100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 601 Mom?

Day Sixty-Eight…


After taking their performance task test, Ethan and Mia decided to visit Jane in the hospital. But before leaving the school, Mia called her Uncle Vincent to inform him. She needed to get his permission first so that the guards and her nanny wouldn't stop her from leaving.

Ethan waited for her to finish her call with her Uncle Vincent.

"Hello, Uncle? What are you doing? Are you busy?" Mia bit her lower lip, thinking of a perfect excuse to get her uncle's approval.

"No. I'm not busy. I'm with your Aunt Helena, my princess. How's your exam?" Vincent asked her curiously.

"Easy," she replied as she giggled giddily.

Vincent also laughed with her. "I knew it. My little princess is so smart."

"By the way, Uncle… Can I tag along with my friend first? I'm visiting his sick mother. I won't bring my nanny and bodyguards." Mia informed him, asking for his consent.

"A friend? Whose friend?" Vincent asked her with a deep frown on his face.

"Yes. My friend, Ethan. He is also my classmate."

Vincent fell silent for a moment. He knew that Mia was referring to Ethan Sparks, Nathan's son. But who was the sick mother Mia had mentioned? Was it Abigail?

"Okay. You can go with him. But tell me what time you are going home. I will fetch you." Vincent wanted to grab this opportunity for Mia and Ethan to get closer to each other. Of course, he would allow her to tag along with him. He also found a chance where he could meet Ethan personally. Mia would be the key to this.

"Thank you, Uncle! Don't worry. I'll behave and I will not create any trouble." Mia reassured him.

"Okay, my little princess. Just enjoy your moment with him. Just send me a message if you are ready to go home. I'll fetch you myself."

"Yes. Uncle. See you later. Love bunch! Mwah."

After the call ended, Vincent called Mia's bodyguard. He asked the bodyguard to follow Mia secretly and find out where she was going and who was she going to visit. He told the bodyguard to report everything to him.

Meanwhile, Mia proceeded to the school bench where Ethan was waiting for her.

"Ethan! My uncle agreed. We can leave now!" She was running to him.

Ethan stood up and motioned for his nanny to help Mia carry her backpack. "Okay. Let's go." contemporary romance

Ethan guided her toward the car. The family chauffeur had been waiting for them. Little Ethan opened the car door for Mia. He didn't even allow the bodyguard to do it. Mia thanked him for his thoughtfulness.

The two charming kids settled down in the back passenger seat.

"I have met your mother during the family day. I hope she is feeling better now." Mia was referring to Abigail. Jane's soul was still in Abigail's body at that time.

Ethan shook his head. "No. You haven't seen her real face yet." Ethan was aware that Mia would think of Abigail, not Jane.

"Eh? You have a different mother. Not the one I met during the family day?" Mia sounded a little bit confused.

Ethan could only bob his head.

"I'm so excited to meet your mother. Can you describe her for me?" Mia requested him.

When it came to Jane, Ethan would be glad to talk about her. Without a second thought, Ethan spoke up, describing Jane's physical features and her good qualities.

"She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. I like her emerald eyes. She has long wavy black hair. Slender body. She is tall. She is also smart like us. Whenever she smiles, my world brightens up!"

"She is an expert in computer programming and video games. She is a great hacker." Ethan spoke, feeling so proud of her. "She is sweet and loving. But she is fierce and frightening to her enemies. She is my idol!"

"My interest is piqued further because of your words. I can't wait to see her. She seems perfect in your eyes." Mia giggled as she could see love and admiration in Ethan's eyes whenever he would talk about his mother.

"Of course, she is," Ethan said matter-of-factly.

The two continued talking about Jane. Before they knew it, they finally reached the Zhou's Hospital. Little did they know, they were being followed by Mia's bodyguard as per Vincent's command.

He immediately reported to Vincent, sending him a message. [ Sir, we are currently in Zhou's Hospital. I can't proceed further. I think the patient belong to the VIPs. I also noticed so many guards in the VIP floor. ]

Vincent became more skeptical who was the VIP patient whom Mia and Ethan were visiting. At first, he thought it was Abigail. But one of his sources told him that Abigail was currently staying in the Greenbelt Hospital, watching over Dave.

Vincent was still trying to figure out something when he recalled the report com ing from Phoenix. 'Wait… Don't tell me… the VIP patient in the Zhou's Hospital is Jane?'

His eyes widened at that realization.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Helena tugged Vincent's hand when she noticed his troubled expression. She wanted to check his phone but Vincent immediately put it away.

"I forgot. I have to fetch Miya. Stay here, Darling and wait for us. Okay?" Vincent didn't let her complain as he kissed her lips to seal her mouth. After a while, he stood up and grabbed his car keys, leaving the villa hurriedly.

Meanwhile, Ethan and Mia were on the way to Jane's VIP ward. She was quietly following Ethan as they walked in the hallway. Soon, Ethan stopped in front of the VIP Ward. The guards immediately stepped to the side, giving way to the two children.

"Is Dad there?" Ethan asked them.

"No, young master. But Miss Cherry is there." One guard responded.

Ethan just bobbed his head before pushing the door open. The guards just watched Ethan and Mia together with amused look on their faces. Their young master brought a cute charming kid.

'Eh? Does our young master already have a girlfriend?'

Ignoring the strange gazes coming from the guards, the two entered the room. Cherry greeted them.

"Ethan, you're here. You brought a friend." Cherry smiled at Mia.

"This is Mia, my classmate." Ethan turned to Mia and introduced Cherry. "Mia, this is Aunt Cherry, my mom's best friend."

"Hello, Miss Cherry. I'm Mia."

"I'm glad to meet you, Mia. I'll get you some snacks. Please look after her for a while." Cherry stepped out of the room to get snacks for the two little kids.

Ethan grabbed Mia's hand, pulling her toward Jane's sick bed. "Mia, this is my mom. Though she is still unconscious, I'll introduce you to her once she wakes up."

Mia shifted her gaze from Ethan to Jane who was lying unconscious on the bed. Her eyes widened upon seeing her face.

"Mom?" Mia mumbled absentmindedly, her eyes fixed on her.

"Yes. That's her. My Mom," Ethan responded. He thought Mia was asking him for confirmation.

But Mia's expression changed. She was surprised beyond belief. "Mom?" Mia mumbled once again as she moved closer to Jane. "She looks like… my mother."

Ethan: "..."


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