Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 183

Chapter 183 – Caleb

I hadn’t wanted to break the news to Asher. He had desperately clung to the hope we would have answers from these rogues. I knew he had, but I knew he would need to know. He wanted the blame to fall at the feet of the upcoming Alpha of Lotus Shadow Pack. Of course he did. He was the one who had made Bailey’s life a living hell for too long. Far too long. He wanted to see him pay, and who can blame him?

But, that simply was not to be. Not unless the other rogue they spoke of was linked to him, but nothing so far implied that. It was merely a theory held by Asher and perhaps Marc. I needed this to remain professional for the sake of our pack’s reputation. But consider the feelings of my friend. Although, I think with the information Asher had provided me, there was still enough information to go to the Werewolf Council to report this sick individual before he harmed anyone else.

But, right now, Asher’s concern was Bailey, and her getting better. I could hear in his tone, even through the link, how disappointed he was at the news I had given him. I would call in and see him when I had done what I needed at the gates. I was still clueless as to why somebody was calling at the pack gates this late. I wanted to return home and snuggle up with my mate. Instead, I was driving through the pack to meet with this mystery guest.

I pulled up a little distance from the gate, stepping from my car, to hear angry shouting, causing me to rush to the small building we have where the guards tend to sit, the shouting getting

louder as I got closer.



Chapter 183 Caleb

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“Just f***g let me in!” a voice roared, causing my wolf to push forward. This sounded like somebody ready to try to infiltrate my pack. But why would they attempt to speak with me? Or try to come through the main gate? None of that made sense.

I turned the corner of the building to find our guard pinned up against the wall by a young looking guy, maybe in his early twenties. Glaring at him aggressively as he had him by the neck. Now I had my answer as to why the guard didn’t respond to my mindlink, if he was having to deal with this st*id f***er.

“What the f**k do you think you are doing?” I roared, pushing my Alpha aura forward slightly, and the young guy, released the guard who slowly slid down the wall gasing for breath, looked at me with a sneer. Like my aura did not bother him in the slightest.

“Took your f**g time didn’t you?” he snapped, and I raised my brows at him, while Thor was pushing further forward.

‘Let me at him. He is asking to be f**ng eaten.’ He snarled, and as tempting as that sounded, right about now I needed to find out who he was and what he wanted.

“Excuse me? You are turning up at my pack gates in the middle of the night unannounced, demanding to see me, and then assaulting one of my guards, and then have the nerve to criticize me?” I snarled. “What do you want?”

“I am here for my mate.” he said bluntly, like it was the most obvious explanation in the world.

“Your mate?” I questioned, his attitude was already getting my back up. He was acting like he was something more than he was. Like he felt the world owed him a living. I hated **ers like




Chapter 193 Caleb

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“Yes. She is in your hospital, I believe.” He said, his dark eyes. glaring into mine, and at that moment I realized exactly who this was. I should have realized sooner, but I think the lack of sleep was affecting my mind. This was him. The upcoming Alpha. Bailey’s former fated. He had been brazen enough to come here for her? What a f***ng fool. Did he think we would just hand her over to him?

I felt anger bubbling through me. This man was a f****ng monster. He planned to take her back with him and likely forcibly mark her. No. I could not… would not allow that to happen.

“Time to take him down.’ I told Thor, knowing he would be more than ready to show this young wannabe Alpha who was boss. It was about time he saw what a real Alpha was capable of; because it was obvious he had no clue what a real Alpha should be.

‘I think we let him in.’ Thor told me matter-of-factly, shocking me to the core.

‘Say what now?’ I demanded. ‘He will forcibly mark her. Not to mention taking her away. Breaking Asher’s heart. No T. No.’

‘Let him in. Inform his pack. And the Council. He will be held here until they come for him. He will not be taking the girl. But if he is here, we know where he is.’ he told me, and I see that my wolf may have a point. It is good to have that second view sometimes.

‘Good thinking.’




Chapter 182-Caleh

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‘But, you also need to see what Bailey wants.’ He added, and my anger built again. He had to be kidding me! She surely would not go back with him?!

