological father.I think you should take a look at

Ethan's resolve was unyielding as he clung to the belief that his blood connection with Nathan was irrefutable. He shook his head in denial, his voice trembling with conviction. "But my Dad and I, our DNA matched!" he asserted vehemently. "The DNA results can't be wrong! It's concrete proof that he is my father!"contemporary romance

Monica let out a heavy sigh. "Ethan, you need to understand that the woman who took you away from us was deceptively cunning," she explained patiently. "She had the ability and the will to manipulate the DNA test results. Her motive was to deceive Nathan, making him believe that he had fathered her child."

"Alright, Ethan," Vincent proposed with a tone of understanding and determination, "if you seek concrete proof beyond any doubt, your mother and I are prepared to provide you with airtight evidence. We are willing to give you strands of our hair. You can submit these samples to the hospital for a DNA test, and we can have it done simultaneously with Nathan's DNA sample. This way, we can settle any lingering uncertainty once and for all." Vincent's suggestion aimed to offer Ethan a path to irrefutable clarity in this situation filled with complexity and doubt.

Ethan remained silent. He just nodded his head while clenching his fists. Deep inside, he was afraid to confirm the truth. But he needed this to clear all the doubts he had in his heart. Vincent and Monica allowed Ethan to pluck a strand of their hair. This way they could reassure him that they were not deceiving him.

"We understand that this is a lot to take in, Ethan," Vincent spoke with gentle reassurance, his hand tenderly caressing Ethan's hair. "We're not pressuring you. We want you to have the time you need to come to terms with this. I know you've grown fond of your father, but the truth is, you are my son, and it's my responsibility to take care of you."

Ethan was no longer paying attention to Vincent's words. His spirits were at an all-time low, his emotions in turmoil from the shocking revelation. Overwhelmed and devastated, he yearned for the comfort of familiarity. "I want to go home," he expressed, his voice carrying the weight of his inner turmoil. The desire for solace and a return to the Sparks Mansion was evident in his words.

Vincent nodded in understanding of Ethan's request to leave. "I'll send you off," he affirmed, his voice tinged with a hint of longing as he prepared to send Ethan on his way.

As Vincent rose from his seat, he extended his right hand towards Ethan. However, Ethan hesitated, his heart torn between the longing for the familiar bond with Nathan and the revelation that Vincent might indeed be his biological father. 

The act of accepting Vincent's hand felt like a symbolic acknowledgment of a profound truth that he was his real father. But Ethan wasn't yet ready to fully embrace this truth. So, he reluctantly chose not to take Vincent's hand. 

It did not take long before Ethan departed from Vincent's villa, accompanied by his guards and nanny. As they navigated through the bustling streets of Towerville City, his thoughts remained firmly fixated on Nathan, the man he continued to regard as his biological father. His heart weighed heavily with the turmoil of emotions stirred by the unsettling revelation.

With a sense of melancholy, he absently gazed at the strands of hair that had been placed on his handkerchief, a reminder of the complex web of identity and belonging that now surrounded him. The city's vibrant sights and sounds blurred into the background as he wrestled with the profound implications of today's revelations, leaving him in a state of deep contemplation.


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