#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 18


I felt terrible for bailing on Josie the other day when I had promised to spend the day with her and then I had to leave early yesterday for my meeting. The rogue situation was more involved than I had originally thought. I had no idea why so many rogues were invading our borders all the sudden and why they were choosing to be so close to the Valentine’s cabin. I just found my mate, I wasn’t about to let some idiot rogues take her away from me.

I decided that I would make it up to her by taking her on our first official date. I had a feeling she was more of a diner girl then a fancy restaurant gal but I wanted a chance to spoil and woo her, which is why I sent Kasey on a mission. I knew she was the perfect girl to take Josie shopping. Hayden said she had a clothing store addiction. I wanted Josie to have friends here and Kasey would be working with her at the hospital. It was a win-win.

I made reservations at a vineyard about an hour outside of town. It was in the closest city to Black Hallows that had the type of restaurant I was looking for. The vineyard had a beautiful winery alongside the restaurant and a little B&B on the property in case we didn’t feel like driving home afterwards. I didn’t have any expectations for Josie tonight, just getting to spend any time at all with her was a gift. But, the idea of getting to spend an entire night together was enough to get Arlo howling in my head.

I was eager to finish up my meeting and get home to change for our date. When my father took over being Alpha, he also took over the Valentine family business, which was an architecture firm. Josie’s great-grandfather founded the firm about the same time he started the Crescent Moon pack. They had deals across the country. Alpha Johnathan left the business to my father who passed it down to me. It did incredibly well and allowed for the pack to have all the financial support it needed.

“Alpha.” Ford mindlinked me and I was quick to answer, knowing that he was the one chaperoning Josie and Kasey’s trip.

“What’s wrong?”

“Savannah made an appearance at the shop the girls were at. She had many, many things to say.” I could tell that Ford was extremely unhappy with Savannah.

“I trust that you took care of it, Ford.” I replied.

“Yes, Alpha, I got rid of her but I think you should address it.”

“I’ll handle it.” I promised him before ending the link.

There was only one person in the pack who stood above me, and that was the Luna. The pack would do anything for her, including stand against me. Protecting the Luna was their most sacred duty. I couldn’t argue with Ford’s anger towards Savannah and I certainly couldn’t argue with his need for her behavior to be addressed.

I ended the meeting early and rushed back to the packhouse. I had already mindlinked Ethan, Hayden, and anyone else in the house who might cross paths with Savannah, to send her to my office.

“Savannah’s in your office, Alpha.” Ethan informed me as I entered the house,

“Should I stay?” Ethan asked me skeptically, standing at the door of my office. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past Savannah to try something while we were alone to make me look uncompromising, but I knew that I could handle myself.

“No, thanks, man.” I slapped Ethan on the back before entering my office.

“Savannah, we’ve already had this conversation once and I was really hoping not to have it again.” I sighed at her.

“I wanted to give you a chance to speak without that girl in the way.” Savannah smiled from where she sat on the sofa. I pinched the bridge of my nose,

“I’m not going to say this again, Savannah. Josephine is my mate and your Luna. I love her and nothing will get in the way of that, do you understand me?” I said with my jaw clenched. Savannah stood from the couch and walked over to me, running her hand across my chest before moving towards the door.

“You’ll see, August, she can’t give you what you truly need. A human girl can’t give you what a she-wolf can, what I can.” Before I could respond, she slipped out of the office. I glared at her back as she disappeared down the hall.

“Isn’t she pleasant?” Ethan grumbled, looking down the hall.

“If she causes any more problems, Ethan, you tell me.” I ordered him.

“Of course, Alpha.” He bowed his head as I walked past him. I hurried up to my room to get ready for Josie and I’s date.

I changed into a navy blue seat with a maroon tie. Kasey tipped me off on what color Josie would be in and I thought the red in the tie would complement the beautiful strawberry locks of my mate. I mindlinked Kasey to let her know that they better be ready in 10 minutes because I was on my way and eager to hold mate.

I shut off the car in front of Josie’s house and was pleased to see the patrol was doing their job well. Kasey had also given me the heads up that Josie was very unpleasant about their chaperone and the fact that I hadn’t told Josie more details about the dangers of the rogue attack. I made a note to discuss it later.

I knocked on the cabin door and checked the knob. I sighed when I found that it was, yet again, unlocked. I sniffed the air and noticed that Kasey’s smell was nearly gone. She must have left some time ago. All I could smell were strawberries and warm vanilla. I watched as Josie strolled out of the bathroom with a smirk on her face. She must have sensed my arrival.

