0°Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart

0°Celsius: Chapter 15

Ending the pain.

I granted his wish.

I never showed him my face again.

6 months have passed since I last saw him.

Just 6 and it feels like I haven’t met him in eternity.

How is life if you ask?

Well it’s stagnant…boring…dull. Depressing.

I got a job after all…

I am not very proud in telling what is it.

But at least it is the only one I have.

‘Sapphire!! You are needed here!!’

I looked around to see my co worker holding out the garbage bag for me.

I grabbed it and made my way towards the dumpster in the alley.

The clothes I wore were not at all decent.

It was my work dress so I didn’t had a choice.

Night was approaching and my shift was going to start.

Breathing a long sigh I searched my pocket.

Placing two tablets in my mouth I was ready to go.

If you are wondering if I am fine?

Well I am to the outside world. But my reports tell something else.

My emotions are going haywire.

I cry all nights and start laughing without any reason.

My immune system is getting weaker and not to mention that even my bone density is decreasing.

Palpitations were normal before but now I am getting seizures…

I am a mess and I know if this continues what will happen.

Why don’t I try?

Well I have…I am trying…I try each and every second…but I cannot control it any longer.

The doctor says mine is a rare case..

The medicines have adapted to my body and with each passing week I need to change them.

He says I should improve but he doesn’t know why I am not improving.

But I know why.

Andro is getting married in a week.

The news is all over the tabloids.

‘The most handsome heartthrob bachelor Alessandro Romano has finally found his match Andrea Stone!!’

Their words not mine.

I wiped the lone tear that managed to escape and made my way to the main counter.

Improvement comes with inspiration.

Inspiration to live, enjoy, love.

But I have none.

These eyes are dull now.

My figure is that of a stick.

And these hands keep shaking every now and then.

My eyes landed on the ring in my finger and I realised that even the ring did not fit me now.

It was loose on my fingers.

I think I should return it now..

I never deserved it from the start..

It was for Andrea from the very start.

I was just a trial….

‘Sapphire you are on duty today…make sure our guests are pleased!! They are very influential people…I will not tolerate any mistakes…okay?’

The manager spoke as I nodded.

Picking up the tray I started my shift.

Few hours later…..

Smell of smoke and alcohol lingered.

The neon lights and blasting music were making the crowd go crazy.

The VIP rooms at the top floor overlooking the dance floor was all occupied.

The special guests had arrived and I was climbing up the stairs balancing the drinks.

As I opened the door a different atmosphere welcomed me.

No music entered the sound proof walls only loud laugh s of the men inside the room were audible.

As I made my way towards their table I saw some of them looking at me.

But I was no fool to look back at them.

They were powerful people and I was just a fly they could crush in their hands.

As I faked a smile and offered them the drinks. They ignorantly picked up the glass from the tray.

As soon as I approached the one whose eyes were fixed on me more than others,

he didn’t waste his time and pulled me towards him making me land on his lap.


A cloud of smoke was blown on my face and I cringed.

His arrogant smirk widened as his grip on my waist tightened.

‘Never expected to find such an innocence here..’

I tried to lift myself up but who was I kidding…

I no longer had the strength in me…my bones were weak…

‘Ross he is coming or no? It’s been 1 hour already!!’

The man answered and I found an opportunity in it.

Before he can grab me I was out of the room running for my life.

This is normal but I always manage to escape somehow.

While running down the corridor ensuring that no one was following me I slammed into a wall.

Before I could land on the hard floor strong arms engulfed me and pulled me to a hard chest.

The cologne felt very much familiar.

As soon as my brain replied I felt myself freeze.

I didn’t wanted to look up at him.

To see those hatred filled eyes.

I wanted to feel his comfort…his touch ..his safety..

One last time.


His words filled my heart with content..

His voice was enough to make my day.

I looked up finally to see his grey eyes staring at me.

He looked confused…sad…worried.

Was I looking that bad??

I know I have lost some pounds. But am I not recognisable?

