#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 11


Arlo was howling and whimpering in my head all night long after our mate left and asked us not to follow her. I heard her deny being the Luna to Hayden and I hated myself for rushing things. I was pushing her too hard, I was moving too fast. She may be an Alpha’s daughter but she still didn’t feel the bond in the same way I did, she still had human emotions and craved a human relationship. Not to mention all that she had been through in such a short amount of time.

I ordered my father out of my sight for the foreseeable future unless he wanted to end up banished. I wasn’t even close to being ready to forgive him for keeping my mate from me, even if it was an order from his past Alpha. Covering up a mate bond or forcing a rejection was the number one most inexcusable offense.

I dismissed Hayden and Ethan immediately, not ready to deal with any of their questions. I mindlinked Scout, Ford, and Avery, the other half of my top 6 warriors, and ordered their wolves, Dax, Max, and Ash, to relieve the other three wolves from Josie’s protection patrol. I wanted the patrol to be fresh and alert. But, I did what my girl requested and I ordered them to only patrol her house, nothing more.

I locked myself in my room on the third floor Alpha quarters. Not that we were going to be able to sleep without our mate. I turned on the TV and mindlessly flipped through the channels. I must have dozed off at some point because I was awoken by the screams of my beloved. I shot out of bed and started mindlinking the patrol.

“It was just a bad dream, Alpha. The Luna just came out and asked us to let you know that she’s okay.” Dax called back to me. I saw an image of Josie with her wild red hair and bright green eyes. I growled through the mindlink. She was in a sexy night gown that clung to her hips and had a deep V on her chest. Dax quickly removed the image and shrunk away in my mind.

I looked at my watch, it was 6:00am. I jumped in the shower and resisted the urge to immediately go to Josie’s. I knew I needed to respect her time and slow things down. I decided that I would train this morning before bringing breakfast over to the cabin. Ethan and Hayden were waiting for me on the training grounds.

“The whole place is buzzing man, the secrets out.” Ethan slapped me on the back with a grin. Sometimes I really hated this guy. I looked at Hayden for confirmation.

“It’s true, they want to know about our new Luna.” Hayden was the calmer of the two, sometimes I wonder why I didn’t make him the Beta.

I knew the answer though, Ethan was stronger, a better fighter, and bold. He wasn’t afraid of a fight and could handle meetings on my behalf. Hayden was perfect for smoothing over alliances, managing patrols, and working out strategy. He would also be my Luna’s personal protection, which I kept in mind when I chose him as Gamma. Hayden was a quiet guy who valued the mate bond while Ethan was a manwhore.

“Well they’re just going to have to wait.” I mumbled. I wasn’t ready to share my mate and she wasn’t ready to be a Luna.

“I’m just going to ask you once, man. When we called her Luna last night, she denied the title…are you sure ....” I growled at Ethan and he snapped his mouth shut.

“You’re an idiot.” Hayden slapped Ethan on the back of the head.

“She’s not going anywhere, she’ll make a perfect Luna. She just needs time. She’s still human.” I said, even though I didn’t owe him an explanation.

“She’s a Valentine.” Hayden said. I nodded,

“She’s an Alpha’s daughter. She knows her duty.” I replied.

“Let’s train.” Ethan said, quickly changing the subject. In response, I rewarded Ethan with a right hook.

Two hours later, I was picking my shirt up from the ground and wiping my face down with a towel.

“Dude, you reek. I hope you plan on showering before seeing the Luna.” Ethan started up again. I shoved his shoulder and laughed as he tripped over his feet and face planted on the ground, too tired to fight back.

He was right though, I needed a shower. I made a pit stop at the kitchen. Rosie greeted me with a grin. She didn’t just own the best diner in town, she is also the pack chief. I asked her to cook up a breakfast spread with lots of pancakes. Pleased with my idea, I went for a shower.

I found myself taking extra time to scrub myself clean. I trimmed up my beard after getting out of the shower and brushed my teeth raw. I was ridiculously nervous about seeing my mate today and it was driving me mad. I rubbed a towel over my black hair and patted it down with my hand. I picked up a comb and attempted to make it look less shaggy. I grumbled in frustration and left the bathroom. I pulled on a navy blue T shirt and a pair of dark jeans.

I went back down to the kitchen and picked up the three bags full of food Rosie prepared for us. It may have been overkill but I didn’t care, nothing was too good for my love. Arlo howled in excitement as we made our way towards our mate. I pulled up in front of her house and took a deep breath.

