100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 595 Vincent Connected to King Stallion

595 Vincent Connected to King Stallion 

Day Sixty-Six... 

{ Flashback... } 

When Jane woke up, she was surprised to see a stranger. She looked around and noticed that she was no longer locked up in an interrogation room, but instead, she was in a private hospital. 

"Who are you?' Jane asked him. She sat up only to wince in pain. Her wrist was broken and she got so many bruises. contemporary romance

Vincent looked at her with complicated emotions. He couldn't understand why he was letting her live. This woman before him hurt Monica. Monica had undergone a major operation after she was hit by a knife right through her heart. 

"Relax. You are safe here," Vincent tried to calm her down. 

Jane was still confused. As far as she could remember, she collapsed even before she could free her feet from the binds. Who brought her there? Was it Sizzling August? Who was this man? 

Jane jolted and moved away when Vincent was about to touch her. She didn't want to be touched by anyone. Monica's action caused great trauma to her. She wished to die. However, she needed to kill Monica and the Sizzling August first. She felt betrayed. The intimate moment between Monica and Sizzling August was already engraved in her mind. 

I'm thirsty," Jane mumbled. And hungry"

When Vincent heard that, he immediately stood up. "Wait for me. I'll get you some food." 

The moment Vincent left, Jane hurriedly got off the bed. She couldn't trust anyone even a stranger. She would only feel safe if she could return to Phantom Assassin Guilds. 

She decided to escape and leave the hospital. She was walking in the hallway when from the distance, she saw some familiar men. Two men who witnessed how she was assaulted by Monica were standing and talking outside a private ward. 

Her gut feeling was right. Members of the King Stallion Mafia were in the hospital too. Her first instinct was to kill those two men. She wanted to kill everyone who humiliated her. Without further ado, Jane charged in their direction. Stealing a gun from one guy, Jane shot the two men to death. 

But her actions caught the attention of the other members. The sound of gunshots also brought chaos to the hospital. An encounter happened. Jane shot every member she could see until she ran out of ammo. Members of the King Stallion Mafia surrounded Jane, trying to subdue her. They were about to shoot her when a loud voice was heard. 

"Don't shoot her!" Vincent's stern voice was heard. 

Jane turned around only to see the stranger she saw a while ago. She knew it. He was part of the King Stallion Mafia. No one could be trusted. Jane tried to fight them. Several men worked together just to capture her alive. They were about to handcuff her but she freed herself once again. She stole a dagger from one of them and fought them. The only thing in her mind was to Kill. 2 


[ In Zhou's Hospital... ] 

Nathan rushed to Jane's ward after hearing the news that something happened to her. Her body suddenly convulsed violently. 

"How is sher Nathan asked Cherry worriedly. 

Ethan was sitting on the edge of Jane's sick bed, stroking her hair. 

"She's fine now. Dr. Zhou injected her with a calming medicine. He is with Stephen. The two are discussing something related to her condition" Just like Nathan, Cherry was uneasy. She couldn't stand seeing Jane back in this coma state. 

"Mr. Sparks, will my sis wake up? Is there something wrong with her health?' Cherry was clueless about Jane's brain tumor. 

Nathan and Stephen decided to keep her condition from others. 

"She will wake up," Nathan said with conviction. He also refused to give up on Jane's treatment. In fact, he already ordered the doctors in his medical facility to find a cure. He must find a way to prolong Jane's life. This was the least he could do for her. 

Cherry could only sigh deeply. Worries and concerns were written all over her face. 

"You should take a rest, Cherry. You don't look well. I'll be watching Jane on your behalf!' Nathan encouraged Cherry to go home. 

Cherry was already aware of Nathan's identity as the Supreme Leader of the Syphiruz Mafia that's why she wanted to refuse his offer but then again, she remembered that Jane had given her a task. She needed to find Monica's whereabouts. 

"Mr. Sparks, do you really wish for my sis to recover?" Cherry wondered if Nathan still wanted revenge for the death of Monica. 

Nathan glanced at Cherry skeptically. He didn't know why she was asking him this question. 

"Of course. I want her to recover," Nathan responded. 

"Is your concern for her real? Or you are just saying this because she's Abigail's biological sister?' Cherry asked him again. 

Cherry was assessing Nathan's feelings for Jane. Jane already confessed to her that she liked Nathan Sparks. She also shared with her that Nathan was Sizzling August. 

Nathan paused for a moment. He also analyzed his feelings. And now, he began to admit that he was worried for her not only because she was Abigail's sister, but because she was Shining Star. 

Nathan could no longer explain his feelings for her. He was confused when it came to Jane. Though he hadn't moved on yet, he was trying to condition himself from the fact that Abigail already loved someone else. 

Nathan was about to respond to Cherry when suddenly his phone rang. It was an emergency call from Axel. 

"I'm sorry. I have to answer this call first." Nathan excused himself. He left the ward and answered the phone call. 

"Sir, the Medical Facility is under attack. Some men infiltrated the facility. The King Stallion Mafia is on the mover Axel reported to Nathan. 

Nathan frowned. He didn't expect that King Stallion Mafia would be in a hurry to find Phantomflake. 

"Don't do anything. Just keep our staff safe. Update me on their movement. Make sure to record the faces who infiltrate our facility." Nathan intentionally set this bait so that he could gather more information about the members of the King Stallion Mafia. 

"Mobilize our elite team. Let them follow the members of the King Stallion Mafia. We need to find their hideouts here in Country M. Who knows if the King is also here in our country." Nathan instructed Axel on what they should do in this situation. 

"Okay, Sir. I got it." Axel could tell that Nathan was getting ready to strike back. He had been hibernating from his duty as the Supreme Leader of the Syphiruz Mafia, however, his enemies kept provoking him. 

"Sir, one more thing. Our monitoring team reported something to me. He noticed some suspicious movement in the villa which you bought for Jane. A few days ago, someone visited the villa. The CCTV camera captured Helena Carlsen's boyfriend, Vincent, lurking 
around. It looked like he was searching for Miss Jane"

Nathan's brows furrowed in a deep frown when he heard that. What was he doing there? Did Jane give her address to him?' 

Nathan's expression turned dark at that thought. Was she close to him? It was just a few weeks ago that she woke up from her coma state. Did she communicate with Vincent already? How did they know each other? 


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