#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 50


I found Josie in our room, standing strangely in front of the mirror.

“Josie, what’s going on? Are you okay?” I had a feeling of uneasiness and I couldn’t tell if it was left over from the battle or something new.

The look on Josie’s face told me that she was happy, a rare form of pure happiness, but it still felt like something was off. She held out her hand for me and I took it greedily. She led me to the bed and we sat down, side by side.

“Mayze told me some exciting news, August.” She said, rubbing my hand.

“Which was?” I begged her to continue.

“August, I’m pregnant.” I’m positive that my heart stopped beating at that moment. Josie pushed on my side,

“Breathe, Alpha.” She ordered, giggling.

“We’re having a baby.” I whispered.

“We’re having a baby.” Josie’s hand fluttered to her stomach and that single gesture snapped me out of my daze. I grabbed Josie around the waist and spun her around the room. Her squeals of happiness filled our bedroom and pure love filled my heart.

“We need to get Ethan’s mate here.” Josie said several hours later as we laid on a bed of blankets in front of the roaring fireplace. I ran my hand through her hair, her head resting on my chest.

“I know, but I’m not sure how the Elders are going to react to us harboring a witch.” I sighed. Josie rolled off my chest and propped herself up on her elbows,

“What do you mean?”

“The Elders paid us a visit because they were pissed we didn’t inform them of a witch infestation.” I said with frustration in my voice.

“My father’s biggest enemy was the Council.” Josie said, surprising me.

“What do you mean?”

“He hated the control they had. He said that the Council was meant to educate and guide, not create laws and enforce them. Each pack was supposed to be in charge of themselves, Alpha’s working together to create peace. There was never meant to be an overseeing government. He thought that the Council would bring anarchy to our people one day.” Josie said, a far off look in her eyes.

“I can’t say I disagree.” I grumbled, laying my head back on the floor and staring up at the ceiling. Josie suddenly filled my vision,

“I won’t let Ethan suffer just to keep a bunch of old guys from going into a tizzy.” She growled. I couldn’t help but laugh at her, pushing her falling curls away from her face.

“Even if it means going to war?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“If not for love, then what else is worth going to war over?” She smiled and I couldn’t help but crush her lips to mine. I rolled us over, carefully hovering my body over hers as I caressed it with kisses.

“I’ll gladly go to war over you, my Luna.” I whispered.

“It won’t come to that, my Alpha.” She said back, nipping at my ear.

In the light of the fading fire, I held the love of my life and unborn baby close to my heart as I imagined what our future held. To be honest, it didn’t matter, as long as they were in it. I imagined our wedding, the birth of our child, and many more pregnancies to come; not to mention all the time we would spend making those babies.

There was nothing else I wanted out of life than my mate, our babies, and her happiness. I had such a clear picture of what it would look like, and it was easy to forget that there was ever a time that my future was uncertain. There was nothing uncertain about Josephine Valentine.



“I hate you!” I cried out, gripping the strong hand of my mate.

“I know, love, I know.” He said soothingly, only making me hate him more. I screamed as another contraction ripped its way through my body.

“One more good push, Luna, we’re almost there.” Dr. Brown urged me. I hated him too. I felt the sudden relief as the cries of my newborn baby filled the room.

“Is he okay?” I begged the doctor, craving a look at my son.

“He’s perfect, Luna. Alpha, do you want to cut the cord?” He asked August who nodded eagerly.

With his one arm wrapped around my shoulders, he used his free hand to cut the umbilicord. I watched closely as Dr. Brown carried my baby over to the table to examine him. Then, he wrapped the baby up in a blanket and placed him in August’s arms.

“He’s got your eyes, Josie.” August cooed, staring down at the perfect human we created.

“Give him here.” I said. August laughed at me,

“The Luna voice isn’t necessary, Mrs. Hayes.” I growled at my husband’s attitude but was immediately softened by the weight of my son in my arms.

“Talking back to the woman who just gave birth to your son, not smart, Mr. Hayes.” I smirked.

“Welcome to the world Kade Johnathan Hayes, future Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack.” I cooed, kissing my son’s head.

“Careful now, you’re not the Alpha yet, little wolf.” August joked, eyeing my lips on another man.

“I love you, August Hayes.” I said, cupping his cheek with my hand,

“And I love you, Josephine Hayes.” He smiled, crashing his lips against mine.

I looked around at my perfect family and I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with them; protecting them, loving them. All I knew was that choosing to be loved by Alpha August Hayes was the best decision of my entire life.

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