#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 2


I expected to know my way around the hospital when I arrived, but I was wrong. The place was completely remodeled. I was shocked at the updated furnishings, equipment, and technology. No wonder they could afford me, they had a shiny new benefactor.

I walked up to the front desk,

“Josephine Taylor here for an interview.” I announced. The man typed away on his keyboard and slid the visitor’s sign in sheet over to me. I scribbled my name and accepted the visitor’s badge.

“Take the north elevator to floor three then follow the signs for the corporate offices. There’s a waiting room there and another attendant who can help you.” The man said without looking up from his computer. I mumbled thanks and did as he instructed. Once in the corporate waiting room, I was greeted by a much friendlier woman.

“You must be Dr. Taylor!” She squeaked, scurrying out from behind the desk. She stuck out her hand,

“I’m Lorrine Kennedy, one of the head administrative nurses on the emergency floor. They asked me to be here to greet you!” She said cheerfully. I grinned,

“Nice to meet you Nurse Kennedy.” She waved me off,

“Call me Lori, everyone does!” I couldn’t place her accent, but it sure wasn’t from Rhode Island.

“I’m a little early, I don’t mind waiting.” I said, gesturing towards the chairs.

“Nonsense! I’ll give you a tour of the emergency floor while we wait.” Lori led me to the south elevator and back down to the main floor. She showed me around the emergency department, introducing me to some of the nurses and doctors on duty. She pointed out an empty office and winked excitedly. 45 minutes later we were back on the corporate floor and Lori was leading me to the interview room.

“Now, don’t be intimidated by some of the suits in there, dear. Some of our benefactors came out for this interview today for a little dog and pony show,” she rolled her eyes and made air quotes around the word ‘show’,

“They just want people to know where their paychecks are coming from. They don’t have much bite. The emergency department head, Dr. Sheila Grace, she’s the only one you need to worry about.” Lori patted my back and knocked on the door before disappearing.

A woman with short graying hair opened the door, her red rimmed glasses framing her chocolate eyes and a white lab coat covered her red dress. She smiled at me and stuck out her hand,

“Dr. Taylor, it’s so nice to meet you! I’m Dr. Sheila Grace, head of the emergency department.” She introduced herself before leading me into the room.

When Dr. Grace stepped to the side, giving way to the rest of the room, I nearly fell flat on my face. I stumbled over absolutely nothing as the most intoxicating aroma swirled through the room. Thank the goddess Dr. Grace had her back to me and didn’t see me trip, but the rest of the panel did. I breathed in deep, the smell of cinnamon rolls and spice invading my nose.

This has got to be some kind of joke.

I looked over the panel in front of me. Three women and three men, 2 of which had on white coats. Dr. Grace was introducing them and I was completely ignoring her.

“This is Dr. Melinda Knox, she’s one of the other emergency medicine doctors who you would be working with. Nurse Kasey would be one of your right hand men, she’s our saving grace,” Dr. Grace giggled at the girl in blue scrubs who looked close to my age,

“Maxine is on the administration staff along with Jack. Dr. Micheal Robbins is head of surgery. Lastly we have Mr. August Hayes, he’s one of the hospital’s largest benefactors.” That’s it, I was screwed.

Mr. August Hayes was responsible for the cinnamon rolls and the smell of fall spices. If it wasn’t his intense body language or the burning gaze staring into my soul giving it away, it would have been those electric blue eyes. The same ones that stole my sleep.

I gulped. Why me? I squirmed uncomfortably in front of the panel as Dr. Grace led me to my chair. She was eyeballing me with a look that told me I had to pull it together. I sat down and quickly crossed my legs, trying to make myself smaller. Nurse Kasey was smirking at me, giving me a knowing look. Great, another one.

I sighed through my mouth, careful not to inhale anymore of his scent. I had to get it together. I couldn’t be the doctor from New York City who strolled into Little Compton hospital and made herself look like a complete idiot. I plastered on a smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all, I’m Dr. Josephine Taylor.” I said and I swear to God, I watched Mr. August Hayes melt to the floor right then and there.

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