“Hello, August.” I almost dropped to my knees at the sight of her, and don’t even get me started on the way my name sounds on her lips. I was torn between never wanting to take my eyes off of her and wanting to hide her so no one else could see what was mine.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” I growled, closing the distance between us in one step. I ran my hands across her body, resting them on her hips. She trailed her hands up my arms, laying them to rest around my neck.

“Seen lots of women, have we?” She giggled. I nipped at her neck,

“I was blind before you.” I could practically hear her rolling her eyes,

“Nice save.” I kissed her neck, trailing my nose up towards her jaw, watching the goose bumps rise on her flawless skin.

I placed kisses on her jaw, her cheek, her forehead, and came to rest on her lips. I pushed apart her lips and explored her mouth with my tongue. She moaned against me and I nearly crumbled. I felt her hands slip inside my jacket and explore my chest and abs. I had to stop this before I canceled the reservations and never left this cabin.

“Hungry?” I asked her,

“Ravished.” She replied, her voice smooth like velvet. I growled at her and she giggled, wiggling out from under me.

“Seriously though, I’m not sure I can let you leave the house with all that.” I motioned towards her chest. Her face immediately went sour, she shoved her finger towards my chest,

“You don’t let me do anything.” Her lip curled down into a frown.

“Of course not, baby, I just meant that I’m going to be jealous of every person who sees you.” Her eyes were wild,

“Jealous, huh?” She purred. I grabbed her wrist,

“Mine.” I growled. She patted my head like the puppy I was,

“Yes, all yours.” She said it so casually I wasn’t sure she even meant it. I ducked my head so I could meet her eyes,

“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.” She looked at me, surprised.

“I mean it, August, why wouldn’t I mean it?”

“I’m just not sure what you’re feeling.” I admitted.

“I’m not completely sure either, but I know that my new favorite place is with you and I don’t want that to ever change.” Her voice was quiet but sure and I melted at her words.

“It won’t ever change, I promise.” I assured her, kissing her forehead. I offered her my elbow and she took it happily. I led her to the car and helped her in.

“Will you tell me where we’re going now?” She asked eagerly.

“Nope.” I said, popping the ‘p’ dramatically. She sighed at me, plopping her chin down on her hand as she stared out the window.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked her, pouting. She looked sideways at me and giggled, but tried to hide it behind her hand.

“No.” She elongated the ‘o’, trying to be cute. She certainly didn’t have to try too hard to accomplish that.

“I will tell you that it’s an hour drive to the restaurant and there’s a bed and breakfast in case we’re too tired to drive home….” I trailed off, hoping she didn’t think I was trying to insinuate something. She started biting her bottom lip and I groaned eternally. Goddess that drove me wild.

“August….” She started and I was quick to comfort her worries,

Just if we’re too tired to drive home.” She nodded and her face relaxed.

“Okay.” She cheered up. I decided to change the subject,

“Do you like music?” I asked her, turning up the radio.

“Who doesn’t like music?” She asked me with a hint of snarkiness in her voice. I couldn’t help but laugh with her.

“Okay smarty pants, what kind of music do you like?” I tried again. She started fiddling with the radio and landed on a station. I rolled my head with an elaborate groan,

“Of course you like country music.” She grinned wickedly at me.

“Twenty questions.” She said suddenly after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

“Excuse me?” I replied, confused.

“You know, the game, twenty questions?” She repeated. I nodded with a smirk.

“Let’s play. I want to get to know you.” She was so damn adorable, I couldn’t stand it.

“Whatever you want, baby, I’m an open book.” I said proudly.

“Favorite color?” She asked me an easy one to start.

“The color of your eyes.” She glared at me with those beautiful green eyes.

“August….” She whined.

“I’m serious, baby, the green in your eyes is my favorite color.” She huffed and crossed her arms,

“Fine, before that, it was red, like a dark red.” I said. She looked over at me and smiled before I added,

“But, now it’s the green in your eyes.” She groaned out loud and I couldn’t help but laugh at her frustration.

“Your turn.” She said in defiance.

“I suppose it’s appropriate to ask what your favorite food is.” I asked.

“Anything Italian.” She said, pleased with her game idea. Oh thank the goddess, the restaurant we were going to was italian.

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