0°Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart

0°Celsius: Chapter 10

Inferno of emotions.

His heart was broken.

Cracked into two by events of past.

Where the other part was hidden by him somewhere where it could never be found again.

She knew his heart like her own.

As once they beated as a whole.

She was going to mend his broken heart.

Even if she had to break her own heart into two,

Just to complete the jigsaw of his heart’s missing part.

Even if after it her heart would be sacrificed but still.

knowing that his heart was complete she will be satisfied.

Walking down the streets alone with your phone battery dead, at 11 o clock at night. Through a deserted street with sounds of cats meowing and stray dogs growling is an indication of a bad omen.

Unless an angel comes and removes the albatross from around your neck.

I was focused.

Focused to reach without looking here and there and minding my own business.

Just like black side flaps near the eyes of a horse.

But what to do when your distractions come from above.

Raindrops decided to grace my with their presence.

But how could they come alone.

Along came gushing high velocity winds and thundering storm.

Oh god why me!!

Picking up my pace was not a good decision..

As I landed with my twisted ankle in the middle of the muddy road.

A scream escaped my lips as I tried to move it

Shi**..Shi* man!!

10 minutes passed ….

My body was now shivering and my lips quivering…

Oh god I was going to die here!!

Then a miracle happened.

I don’t know if I should call it a miracle because no one can be trusted here at this place at this time.

But I didn’t had any options at my disposal.

A BMW’s high beam blinded my eyes and I shielded my eyes with my hand.

Screeching sound of tyres was heard and the car stopped few meters away…

My anxiety rose and my hands started trembling.

What if …??

All the worst case scenarios dominated my mind and I in spite of the pain tried to get up and leave.

As I put my weight on my left leg my right leg dragged along and I was able to stand.

Crouching and holding my thigh I tried to move forward but a sudden pain numbed me and I found myself loose my balance.

Before I could fall two strong arms balanced me and helped me get up on my feet again.

I looked up to see brown eyes staring at me.

He had a chiselled jawline.

Highlighted by subtle beard gave him a manly look.

The expensive velvet coat he was wearing was now drenched in rain

But he looked least bordered by it.

‘It’s okay you can put your weight on me.’ Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His calm voice calmed my alarmed nerves.

Did I got lucky to be helped by such a gentleman.

His eyes looked genuinely concerned as his gaze shifted to my ankle.

‘It looks swollen…can I drop you to your place..or a hospital?’

I was reluctant to ask help but he was my lost resort.


I spoke with trembling lips and he realised how cold I was.

Completely unexpectedly my feet were lifted from the ground as he held me bridal style and started moving towards his car..

‘Ehhhh it’s…..okay…I can wa..lk..’

I said feeling embarrassed and awkward getting carried by a stranger.

He ignored me and placed me softly on his cars leather seat.

Closing my door softly he got seated on the driver’s seat and turned on the heaters to their maximum.

He started the drive and for few minutes silence prevailed.

‘AR mansion…street 5.’

On hearing the address he looked at me…he smiled and nodded making me relax.

I kept looking around to see that he was not taking me somewhere else other than the address mentioned.

I guess he noticed this.

‘Don’t worry I am not kidnapping you…we are just 5 minutes away.’

He passed me a smile while I wrangler my hands together feeling very awkward.

Finally we reached

‘Thank you….Mr…..’

‘Walker….Reynold Stone Walker.’

His smile was addicting and I found myself returning it.

I shook his hand as we introduced ourselves.

‘Sapphire Brown..’

‘Miss Brown I don’t think you will be able to reach you room in this condition…let me carry you to your room and I’ll try finding someone to heal your injury.’

I nodded.

I was getting anxious with his closeness…but I had no choice.

As soon as his one arms went under my legs and the other under my back

I blushed and tried to hold onto him.

I guided his way and he finally reached my small single bed room.

Placing me down he turned around to leave.

‘Thank you…so much.’

I managed to say and he turned around and give me a wide smile.

‘My pleasure.’

With this he was gone and soon some of my co maids entered and helped me heal my swollen ankle.

The other side of the bed was empty as Andrea placed her hand on it.

Supporting her weight on her elbows she lifted her self up.

There he was standing at his window still with a glass of wine in his hand.

The rain drops were tapping on the window breaking the silence of the night.

Her eyes were focused on him but his were focused on someone else.

His grip on the vine glass tightened as he watched a man carrying Sapphire up the stairs of his house.

Her hands on his neck lightened the fused spark in his heart.

He gulped the remaining vine in one go and turned his back from the window.

Placing the glass on the side table he laid on the bed and engulfed Andrea from behind.

Her Jasmine fragrance calmed him down and her presence was enough to forget what he just saw…

Next morning

Sapphire’s POV

My life slowed down….

I was late and Andro already left for office…

It was not because I woke late but because my foot was not at all supportive.

It took 15 minutes to reach the main door to see that he already left.

30 minutes to reach his office door from the taxi door.

But when I entered he didn’t even acknowledge me.

I limped and reached his table to be only ignored.

‘Mr Romano..here are the files you asked for…’

He didn’t replied for a minute and I expected he wouldn’t.

