Chapter 438: Vol 10: Solving The Money Problem

'Five hundred thousand golds, that's a sum!'

Oya muttered to herself as she was thinking what would Ibro do in such a situation. Her knowledge of the game world made her know how hard it was to establish a guild headquarter, not even the village. she then decided to think about this matter properly later, so she said to the NPC:

"I'm thankful for your help, I will leave now."

"I wish you all the luck, take this and keep it safe and hidden," the NPC advised as he gave her the stone he was holding. Oya took it, and she intended to store it at her warehouse, so she left this building and returned again towards her warehouse and stored the stone there.

'Now, I need to figure out a way to solve this financial problem,' Oya started to walk slowly around Ihnasia city. Whenever she faced a problem that needed to be solved, she used to walk aimlessly and think deeply about it. Walking was like meditation to her.

'The fastest way to gain a lot of money early on is to learn blacksmith, as forging high level weapons would ensure a lot of income, but learning blacksmith isn't an easy fast job. I usually was an alchemist, but I played a couple of times as a blacksmith, I can say I have some grasp on the difficulty in doing so.'

She was thinking while walking, as she tried to retrieve any info from her past that could help her here. She knew the fastest and most secure way to amass all this much money fast would be the gear trade, or weapon trade. 

She could do so by two means, the first was by forging them, and that would be very hard on her, and the second was gathering the needed weapons from dungeons and killing monsters.

'If I wanted to acquire weapons, then I need to form my team first, and then search for places that I could get suitable amounts of equipment that match the current level of players.'

Oya was thinking about how and where she could find weapons and equipment that would be needed by the players all over the world. 

As far as she knew, this game had a global communication way, as she could trade with anyone outside her domain, so she didn't set her eyes over the Heptian domain, she wanted to enter the global market.

'The team is easy to find, I can just contact my old friends and gather them into one team. The issue is where could I find somewhere that can provide me with valuable equipment.'

She had two routes now, one was hard, slow at first, but if succeeded she would secure a long term income to her, but it was also limited to her ability to produce equipment. 

The second route was rapid, easy, with no much effort needed, but it wasn't a long lasting solution as long as players kept upgrading their levels. 

She also didn't know where she could look for items and equipment, she was just stepping her first step in Ihnasia, and she didn't leave here before except when she went with Ibro to Shonty. Suddenly, her eyes shone brightly as she recalled something important.

'Ibro had one a deal with the governor of Shonty city, I think it was about some trade or something like that. I need to know what exactly Ibro agreed with them about, if it's equipment that I could use here, then the problem is solved.'

Oya felt great anticipation for that opportunity, and she also felt gratitude for Ibro, and how deep and complicated he was. She sighed, as she felt how small she was in comparison to him. 

She didn't wait long as she took out a Ronat city return scroll and tore it, as Shonty city governor was there waiting for her report over Ibro's current situation. She thought also about that huge mine that Ibro and her went to, which Ibro called as Jognak's brain. 

She still remembered how excited Ibro was about gaining this mine, and she recalled how secrecy he acted to keep it hidden and safe. She had some rocks, which she didn't know what use it was so far, but now she had none. 

If she was sure of something, then she knew Ibro wouldn't be so excited about something if it wasn't really high quality and very useful. So, she decided to take a tour there and get more rocks, as the rocks she had were all given to Ibro for safekeeping. 

In five seconds, she left Ihnasia city and appeared in the middle of the ruined city of Ronat. Although she came here more than once, but she couldn't yet get used to the sight of destruction and ruins everywhere.contemporary romance

She moved rapidly towards the camp of Shonty city, as she memorized its location already. In less than half an hour, she managed to reach there, where she met a group of different guards than the last time who were stationed just outside the main gate.

"Hold right there and identify yourself," One of them welcomed her with these words.

"I'm a friend of Ibro and your governor, so please send a message to him and tell him that Oya has returned," She said.

The name of Ibro was more than enough to attract these guards attention, so one of them said:

"Just wait here, I will go and tell the governor now."

He then went into the camp, while Oya stood still in her place, she wasn't worried or nervous at all, she was only excited, excited to confirm her guess and make sure her idea would work.

Her wait didn't last long, as that guard came back hurriedly as he said:

"My lord is waiting for you, please come with me."


Oya followed him towards the same building she met Ruliv before, as she entered there, she noticed the presence of Ruliv only without anyone else of his aides. She went straight towards him, as he was sitting on a slightly bigger chair in the middle of this hall, and then she said:

"Mr. Governor, I have news regarding Ibro."

"Goog, tell me, is he alright?"

Ruliv was holding a parchment in his hand, as he was reading it with extreme focus before he heard Oya's words, so he put it aside and focused entirely with her. Ibro wasn't just a player he met, or a partner in their business, he considered him like a son, a son he didn't have.

"Well, it's complicated," Oya replied.

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