My mind drifted to his face…how perfect can a man be…

He looked no less than Adonis

With a white shirt clinging to his muscles…sleeves rolled up and veins showing his toned arms.

Soon his gaze shifted to my clothes.

The skirt barely covered my legs and the top was off shoulder.

Anger resurfaced

‘Hey you!!! Where did you ran off too!!Do you know who I am!!’

The guy from the VIP room came fuming with anger.

But his anger was replaced with shock when Andro turned around to face him…

‘…S..ir… Alessandro…y..ou are here….’

He managed to say afraid all of a sudden…

Andro caught him staring at me and stepped in front of me blocking my view from him.

His gesture was enough to make my heart burst with happiness.

‘Is there a problem Mr. Ross??’

‘…no….no sir….not at all I’ll meet you inside…..’

As soon as he turned around and left I was slammed on the wall with his body blocking me.

‘What the hell are you wearing?? And what are you doing in a place like this….?’

I couldn’t answer

Hell I couldn’t even look at him ashamed of myself let alone answer him.

The simplest answer was that I was surviving…I was working as a waitress in this club to meet my doctor expenses and to fill my stomach.

I was simply trying to survive without him.

But I couldn’t answer him.

My silence prevailed and the hate and anger in his eyes accelerated.

‘So….finally you did become a full time whore…if you weren’t before..’

No …!!

I can’t listen it anymore..! Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He was killing me ..why couldn’t he see it…

I closed my eyes…not willing to show him my vulnerable and broken state.

Cold finger grazed my cheeks making me realise I was already crying..

His fingers lingered a little longer and finally grabbed my chin.

Pushing it up he ordered.

‘Look at me….’

I obeyed opening my eyes slowly.

I hope my eyes could tell him all my truths…all my feeling…all my emotions.

But like always I was again mistaken.

‘These dark circles tell me you are having unlimited fun these days Miss Sapphire….no wonder Ross was following you…’

If only you knew the secret behind these dark circles and dead eyes..

If only…

I struggled in his hold…

I cannot take it any longer!!

I am done!!

Done with this pain…

Done with every damn thing!!

‘…you are really disgusting….Sapphire…. disgusting…’

My emotions could no longer be controlled…

I started laughing…his eyes looked confused but little did he knew about my mental stability.

‘Yes I am disgusting!! I am a whore!! I am a gold digger!! A fuc**** bitch!! A bad omen….I am so bad that I don’t even deserve a single moment of happiness!! I deserve to die the second my parents discarded me!! The second I was left in a dumpster to die!! I deserve every damn bit of it……I was crazy to think that a rag like me could live with someone like you…I deserved to be in dump…because that’s what I am…I am rubbish….a mistake that God created…but don’t worry …you will not have to see this ugly face again. You will no longer have to touch my disgusting body…you will no longer have to look into these eyes of a betrayal…I will be gone forever…gone away from your happy life…… congratulations Mr Alessandro Romano…. congratulations for making me realise my worth ..hope you live a happy life with Andrea….I hope she gives you everything I couldn’t….you deserve each other…..she loves you…she is not like me….she will never betray you…’

His eyes softened for a second….

I placed the ring on his palms…as he stared at it and realised what it was he never expected me to keep it..

He thought I must have sold it…

It was an easy way…I could have sold it and lived a happy life…

I didn’t had to work each and every day of my life.

But I couldn’t when it didn’t belonged to me.

I was a keeper of it and now was the time to return it to it’s owner.

‘Give it to her….it always belonged to her…’

With this I smiled at him through the tears running down my cheeks.

He kept staring at me lost and confused.

‘Good bye Andro…’

And with this I turned around my back on him.

I wanted to look back at him.

To look at him one last time but I stopped myself.

I should not drag him down with me.

If a betrayer Saph makes him love Andrea then it was worth it.

He has suffered  a lot already…it was my time to put it to an end.

I was happy he didn’t stop me…because if he had I wouldn’t have been able to leave him.

I know I will eventually kill myself…I know he will be my end…but sometimes you need to break all the strings to end things peacefully.

Good bye Andro….your Saph finally surrendered…

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