Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0346

Chapter 0346


I bit my lip as I stared at the building in front of me. Taste Tech. innovations, I read the bold lettering on the building. Nothing had changed since I left. Ofcourse. What was I expecting? It's just been a few months, not years.

With a deep calming breath, I willed my feet to move forward and get inside the building and meet with Aiden. Time wasn't waiting for me.

Two days. It took me two whole days before I was finally able to get in touch with Aiden. At first, his secretary posted me, claiming he didn't know who was speaking.

"I don't know you and you can not just have access to my boss like that. What do you want?"

I sighed. "I just really need to speak with the CEO, please."

"Is it a job you want? There's no vacancy." And then the line went dead.

I didn't give up. I called back immediately. Even at midnight I was always ringing the line. He blocked me and I used Dennis' number until he finally asked on the night of the second day, sighing exasperatedly. " What did you say your name was again?"


"Noted. I will get back to you."

And then an hour later, I got an email that contained my scheduled meeting with Aiden.

I guessed thinally remembered I was once an employee.

Maybe resigning wasn't a ver

Chapter 146

#26 #

When I stepped into the reception area, I was glad that the faces there had changed. There was none of my ex colleagues who would have recognized me and made a scene.

I met the receptionist who flashed me a smile after I showed her my appointment email. "The boss is expecting you." I didn't stop her when she walked me to Aiden's office.

She stepped into the office before me. "Mrs Dennis has arrived, sir," I heard her say.

There was a long pause then I heard his deep voice say, lacking. emotion. "Let her in."

My heart started to beat faster in my chest and I contemplated turning back around and walking out of this building.

But I wasn't here on my own accord. I was here for my daughter.

"You can go in," the lady smiled at me when she stepped out of the office then she turned around and left.

I remained frozen to the spot as I watched the lady until she turned into the hallway that led to the elevators.

With my eyes closed, I murmured, "For Amie," then I wrapped my fingers around the door knob and pressed down on it. The door smoothly slid open and I walked into his office.

He was reclined in his seat, his gaze focused on the doorway and so as

I entered, his eyes automatically fell on me.

At first, we just stood there, him staring at me and me glancing everywhere but his face.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit?" He sat up and gestured to the seats on the other side of his desk, "Please, take a seat, Ana."

Chapter 0346


I cleared my throat and propelled myself to move forward. I lowered myself into the seat, placed my bag on my lap and rested my hands on

1. it.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me," I told him.

His lips lifted in a polite smile. "It was nothing. I was informed that you had something very important to talk to me about, what's that?" He spoke as if he couldn't wait to get rid of me.

But I ignored all of those voices in my head that kept deducing what his every tone, movement and facial expression might mean and what other meaning his words could carry. dove straight to why exactly I was there.

"Amie has a serious health issue. Several months back, she was

diagnosed with chronic Leukemia." I droned on, my gaze trained on his paper filled desk.

"Initially, she was responding to treatment but recently, she had a relapse and the doctor said that her body wasn't responding to the treatments anymore. Though, there was the option of increasing the doses of her chemotherapies but it was risky and not sustainable. Then he proffered that the only solution that would ascertain her quick and permanent recovery was the bone marrow transplant. Since she doesn't have any sibling, the doctor advised that we create a sibling that would be a bone marrow match for Amie-"

"Who's Amie?"

blinked, dragging myself out of the daze I seemed to have fallen into when I heard his question. I resisted the urge to slap my palm on my forehead. Of course, he had no idea who Amie was. I never told......

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