But what he replied his words made me freeze with horror

‘You are fired miss Sapphire…you are not to be seen here or at my house again….’

He didn’t even look up…

‘I am sorry..Sir….I was a bit late…it will not happen again….last night I had a-…’

‘Did I asked for reasons…miss Sapphire…I am not interested in knowing with whom you were whoring around….so before I reprimand you any further please leave..’

His words shattered my soul.

I couldn’t just leave now…I wanted his forgiveness and few harsh words couldn’t stop me from it.

‘What.. are…you.saying Sir….I didn’t did…….’

‘Oh please miss Brown I don’t want any explanations…I just want you out of my face..is that too much to ask?’

Now his eyes met mine and the seriousness and determination in them made me take a step back….

‘No….No…Sir….I….I’ll …take my l..eave…’

I tried moving out of his room without limping…but my confident steps staggered when pain returned.

My hands clinged the door frame for support but his next words managed to upheaval the very floor under my feet.

‘What happened Miss Brown?.Last night was rough I guess….he fuc*** you so hard that you can’t even walk??’

The mocking tone in which he spoke lighted an inferno inside me that swallowed me completely.

I wanted to yell at him!! Proclaim my innocence! Prove him wrong…

But what’s the use when he can’t see me as I am…

With a heavy heart and large amount of self control I stepped out of his door….

Silence has a power hidden underneath…and I was keen on using it ….

It makes you rise above others…it saves you the self respect you have…and most importantly it infuriates the other person to such extent that no words can ever could.

As soon as the door closed my eyes couldn’t hold it any longer…

My tears flowed like waterways and calmed the heated inferno inside.

My legs couldn’t hold on and I slides down the wall..

My shaking hands searched for my medicine inside my bag and the tablets proved to be my only support system…

Soon my breathing returned to normal and my eyes could focus again..

I just wanted to escape this place for today…

The walls were closing down on me and his aura was castrating me.

I needed a break.

Lifting myself up I decided to leave.

People stared at me as I slowly made my way towards the entrance.

Some few good souls stopped to help me.

As soon as I entered the ground floor I didn’t expected to see him standing these with few assistance and associates..

The same calm brown eyes stared at me with concern…within seconds his hand reached on my waist to support me.

But I stopped him…I couldn’t let other people assume something else.

He signalled his associates to go ahead and they went towards the elevator.

‘Miss Sapphire…are you alright?’

His eyes lingered longer on my dried tears and puffy eyes..

His scrutinized gaze went further down and he crouched down to take a look at my swelling

The people around stopped and stared at us wide eyes..’

..I….am fine…..now…it’s okay….what …are…you…?’

Feeling awkward and embarrassed I stepped back but he was fast to hold my leg and lift my long skirt up to look at my ankle.

I placed my hands on his shoulders for balance as a curse left his lips as he saw the blue purple condition of my swelling

‘It’s fine…it doesn’t hurt much…it hurts less than how bad it looks…’

But I guess he was not listening to me…he called someone and within minutes a helping maid came with wheelchair.


‘Will you stop with your pleadings miss Sapphire…I asked you to rest and take care of your wound not to roam around. Do you even know the repercussions of not treating it? How can you be so damn ignorant woman? Do you even love yourself or not?’

His question made me go silent…

Do I even love myself…I wanted to laugh at it….

No….I don’t …..

My heart has place for only one person and that is him…

He placed me on the wheelchairs and instead of asking the girl he himself directed me to the medical room.

As we entered doctors were ready.

I was operated on for the next 25 minutes and this time he didn’t left me…

His eyes followed each and everything the doctors did and once they were done he thanked them.

When we were left alone he approached me and continued to stare at me.

Feeling uncomfortable I looked down.

‘I have no right to interfere in your life and ask you why you were crying…or why you are so vulnerable…but remember no man is worth it and no one will come to save you …you have to be strong to fight this world …not with anyone but alone…in solidarity lies strength hidden to most but once discovered can make you a rock penetrable by none and withstand able to all…’

His words were the wisest of words I had ever heard…

Was this man real?

‘Than..k..you Mr Ronald…’

‘I don’t want a thanks miss Sapphire…I want a strong girl…can you give her to me…’

He showed me his palm asking for a promise…

I doubted if I will be able to be that girl back again but his eyes made me give it a try

Placing my hand on his I promised something I never thought I would.

A wide smile on his lips made me smile in return and I must say this was the first time I actually smiled from my heart since last two years.

He turned around to leave but I couldn’t stop myself from asking the question that was roaming my mind since the second I saw him here.

‘Mr. Ronald…how come you are here?’

‘I am here to discuss regarding a new business venture with my brother in law….and also to visit my little sister….you must be knowing her… Andrea Stone.’

The colour drained from my face as I realised his position.

He was miss Andrea’s elder brother!!

No doubt his ethics and values resembled hers…

Perfect in all respects.

‘See you miss Sapphire…hope you work on your promise. And take care’

I returned his warm smile and he was gone…

Chivalry was not dead and he was an epitome of it.

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