“Get it together, August.” I snapped at myself. I stepped out of the car and climbed the steps to Josie’s front door. I knocked, but there was no answer. Josie’s scent was strong, I knew she was inside, so I tried the door knob and found that it was unlocked. I made a note to talk to her about that later.

I stepped inside and locked the door behind me. Josie was fast asleep on the sofa. I smiled, she must have gone back to sleep after her nightmare this morning. I noticed she was bundled up under several blankets. I looked at the empty fireplace and decided to start a fire for her. I went out back to the woodshed and grabbed a couple handfuls of logs. I started a fire and then piled up some extra logs in the wood box next to the door.

As the fire grew in size and heat, Josie started to stir. She was humming softly and her face started to relax against the warm flame. I couldn’t help but stare, she really was the most gorgeous person I had ever seen, and that went for wolves and humans. I sat on the floor in front of the couch by her head, watching the fire and listening to her tiny snores.

I was lost in the warmth of the fire when I felt her sweet breath on my neck as she nuzzled her face into me. I groaned against her touch, Arlo began to howl.

“I missed you, Jo.” I whispered, she hummed against my skin. I turned around and cupped her face in my hands.

“Are you okay?” I asked her. She shook her head. I specified my question,

“What happened this morning?” She looked up at the ceiling to avoid looking at me.

“Josie, please.” I begged her, remembering the sound of her scream.

“I had a nightmare, that’s all.” She mumbled. I tugged her face down to me,

“I heard you scream in my head, it scared the shit out of me, baby, what happened?” Her eyes widened a little.

“I thought maybe you would, I told the patrol wolves to tell you I was okay. I didn’t want you to worry.” I loved her for that, but we needed to discuss her attire in front of my unmated warriors.

“Yes, about that.” I rubbed my face, attempting to control Arlo.

“What?” She asked innocently.

“Baby, you can’t go in front of other wolves, other guys, in your nightgown.” A deep blush crept up her neck and took over her cheeks.

“I….I just didn’t want you to worry.” She whispered. I smiled at her and rubbed my thumb over her bottom lip,

“I know, and I appreciate that, but you succeeded in driving me wild.” I felt my eyes grow dark. She reached out and touched my cheek with her fingertip, a gesture I have quickly grown to love.

“Sorry.” She mumbled, but I didn’t get the feeling she really was. She sat up and I watched as the blanket fell down to her lap. I noticed she had changed her clothes.

“You wear the nightgown for my patrol but not for me?” I smirked. She looked down at herself, picked up her pillow, and smacked me in the face with it.

I laughed out loud as she tried to retreat. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her down onto my lap. She twisted around so she was facing me, straddling my lap. She put her hands on either side of my face. I had to admit, the nightgown was sexy, but, somehow, the red tank top and gray sweatpants she was wearing now were even sexier.

“You’re perfect.” A deep growl rose from my chest. She gave me a flirty smile and I couldn’t hold back anymore.

I crushed her face to mine and she allowed me to claim her mouth. I nibbled at her bottom lip and she moaned against me. I tugged at her lip, asking for entrance but she denied me. She pulled herself back and smirked at me. Tapping my nose with her index finger she stood up and stepped over me. I groaned and my head fall back onto the couch,

“You kill me.” I heard her precious giggle from behind me. I pulled myself up from the floor and watched her move towards the kitchen. She raised her eyebrows at the brown paper bags on the counter.

“I had Rosie make us some breakfast.” I shrugged. She rolled her eyes,

“It looks like she made enough food to feed an army.” She walked back across the kitchen and towards the door,

“Where are you going?” I asked her, restraining myself from reaching out and stopping her retreat.

“We aren’t going to eat all of this and it shouldn’t go to waste.” With that she pulled open the door and yelled out to my patrol wolves. All six of them trotted up to the porch in wolf form,

“Shift and come in for breakfast.” She ordered before shutting the door. I looked at her, amazed.

“Unless you want six naked men in my house, I suggest you find them some clothes.” She nodded towards the steps,

“First door on the left is my parents room, you’ll find some of my father’s clothes in the dresser. First door on the right is my brother’s. I’m not sure what size will fit them best.” She instructed. At the same time my patrol mindlinked me for permission to enter the house. I reluctantly agreed, knowing I couldn’t argue with my Luna.

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