“You even there?” the fool in front of me asked, stepping closer to me, obviously having been waiting for an answer while I communicated with my wolf.

“Yes. I am here.” I scowled. “Were you not taught to respect others when you were growing up?”

“Why would I need to when I am of Alpha blood and the Alpha heir?” he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at his response. Seems everything I had heard of him was true. “Being of Alpha blood and being the heir means nothing. Respect is earned. And from what I have already seen of you, if you go around acting like that, you will have nobody respecting you. Your pack would fall easily if your were to become Alpha. Your father would be a fool to let you take his title. I hope for his sake he has another son.” I said. coldly, knowing that would be a hit to the s**d little **t’s ego.

He growled deeply as he moved forward again, hair beginning to protrude from his arms, telling me he was close to shifting.

“Oh, do you really want to do that here?” I questioned, pushing the full force of my aura forward, making him step back slightly. I think he saw I was stronger than him now. “Your pack would not question why you were killed when you went to attack an Alpha in his own pack, little boy.”

His eyes flickered darker, likely his wolf, but he remained where he was, simply glowering at me, as I continued. “So, if you want to go and see this so-called mate of yours, I suggest you wind


Chapter 183-Caleb

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your neck in. F**king behave yourself. You are in my pack now and I will not tolerate any **it. Nor will I think twice about killing you. I doubt you’d be missed. I know who you are saying is your mate. She was brought in earlier. Attacked by rogues. She also works for us. Rejected by you, was she not?” I turned to him as I motioned for him to follow me to my car. I wanted him to know I knew of the circumstances surrounding their matebond.

He was still scowling as he shook his head. “She is my fated mate.”

“Not when you rejected her.” I climbed into the car and he followed suit.

“I changed my mind. Besides, even if I hadn’t, I need her close. Your fated mate brings you strength. To be the strongest Alpha I can be, I need her there. To give me the strength and power that will produce the most powerful Alpha my pack has ever had.” He said as I drove away. Surprised he was admitting all this to me, I was wondering if he hoped it meant I would take pity on him. Yet, his words echoed around my mind, not making any sense, causing me to laugh.

“She will bring you strength?” I asked, wondering if this fool had listened to any of the lessons you were given as a young wolf. He was evidently clueless. He needed sense not strength.

“Yes. Especially as an Alpha. Even when I didn’t want her as a mate, I needed her in the pack. Why do you think I didn’t want her working away? She was always going to stay in our pack. I planned to bring her home the moment I became Alpha. The strength her presence gives me because of the matebond, with us being fated mates would be what made me the strongest Alpha our pack had seen. Bailey is strong. She is of Beta blood.

Chapter 183-Caleb

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Plus, she is intelligent. So she was always going to be giving me extra strength. Imagine the two of us together?”

Despite the fact I was driving, I looked across at the fool incredulously. He sounded like he believed every word he just said. I don’t think he was joking. I shook my head in disbelief. “Erm, did you do well in school?” I asked him, and instantly his face twisted into a frown.

“What has that got to do with anything?” He shrugged. “I did okay, got others to help me.”

I held back a smirk. Explained a lot. “Well, I hate to disappoint’ you, perhaps you should have paid more attention, because you seemed to have missed quite a lot. Bailey won’t give you any strength. When you rejected her, you broke that fated bond. You broke the mate bond, do you not realize that?!”

“What do you mean?” he snarled.

“Meaning there was nothing there anymore. Her presence would most certainly not bring you strength. And making her your mate now would be no different to being chosen mates. Plus, she would have to want it, otherwise it would be

considered forcibly marking her. I think you have been seriously misunderstanding things. Bailey was never going to make you a stronger Alpha.” I enjoyed every word I told him, especially ast his face fell.

“That can’t be right.” He growled angrily.

“Well it is.” I told him with glee, as we pulled up outside the hospital. But he wasted no time as he was quickly storming out of the car in a desperate bid to go and find Bailey. I quickly needed to mindlink Asher to let him know so that he didn’t just


storm into her room…

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