#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 31


“I swear to the Goddess, Dad, if you brought me out here on some wild goose chase in an effort to bond or something….” I was cursing at my father as we trudged through the forest.

Wilbur Woods was just outside Little Compton. It was mostly untouched. The few dozen acres that were owned by the town were covered in picnic tables, fire rings, and manicured trails. But, the rest of the woods was raw from human intervention. Dundery Brook provided the water that snaked through the woods, eventually ending at a fresh spring in the more populated part of the woods.

Benji had us deep in the woods, far from the town and far from the humans. We had run in our wolf form for miles before he suggested we shift for the remainder of the trip. I was busy tugging on my fresh set of clothes when I started accusing my father of lying.

“I wouldn’t do that to you, son. Do you really think that low of me?” My father sounded genuinely hurt and I avoided eye contact with him, my guilt evident on my face. I stayed silent and followed Benji through the woods. Eventually, he sighed and spoke again,

“I don’t know if there will be anything left, or any evidence of the coven’s existence at all. Witches are very good at covering their tracks.” I nodded at my father, saying nothing.

“I may not have planned this trip as a bonding exercise, August, but I am glad that we’re out here together.” Benji admitted. It was my turn to sigh while Arlo growled in frustration.

“Our mate is in danger, he shouldn’t be worried about his stupid feelings.” Arlo snapped in my head.

“He’s just upset.” I wasn’t sure why I was defending him. Arlo huffed,

“Offended like a small child.” Arlo was beginning to piss me off.

“How much longer until we get there?” I grumbled.

“20 minutes or so.” Benji replied. I cursed under my breath, I was hoping we were closer and then I would have an excuse to not talk to him.

“Fine. I’m not happy but I’m tired of fighting with you.” I admitted to my father as I walked ahead of him, not wanting to look at his face. I heard him shuffling behind me, leaves crunching under his feet as he stumbled at my confession.

“I don’t want to fight either, son. I know you’re upset with me and you have every right to be. What can I do?”

“That’s the problem, I don’t know.” I sighed in defeat. Suddenly my father’s hand was on my shoulder and we were walking side by side.

“Just, let me help…” He said. I nodded and we continued on in silence. I could do that, I could let him help and I could stop fighting with him. Maybe, one day, I’ll start to trust him again.

“Don’t count on it.” Arlo snarled and I rolled my eyes at him internally.

Before I could argue with him, a chill ran up my spin, raising the hair on the back of my neck.

“This is it.” My father whispered. I could feel the presence of witches, even if they were long gone.

There was evidence of a coven everywhere, as if it was preserved in time like a museum display. Trees were burned to a crisp, scorch marks littered the ground and scarred the rocks. The homes of the witches were long gone, probably destroyed by the coven before they left. However, it was obvious that they left in a hurry, unable to completely cover their tracks.

“What happened here?” I asked, wandering through the apparent war zone.

“I have no idea.” Benji replied, following me through the woods.

“It looks like a battle.” I observed, looking over at my father who only nodded. I ran my hands along the trees, pressing my palm against the burn mark.

“August, over here.” My father called to me and I hurried over to where he stood beside a large oak tree. On the ground, I noticed wood planks wrapped in vines and painted with moss; perhaps the old remnants of a witch’s home. Benji was holding a beat up, burnt yarn dolly in his hands.

“I found this under some of the planks.” He handed me the doll.

“How did you see this?” I asked in shock. Benji shook his head,

“I’m not sure, I just smelt something and followed my nose.” I looked at him strangely but shook my head and said nothing.

“Alpha…. ” Ethan started to mindlink me but he was immediately overtaken by another voice.

“August Hayes are you freaking kidding me!?”

I winced and my father noticed.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me in concern.

“My mate is awake.” I mumbled and Benji smirked knowingly.

“What’s wrong, Baby?”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong is you left me here sleeping while you tracked down some secret witch coven and I’m pissed!” I figured it was something like that.

“You were sleeping….”

“Yes, and?”

“I’ll be back soon, then you can yell at me all you want.” I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and waited in silence for her reply.

“Fine.” Was all she said before the mindlink snapped close.

“…..the Luna is awake.” Ethan finished his sentence and I growled at him before ending the link.

“Let’s have a look around.” I finally said out loud.

“Don’t you need to get back?” My father attempted not to chuckle at my misery.

“I’m already in trouble, nothing’s going to change that now.” I said, shaking my head.

“If she’s anything like your mother, each minute she’s getting angrier and angrier.” My father said, clicking his tongue as I searched the coven’s remains. I rolled my eyes at him and grumbled, but I knew he was right.

“There’s nothing here but rubble.” I growled in frustration after another half an hour of searching.

“Perhapes under the moss and weeds? It has been some forty years since they likely disappeared.” Benji said.

“I just wish I knew what happened here and what it has to do with our pack.” I wasn’t sure if I was dealing with separate issues here or one big problem. Something told me that the deal Alpha Johnathan made, the witches’ disappearance, and the death of Alpha Maxwell were all connected.

“Well, I don’t think we’re going to find that here today.” My father said and I nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go home.”

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